15 dr. peppers in one sitting

>15 dr. peppers in one sitting

how did he do it?

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he had the mentality of a poor person, eat and drink as much as you can because you can't be sure when is the next time you can feed yourself

Fuck knows, it's a struggle to get through one Dr.Pepper seeing as how utterly disgusting it is past the first sip.

Dr. Pepper back then had cane sugar in it and wouldn't make you horribly sick like corn syrup

he was mentally retarded

retards will just keep drinking soda endlessly if you let them

By being the most extraordinarily based retard ever

I think that's a fairly small amount of Dr Pepper for the average person.

He had a 75 IQ.

Tard strength

He was American. They consume so much sugar in their daily diets from all the fast food and sugar infused products they’ve overcome the natural aversion to too much sugar.

The power of product placement

Seriously? No wonder they're so fucking fat.

I had a friend who would drink 6+ cans of pepsi per day but was still skinny and relatively fit. It all hit him at once though, last I saw him he was a bloated orb.

Bong detected

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thats an old-school glass bottle of dr pepper, google say it's 12oz. times that by 15 and it's 180oz, or 5 liters. apparently the max you're stomach can hold is usually about 3 liters, so i guess he's inadvertedly trained his stomach over time similar to how a competitive eater stretches it to eat more food

dr. pepper is fucking great. I don't even like or drink soda and I accept that

i got a sierra mist and this shit literally has 123% of your daily value of sugar.

even American beef is all sold full of sugarwater pumped into them to make them heavier (to sell you less meat) and "tastier". It's crazy how much better produce is around the world in even poor regions simply because the government has food regulations while America has fuck all

Yeah dude, if you want to be healthy here, it's a must to read the ingredients in things such as bread. But if you just stick meat, nuts and plants, you should all good.

Look at this size of that bottle. Compare that to the 4 mega big gulps your average fatty consumes per day, and it suddenly seems less impressive.

wtf is it really that bad

All autists I've met had a thing for soda. Every time I met them they had a can with them.

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drinking that much liquid that fast would be bad, hyperhydratation is bad.

i think im becoming diabetic bros

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stop eating shit food then. being a diabetic is very inconvenient

I haven't had a soda in about 3 years, but now i really want one. I might go down to the 7-Eleven and buy a diet dr pepper.

don't ruin your life with food

I drink two liters of Dr. Pepper every day for over a decade.

gotta keep em away from the soda and the candy

What happens if you are unable to drink the Dr. Pepper for some reason? Do you get crabby

i had a poor friend like this. Order a couple pizzas and hed eat an entire pizza before anyone else finished one slice and there wasnt any left for anyone else

Yes I get a headache

Caffeine withdrawal.

It was probably the old style Dr Pepper which was supposedly goated

literally me, except i have money

Why would you break a 3 year streak for a fucking diet soda

Liquid you drink don't just remain in your stomach until you piss, retard. It's absorbed.

your just a fatass loser kek

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>british diet

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The diet version tastes more dr peppery to me.

I also preferred diet coke to regular coke

you americans are fucking weird

retarded bladder

The FDA is notoriously one of the most stringent and difficult agencies to work with you nigger.

US beef is unironically some of the only beef in the world it's safe to eat raw for that reason.

Good meme.

This sounds profoundly made up

Bro it literally only became illegal to sell beef tested positive for e.coli 10 years ago, you seem to have no fuckling idea how far behind the rest of the world our food standards are. There's a reason why refrigerators made for the US market have egg racks and ones for Europe don't.

Because in America they blast the eggs clean which tears off the outer shell so they have to be refrigerated. That's the difference.

>13.500 kcal in one day
I dont eat that much not in one day but in one week.

What do people even like about Dr. Pepper? The aftertaste is like cough syrup or some other kind of remedy.

What the fuck? They sell eggs without the external shell in USA???

The egg thing is hypochondria from soccer moms. I buy the cheapest store-brand eggs and keep them on the counter so I don’t get brainfreeze when I’m slonking them. Never gotten sick, much less fucking E. coli.
Same deal with meat, people act like if a steak is out of the fridge for five minutes it turns into a biohazard.

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In the EU the regulations are sufficiently stringent that they don't need to wash the eggs before selling them
In the US, when you get an egg out of the coop, it is covered in blood and shit, so it needs to be washed, this is not the case in Europe
Is what I'm saying

If you drink soda pop as an adult you have a permanently stunted child mind.

When an egg is laid it has an antibacterial coating on the outside, to protect the fetus if it's fertilized. But we have to wash our eggs, so this antibacterial layer gets washed off. So the egg is much more vulnerable to picking up bacterial payloads like salmonella.

For me it sort of tastes like a very sweet, peppery root beer.

> chocolate "digestive" biscuits
yeah, no fucking wonder you need help digesting


God I really need to control my sugar addiction, I’m almost 280 lbs.