Cast him

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Other urls found in this thread:

>saves your country
>saves politics
>saves the planet

I am concerned morrison will get another term.

it's all but certain, the ZOG in Australia is about 10x more influential than in the US. If you're not wealthy you're just along for the ride at this stage

John wayne gacy

No one knows who the fuck you are, Albo. Sorry fella

>government pissing away money on services for sub-human welfare leeches is...LE GOOD!

I'm a greens voter, but you and I both know that libs will likely win this one, and the next one, and the one after that

>I'm a greens voter
Do you look like this?

Attached: theprootester.jpg (1084x884, 98.61K)

>boot licking the corporate overlords is.. LE GOOD
Fuck off cunt.

Imagine central banking lmao

Morrison is as zogged as they come. Libs larp about boat people then let 500,000 immigrants in through the front door on zog visas. Fuck them.

not at all, I'm a straight, white, late-20s butcher in the middle of Sydney. I don't have any trans friends and I frequently chat shit about lgbtq nonsense.
Greens are the new working man party. Labor is a close second

Were Greens for ot against the mandate?

literally nobody cares about the mandate. I guarantee you've put worse shit into your veins

>falling for the divide and conquer bs
fuck off faggot
I'm thinking labor is kind of based?

>India FTA has been signed

>Near unlimited movement for Indians to come to Australia

It’s over

One Nation when?

after another 6 or 9 years of the government dumbing us down

>Don't give billions of dollars to ordinary people!
>Give them to literal billionaires instead!
Remember when the libs were going to get rid of the debt, and then doubled it, -before- Covid?
Who do you think benefitted from that?

ACA was right all along. It's the dole bludgers and hoons that are responsible for Australia being shit - not the political parties. Especially not the LNP!

I'm definitely voting for /ourmate/ Scotty again. He'll stick it to those powerful evil NEETs for draining this countries wealth!

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The Liberals sold out this countries assets and its people to enrich a select ruling political and economical class. They are a treasonous entity and everyone who votes for the liberal party at this coming election is an accomplice to that treason.

You sound like my mother in law. She's so retarded she can't even read 24 hour time, poor as shit and has no future. But she votes for the rich people party because "LabOuR aLwaYs SpEnD aLL tHe CouNtRiES MoNeY"

It's shit for brains dickheads like you that hold our country back.

Seems like a valid complaint. Randomly capitalizing letters doesn't negate it.

>The Liberals sold out this countries assets and its people to enrich a select ruling political and economical class.

And Labor won’t?

a potato

>absolute state of ausfags
No wonder they have to shitpost so much about other countries here, they’re getting sold out to the Chinese while also caving on every social issue to the left.

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It isn't a valid complaint. Libs waste more money on less useful shit, and cut funding to vital services.

When the fuck did I even mention labour? Piss off with your whattaboutism nonsense you absolute shit for brains.

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Which one hates white people less?
I remember labor having some cunt pm who hated white men.

I don't even fucking like labor, but Morrison and the rest of the libs are so incompetent and fucking stupid I'd vote for the greens if it'd guarantee they got kicked out. 9 fucking years, and what have they done? Pissed away any opportunity they had to get things done. I will never understand how Morrison was not a dead man the moment he got caught out in Hawaii while the country burned.

>6 of the past 26 years have been a labor government
>but the libs are the ones who'll run the country best

They should have stuck with Based Tone

Libs have pissed money up the wall something fierce you dumb cunt.

Tony is such a dumb cunt it's embarrassing he was our countries leader

Still better than anyone who came before or after him

>I will never understand how Morrison was not a dead man the moment he got caught out in Hawaii while the country burned.
The media is owned by people with a vested interest in having a liberal government, they create the public narrative, and a lot of australians are brainwashed by it.

Australia has the media envrionment equivalent to like, post-communist eastern european states, that are effectively one-party states. And Murdoch is your Oligarch.

Finally. An Italian prime minister.

>leftypol spammers are aussies and canadians

Why did you post a thread when most of the East coast is asleep and the west is about to?

If he wasn't such an alcoholic he'd probably have been alright. As is he got pissed too much and let the party do what they want which lead us into the current mess.

I'm worried that either Albanese or Morrison will win.

And in those 6 years they proved themselves to be just as bad as the Libs.

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>tfw every Anglo country can’t get a solid right wing party going
Feels bad man

Who's playing Jacqui Lambie?

Jannies have no idea who he is so they haven't deleted it yet

Demographically Australia is fucked either way. With Labor leadership we are at least less likely to end up America tier dystopia. There are still union men in the party even if they are corrupt fucks, and thus the working class will get thrown a bone.

I say this with complete sincerity the Greens even with all their sjw cancer is still the better choice out of all the major parties. They're the only ones with policies that'll heal the country most important of which is stopping privatisation.

Yeah. Australia desperately needs a serious auth left party. Fuck the rich and the culture war cancer.

>ABC immediately starts shitting on him week one of the election campaign
And people say they have a left wing bias.

Yeah but don’t they push for a lot of that anti-white shit? I just assume that of all left-leaning parties at this point since they decided to embrace that about a decade ago.

Nope. They belong bottom in preferences below both major parties.

>some cunt pm who hated white men.
Gillard? She despised the old white cunts in parliament, and rightly so. Why would you not have a bone to pick with them after they line up like good little boys to give daddy murdoch big old sloppy gobbies?

>Yeah but don’t they push for a lot of that anti-white shit? I
Yes. user isn't fooling anyone.

No one is falling for your transparent agenda, faggot.

Shooters, farmers and fishers fucking when?

All the zogged major parties do. I'm not saying you should give them your first preference.

it got exposed a little while ago that him and his party are basically backed by China/Xi Jinping behind the scenes but nobody cares

Unless you're very rich already you are voting against your best interests if you vote Liberal

Did you know that unions have traditionally been sceptical to mass migration because migrants are less likely to join unions, and the business-class use migration as a way to depress wages?