ITT Dishonest Filmmaking

ITT Dishonest Filmmaking

Attached: stupid sexy giants.jpg (1063x433, 46.4K)

should have gone full on nolan and genetically engineer 100m tall bald giants

Attached: 60 fps alba bts.webm (960x540, 1.5M)

Two things.

First. You clearly have no idea what "Dishonest Filmaking" means

Second. Why are you talking so artificially? Take it from someone who is an academic, it sounds really bad. There's no intelligence behind using the language like that here, if anything it shows a lack of intelligence due to an inability to modify your language for setting and audience. Using that sort of language to discuss ontological issues in a different setting, sure, but we're on a forum talking about cinema.

I'm sure your retort will be something about how you are intelligent and how you find it hard to turn off but I promise you, you aren't and you don't.

don't post on your first day


It's pasta

based educated poster


lol, gottem

Thank you. I fucking hate "dishonest film making" shit when 3/4 of threads are about capeshit the rest about /pol/ and the only examples Yea Forums "critics" give are about three different movies which doesn't make sense and I guess that's what the meme is about.

what moobi

Green Knight

neat, thanks. nice trips.

Attached: Dishonest.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

>they couldn't afford a guy in a suit

Dishonest posting

>Strip club
>Never takes her clothes off

Truly dishonest

The Green Knight is incredibly dishonest. If you look at the trailer and cover you can see they were clearly advertising the movie as an action adventure, but it's anything but that.

tf is this from?

Barton Fink

That was nice Jessica
We only need 768 more takes from you

why does the physical suit look so dumb? i've seen better cosplays. did all the budget go to the cameos or something?

Attached: 1591817581270.webm (480x480, 2.93M)

the fact that they can't just put a guy in a suit is one thing, but on top of that it still looks so fucking fake. The vfx pipeline is so gay in blockbusters now, they've completely lost the plot.

Attached: justice league New Picture (46).png (1920x1080, 1.72M)

this scene wasn't even in the fucking poem

Is this real? WTF

Attached: swamp-boats.jpg (1024x576, 78.72K)

oh no the artist used a ruler to make a straight line BOOOOOOO

Attached: hqdefault-1.jpg (480x360, 8.44K)

Good lord.

>for you cinema

Attached: justice league New Picture (41).png (1441x1080, 1.35M)

I can't believe they didn't film a real flying person.

Attached: Superman 1978 flying.png (397x463, 350.66K)

because it doesn't need to look better? are you retarded or do you not understand what cg is?

you must be 18 to post here

Sin city. Kids these days dont know about sin city ffs. I really have become a boomer.


>snydershitters will defend this

Superman '78 had so much sovl. Puts modern capeshit to shame.

this has to be photoshopped

I saw that over a decade ago bro, sorry I can't recall every damn shot.

Is she standing in the air?

I refuse to be impressed by this

Attached: Zack Snyder.webm (960x720, 2.77M)

>Someone post a MCU one
>Suddenly JL ones being posted
coincedence, gonna go get my meds

Kek its all good

>shoes don't explode off her feet

simply kill yourself

lurk moar faggot

they make it shitty because they know it will be replaced by CGI, and they replace it with CGI because it looks shitty
perpetual cycle

Attached: 1564877955193.jpg (890x954, 750.76K)

It was shit though, so I don't see why people would remember it.

the jewiest excuse i have ever read

No she's acting like she's walking up steps approaching the top.

>3:39:12 of Justice League Snyder Cut

That scene nearly made me vomit. And it wasn't because of the camerawork.

i'm actually a 3d artist. but what's the point of having such a retarded looking suit when they could make a better one and have it captured in camera? that would be cheaper than having to replace it in every scene

Attached: Justice League (2021) 2022-04-17 11-17-36.webm (1920x1080, 1.89M)

They didn't take the Nolan pill

>Did all the budget go to the cameos
that and the warehouse full of greenscreens

why? i'm sure it's more realistic or something, but that doesn't matter since the movie is about superheroes fighting aliens that have invaded Earth. just make him run like a normal person