>format your prompt as "title (movie poster)"
ITT: movies only you have seen
This is a pretty good one.
how come every couple months some user shills his neural network project here?
>implying anons do anything productive
>this Ramadan, Dick is out and on the hunt
Lig Ma Balls
>please, please train my AI for me
lol eat a dick you giant faggot
>type in margot robbie naked
>the image is cropped above the nude part
This looks like the Badfellas poster in GTA 3.
I've been training it to make Shreks, lots and lots of Shreks
type in shrek epstein
looks like ralph pootawn
sequel was better
why is he played by Colin Ferrel
I don't like this
Luckily it was all resolved
Got me
I'm pretty convinced these threads are astroturfing at this point because there's never any discussion or anything in them it's just massive dumps of the same unfunny shit that no one replies to and then ANOTHER thread gets made. It's very weird.
people like doing it. you have to reroll the site so many times to get a good one that nobody's dishing (you)s
>the same unfunny shit that no one replies to
people replied to mine, maybe try being funny
Kek. Fresh.
I think its the funniest thread with the most original content. You want another celeb worship, good movie wasnt good, or Sneed and Feed thread instead? Its just the FOTM dont freak
This summer, racism has a new face...
Astroturf this