
Why isn't my local movie theater showing this? I would have to drive 47 minutes if I want to watch this

Meanwhile, local theater has 6 daily showings of Morbius

Attached: the northmang.jpg (1080x1350, 229.47K)

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you know why

woah a whole 47 minutes.

It isn't showing here until next week. If you wait, maybe it will come to a theater closer to you.

I'm a busy wagie so it's a lot for me, plus gas is expensive and I'm a poorfag right now

>Why isn't my local movie theater showing this?
We're living in the era of capeshit

Sounds like a small ass town then because there are at least 10 different theatres showing it here and the they looked packed. Even on Thursday evening.

Well I'm in the Slovakian countryside


Don't bother watching, it's garbage. The mother is revealed to be the mastermind behind killing his father because of some retarded slavery bullshit and he ends up killing his mother then dying himself while killing his uncle. 0/10 cuck fantasy with no happy ending.

>my movie needs a happy ending

Based brainlet.

Just rewatch Morbius

I still want to watch it

I haven't watched Morbius and I am not planning to

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Because you live in the new burgerland culture

Faggot. It's revenge kino.

This movie was a huge letdown. Wish I had just waited for a torrent.

based Norfer

but is it boring or absurd?

>wants to save mother but mother is an evil bitch that tries to fuck him then kill him
>has to kill mother
>wanted revenge on uncle but he was just a pawn in his mother's scheme making his revenge pointless
>ends up dying after getting his pointless revenge
>no happy ending

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cause it doesn't come out till thursday you fucking idiot

Black user here, am I allowed to watch this?

The action sequences are badly directed. It's not an orgy of cuts like other films but the long takes and the (mostly) bloodless killings make it look extremely childish and not respecting the audience.

It's out where I live but I know it's not out in America and most of Europe yet

That isn't the issue with the film at all. The entire first 30 minutes is rushed as fuck. He runs away on a boat as a kid and then it cuts to him raiding villagers as an adult.

why do you say that user?

Yes, you may.

t. 100% European DNA

Daily reminder the Northman's viral marketers on Yea Forums are in a PANIC. The film scored under 65 in test screenings which means the word of mouth won't be enough to carry the box office.

So they're flooding Yea Forums and /pol/ with posts that The Northman is 'an EPIC alt right pro-white film!'

Problem is Robert Eggers is an extreme anti-trump WOKE leftist.

>"I wasn't interested in vikings because of the macho stereotypes and neonazis"

>RE: And then with this movie, I wasn’t like, “Now I’m going to write a movie about toxic masculinity.” But as I’ve said may times, nothing good happens when two men are trapped in a giant phallus. So obviously that’s what’s going to happen in [the lighthouse].

>AVC: It does seem very inevitable between them. So, you didn’t sit down and go, “I’m going to write a movie about toxic masculinity.” But at what point did you start to recognize that that’s what the story is about in some ways?

>RE: When my brother and I got all the way through [the script] the first time, we were like, “Yeah, that’s what’s going on.”

The marketers are SO desperate they are now recruiting Alfonso Cuaron to put out articles for the movie.

>directors close buddy sees movie
>"Hey alfonso, we're struggling with the test scores on our movie. we're under 65 which means bad word of mouth. I dont know what to do."
>next day

It will be interesting to see what Eggers viral marketing team try next with their guaranteed meme trash flop.

dude he closed the loop.

>mom gets dad killed, gets killed by son
>brother murders father, gets killed by son
>illegitimate child of uncle and mom gets killed by son
>son who killed his half brother, kills uncle, then dies.

The entire basis of ancient European religion was doing the right and just thing no matter the price. Your live was a conduit for GOOD. If men lived like this today, there would be no globohomo, jews, nigs ect.

I hope you enjoy it. I'm not sure what to expect desu

You can watch it, but you won't be able to appreciate it. It's genetic memory, really. Take the war band scene for example. In Europeans it awakens our Indo-European Aryan spirit, in non-Europeans it can't awake anything because you guys don't have enough PIE ancestry.

89% on RT so far, 8/10 on IMDB

It's gonna be kino lad let it go

Don't bother watching, it's garbage. The mother is revealed to be the mastermind behind killing his father because of some retarded slavery bullshit and he ends up killing his mother then dying himself while killing his uncle. 0/10 cuck fantasy with no happy ending

White male here, I thought it was poorly done desu. Alex is so unathletic and slow. That was one scene that could have used far, far more planning. Also didn't care for another scene that was released. The Shakespearean tier dialogue has been surprisingly kino so far though.


the amount of counter-shilling this movie is getting on here gives me hope it might actually be good

the first rule of Yea Forums: never trust the reviews on Yea Forums

t. Amerimutt

You posted that earlier ITT but I still want to watch it, just not sure I will be able to because my local theater is shit

Nice try, shill. We know you fags are panicking. You’re so desperate you even tried shilling on Yea Forums and Yea Forums last night and got zero replies.

Attached: pathetic.jpg (750x689, 107.83K)

>retard brain
checks out

Just wait a few days for a torrent you fucking retard.

Brown hands posted this

You're the nigger who spams every thread about this film with the same pasta and you're calling other people shills and desperate? Sus ngl

Attached: 377.png (900x650, 777.06K)

it seems like its celebrating an aspect of white culture and strength. this isnt allowed since you must allow jamal and achmed into your country.

Give me some advice, should I see it in the theater or wait for the Torrent?

damn they’re pathetic

Is it woke? I will see it if you say no, but not if you say yes

kinda like how you niggers keep posting the same replies in every thread?

Not woke at all but the middle part of the film is pretty slow

should have been done in some nordic language. The fake accents are pretty stupid, but there is one scene where I think Norwegian is used, and that part is kino.

My biggest issue is how blatantly they ripped off Amon Amarths 'Beserker'. The worst part is they removed the kino and put in generic hollywood shit so it wouldn't be a 100% rip off.


Reddit movie

Thanks senpai

the movie is just a Viking version of Hamlet, and it's very good. don't listen to the brainlet

I'm white. We Slavs are some of the whitest Europeans. Compared to Westerners we have lower Anatolian farmer ancestry and higher native European hunter gatherer ancestry. We are dominated by Indo-European paternal lines found in cultures such as Sredni Stog and later Corded Ware.
Corded Ware were agropastoralists burying their dead in mounds. Their weapon of choice was a stone hammer (yes, it's where Thor's hammer Mjolnir came from).

It has multiple female characters with speaking roles. Definitely counts as woke imo.


>gets revenge on his whore mother and uncle
>it's garbage

nah sounds based af

nope it’s garbage. shut the fuck up.

you're garbage

Who's the guy posting the autistic pasta? Some guy who just doesn't like Eggers or someone with a deeper motif? Kinda curious.

Some galaxy brain chad with a huge dick.

Bros… I think Eggers might be cringe

And yet I bet you sit patiently in line every time McDonalds tells you to pull ahead and they'll have your chicken nuggets ready "in just a second"

>should have been done in some nordic language
I feel like Eggers ultimately just half-assed it. He could have taken up the challenge of Shakespeare and Ezra Pound and really done a masterful script in the English language that was poetic and kind of getting back to the roots of verse, that execution scene at the beginning is a good example of what I'm talking about. That would have worked on many levels as many subhuman normies wouldn't watch a movie in Old Norse, Icelandic or Danish etc. But most of the writing just isn't there, it doesn't want to be.