Are you a Don Draper or a Pete Campbell? Be honest

Are you a Don Draper or a Pete Campbell? Be honest.

Attached: don pete mad men.jpg (828x885, 66.49K)

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I'm Harry

I’m Chauncey.

I'm a Ginsberg

Same. Just... Harry.

Happily a Pete Campbell as long as I get to fuck this every night.

Attached: Prime Brie.jpg (2000x1333, 253.79K)

didnt pete cambell impregnate brie larson

Roger Sterling

I'm more like a Pete Buttigieg


eh, close enough

I wear a suit with a hat, drink old fashioneds and smoke like a chimney. I guess that answers that. I'm like the 50's version of those people who dress like Gosling in Drive and humm that human bean song

I'm voting for Pete Buttigieg.

He isn't going to win

But we need a president who sucks cock and eats ass and gets fucked in the ass with cocks and eats cum

i turned that shit show off almost immediately

I'm a Kinsey

...and I'm Iron Man!

edit: so many upvotes holy shit thank you!!!

I'm Lane

Attached: lane pryce.jpg (876x490, 47.52K)

I see myself as more of a Burt Peterson kind of guy

You're hysterical

I'm a Roger Sterling.

Pete is cooler than Don... I don't get the point this hole is trying to make

If he doesn't piss and shit himself he ain't my president

I would be that lady who had 3 lines and then ran over the guys foot with a lawnmower

Let's be honest most of Yea Forums is probably Weiner's faggot son.

I'm more of a non-jewish Ginsberg.

It won't end well for me, either.

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I wish I was more Bruce Campbell

>stupid roastie thinks she's dissing people with this tweet
>she's actually complimenting them
I didn't think Mad Men was part of "shows women will never understand".

I’m a Ken Cosgrove

Obama's your guy


No one cares.

Im a projector.

So many women think they're Audrey Hepburn when they're just Lindsay Lohan.

>Twitter screenshot
Why don't you stay there?

is there a character who looks like Don Draper but doesn't actually have a job or care about anything and is a NEET instead? I'm that one.

I'm a Salvatore.

mad men but they are neets would be a great show!

I'm that Duck guy.

I remember doing some personality test that showed what TV character you are the closest to. I got 90% on this guy, but I don't watch Mad Men. Who is he and is this bad?

Imagine watching Mad Men and thinking Pete is worse than Don. Truly feminine thinking.
He's literally the only one who got his happy ending with Trudy.

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Yeah he gets cucked pretty hard by life then kills himself.

>Moderate voting for a dip shit with no experience
Might as well i guess

Also a black girlfriend.

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he kills himself due to money troubles and fraud at the company to cover his money troubles and is subservient to his 90 year old dad who slaps and controls him
apart from that hes kino

Which character is a weird but slightly successful outcast

tbqh i dont think thats a bad vote but idk who he's running against

Yeah, that's pretty accurate for me considering where my life is going.

I'm a Bob Benson guy

Kys faggot lover

Where do homeless people charge their phones?

Came here to post basically this.

I fucking wish I was Pete Campbell.

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I don't know who those people are.

Sounds like all the actors in Mad Men after Mad Men

I am like Don Draper because I conceal who I really am and I am always prepared to escape a situation if I start feeling trapped

post the test

I never watched the wire

>tfw I'm like Pete in almost every single way
>except I don't have the 10/10 unconditionally loving Alison Brie tradwife

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I wish I could be Pete Campbell, he won.

I'm someone too good to watch this show.

I don't understand these references. You might as well be talking about Yugioh or Minions.

The point is if you were Pete in terms of personality you wouldn't even be happy with that

why the fuck wouldn't you want to be pete when he got the best ending of any character in fiction

>kino job
>kino wife
>kino mental health/physical health

what the fuck more could you want