Andy Dick

How long until he OD's?

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his silence speaks volumes.

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cant tell if he's a neurotic attention whore or just cant stop drugs

i know its both but i have to wonder

>age: 56 years old

>the only dude that was able to keep up with norm on his podcast

He's responsible for Phil Hartman's death

Realistically speaking Phil Hartman is responsible for Phil Hartman's death. All he had to do was say no and walk away.

Jon Lovitz gave Andy Dick the coke that he gave to Phil Hartman's wife.

He od's all the fucking time, like any self respecting drug addict. Your donations and all his enablers save him.

Looks like things are going from Sinbad to Sinworse, for Andy Dick.

That looks like a man who likes suckin'... suckin' and fuckin'

What did he mean by this?

I hope that kitten is okay.

Also not keep a gun in the house for "safety" with a bipolar mentally ill drug addict.

Are any of your relatives fucking alive?!

Hardly. Phil Hartman's wife came to him for cocaine (which obviously doesn't suddenly turn a sane, healthy person into a killer) five months before she killed them both. People act like he forced it down her throat and then ran out and committed the murder-suicide that month. Lovitz and others blame Andy for "breaking" Brynn's sobriety, but if she goes up to a fellow addict asking for cocaine, it's clear she already made a decision to, and almost certainly would have gotten it from someone else if he refused. Not trying to defend all this dude's behavior or the cruel "Hartman curse" joke, but it's simplistic to blame him for the deaths.


He played a part in it, yeah, but it's clearly not his fault entirely. He lived a crazy irresponsible life, and contributed to somebody else's crazy, irresponsible behavior.

>which obviously doesn't suddenly turn a sane, healthy person into a killer a former addict myself, addiction has a nasty side effect of shutting down your emotions and making you way more impulsive, making you much, much, much more likely to do insane, maybe even violent things that you never would if you were in your right mind. You can't blame drugs entirely, but it's a seriously contributing factor.

Oh no reason. It all turned out fine, anyway.

Not having firearms within reach of the mentally ill or drug addicts is obivous advice.

you are never a "former" addict... you are just between relapses if you think that way.

I do not drink, but I will always be an alcoholic.

I'm sure it was a contributing factor to unsettling her already unstable mind set, but I actually read the book ("You Might Remember Me..") and from what I recall, she had a lot of other issues and addictions. I think she was on pills, and depending on what kind, can be a lot more destabilizing than cocaine, which is just an extreme stimulant.

Andy is so messed up in so many other ways that he makes a convenient scapegoat (and joking about it afterwards doesn't help), But it's really more complicated than people think. That marriage was trainwreck. She was extremely insecure, jealous of Phil's career, didn't like his friends, suspected he was gay, was bipolar, all that.

Speak for yourself queerbo. I'm a former addict.

no od, but a heart attack soon

I speak from an informed position of over 5 years sobriety. You are between relapses you pussy.

>I do not drink, but I will always be an alcoholic.
after hearing jim norton talk about how he was an alcoholic for a year now he feels fit to comment on it makes me physically ill

maybe I'm just mad because I'm an alcoholic but man fuk off with this shit lol I used to smoke crack and snort coke I don't tell myself "I will always be a crackhead"

>I speak from an informed position of over 5 years sobriety.

And...? I have over a decade.

> You are between relapses you pussy.

And that's exactly why you're going to relapse, because you think that way. I don't give a flying fuck though, think whatever way you want, just leave me out of your bullshit and let me enjoy my sobriety.

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you are though, crackhead... you did that shit. Own it.

so, you are still totally comfortable lying?

Based on your vibe you are not even sober, are ya, ya cunt? I kinda got a sixth sense about people like you. I call it gaydar.

he's like Keith Richards, all the stupid shit he's done has developed an immunity

>so, you are still totally comfortable lying?

No, I'm not anymore. That's why I don't do it.

>Based on your vibe you are not even sober, are ya, ya cunt?

Oh no, the dude who's really 4 days sober and claims to be 5 years to seem cool doesn't believe me. My sobriety is totally in jeopardy now! Whatever will i do?

That's why I don't go to meetings, too many asswipes spouting off the talking points like they fully understand it, like they've mastered this, they proudly go up and collect their 1 week chip, and then just tell themselves that it's all part of the process when they relapse 2 hours later.

If that's the way you want to live, go ahead though, i'm cool where I'm at. I don't need your approval to stay, and remain sober.

>Andy has been living with a friend of his "fiance" who picked him up from Vegas the night he got the shit beat out of him
>This guy decided to Livestream Andy 24/7 since that night
>begged the Livestream for help with Andy multiple times, also complaining that the "fiance" is doing nothing to help Andy
>thought Andy's fans would donate to help
>they got swatted yesterday and he finally stopped streaming today

Good, because you do not have my approval. You are transparent and the only "former addicts" are the dead ones. You are either weak to substance and must avoid it, or you are not. You do not get this, so you are bound for the ground. Sucker. You cannot win this argument. No stats ever collected will back you.

>Good, because you do not have my approval.

K, well it seems to be working fine for you. Such a pleasant fellow too.

>>they got swatted yesterday and he finally stopped streaming today

It was a welness check.

The only thing I can't quit is cigarettes because that shit is rough. I "quit" for a month because I was in prison, figured I was in the clear... second I got home I got a cup of coffee and a pack of cigarettes.

I may be convinced to admit if you're truly an alcoholic you will always be one Some people it's take it or leave it.

isn't Andy living with the female attention whore from Howard Stern, that used to bone and live with Benji? She was actually cute in her prime but CLEARLY she's mentally ill

When's the last time he was paid for work in Hollywood -- like 20 years ago? I remember he had a bit part playing the fag in Old School

He's actually downsized his life and is living with some weird fan of hers who habitually walks around shirtless, wearing mc hammer pants, waving a gun around and talking about how badass he is in between bouts of spastic violent rage, while andy just drinks booze and smokes meth on an army cot. It's a colorful environment.

I am not very pleasant. It is the burden of being correct.

Pic very related

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Yep, and being correct is clearly more important than being sober. You got a handle on all this though, bro, you're good.

equal to, not more important than. No allowances. No excuses.

>No allowances. No excuses.
Except those relapses, Right?

No. As clearly stated, I have over 5 years dry. I am still and will always be a drunk. Are you dim or otherwise impaired?

If you say so, like i said, you got a handle on this man, you're in no way insecure of your position, obviously. Can't crack a tough nut like you bro, looks like you done got me stymied.

Elisa Jordana? wtf is wrong with her, she's not that old, maybe 40? and she's still somewhat cute. the best she can do is an ugly fat retard from the stern show and a homo crack addict? wtf

I don’t miss Phil Hartman.

is he streaming?

You trying to cast your own shadow at me there? Yeah, you are but it does not fit me. It is all imbalanced and malformed like your base argument that you are a "former addict". You can try your doublespeak insult and feign at defeat, but note that I am not doing that shit. I am steady. Your slap dash shade slides off me. I am rubber and you huff glue son.

you dipshits are just arguing over semantics. "always an addict" vs "former addict" is dumb, what matters is that when you get sober, you just pivot your addictive personality to being addicted to being sober. you like when the number of days, the number of years go up. you get the dopamine when people congratulate you. humans are just larger, slightly more complicated rats and we will always chase down the dopamine hits. you guys can argue over self definitions all you want but it's meaningless

mu substitute fix is winning prick waving dick fights. Your mother.

the absolute state of Yea Forums in 2022

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Seeing him on NML it seemed like he mellowed out but he keeps tryign to molest every guy he works with. Seems like he has some really deep seated issues he can't get over

>what matters is that when you get sober, you just pivot your addictive personality to being addicted to being sober.

The problem I have with a lot of people "in recovery" is they're just basically actively using addicts who use the idea of "always an addict" as a shield for when they inevitably relapse like 4 times a week, and then show up at the meetings spouting "well...relapse is just part of the process you know, like, who cares if this is the 800th time in a year? I'm still good tho, right?" So, because of shit like that i've had about enough of all the bullshit you hear at meetings, and i didn't feel like they even had anything to do with my own recovery in the first place.

It's a pretty simple question: are you sobe or not.
> know, there's degrees of addiction and an addict is always an addict and all and...
Yeah yeah, yeah, bro, i got it. Come talk to me when you get your head on straight.

>Seems like he has some really deep seated issues he can't get over

How do you figure?

recognizing that you are an addict and that it is not something that you ever get past or on top of is what keeps many away from the shit altogether. You are just warped and did not score ass at your AA meetings because you are a sperg.

>And that's exactly why you're going to relapse
Real nice. I wanted to avoid insulting a pathetic drug addict like yourself, but seeing how you flippantly attack your peers and mock their sobriety, I feel comfortable saying you're a junkie retard and I'm confident you'll deserve the pain of relapsing and losing everything one day. Weak faggot. How about don't become addicted in the first place lmao

Normal people move on with their lives, and don't languish as an "addict" forever. You embrace the title, and stay exactly where you're at, because you're more comfortable that way, and you're not all that opposed to never changing. And who knows? Maybe going back to it sometime soon.

So i dunno, maybe one day in the future, maybe you shouldn't be the first one to insult somebody else's sobriety, when you're standing on such shaky ground as you are.

she's a loopy wannabe celeb, so she clings to whoever she can in hopes of boosting her career.

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