Browsing youtube on tv with my daughter

>browsing youtube on tv with my daughter
>decided to try and get her into movies, so i put on a couple of scenes i like
>"These are boring! I want to watch Minecraft!"

We're indulging in a dying medium, bros.

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Minecraft is just an indie game from 2008 its just as boring if not more

Put on Star Wars Episode 4

Minecraft is the Drive (2011) of video games.

>bought my son some lego for christmas
>left him to play
>come back 30 minutes later
>he left his legos and played minecraft instead

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An entire generation raised on Minecraft. I weep for the future.

She's just young user. I would have been the same when I was little.

dont worry user,she will soon get bored with minecraft and she will start sucking cocks and getting drunk.

>watching tv with my wifes daughter
>she calls me "daddy"

I was already well into sci-fi movies at her age, especially the R-rated ones like Aliens, Predator and RoboCop.

>watch Minecraft
Watch other people play minecraft?

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>try to raise my daughter to be independent and her own person
>you can be an electrician
>you can love whoever you want
>your worth isnt tied to how you dress or look
>"i wanna be a pretty pwincess in a pink dress with long yellow hair! i wanna marry a strong fireman that looks like Thor!"

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i dont know why anons want this tipe of women.
whit her phone constantly ringing, so she lets you know she has hundreds of options besides being with you,other men hiting on her,having to do all the effort to entertain her...
it must be a real pain in the ass.

I was as well but I also would have been playing video games like minecraft at that age.

Every generation says the next generation will be the end of it all

Technically that will be true, by only once

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I just want to coom to her. Though if she would be my sex slave that would nice too, but I don't expect it.

>doesn't want Jewish propaganda

Based. Be proud

Poor kid

>you can be....

Is it ok to have an imaginary daughter?

she wants to be just like you when she grows up user.....she's so proud of her father.....

millions of adults live with an imaginary friend and call it a religion.
you will be fine

you've mastered the arte of reverse psychology. well done

Play LEGO yourself, fuck that little faggot.

Sooo... Everything is fine.

>get my daughter a black bf for her birthday
>she says no and gets a tranny one instead

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You have my daughter from 8 years ago. Heads up, she's going to get REALLY into social justice and have her first kiss with a fat girl who claims she's non-binary because she's got nothing special going on, personality wise.

>bought my son some lego for christmas
>left him to play
>come back 30 minutes later
>he tried to swallow one of the legos and died
haha uh oh

>not immediately correcting her

i was popping painkillers and having sex with really disgusting girls as a young teen so realistically i would take that as a decent sign of things going normal for her

Your daughter is BASED
You, on the other hand, CRINGE

>dead based great kid
>alive cringe retard kid
Who wins? For me it's dead but memorable kid

Stop molesting your daughter

Wifes daughter? So what?

Loved Lego’s as a kid, but something like mindcraft would have been a dream come fucking true for little kid brain.

Choking on household items and almost dying is a sacred rite of passage.

You could have an adopted daughter instead.

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>my daughter

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She blended the smoothie for too long, now it's gonna be soupy

>Easter 2022
>I am forgotten
Where’s that natural hype huh?

>not limiting his screen time per day
>not building the Lego with him and talking to him about it and how his life is
>not buying him minecraft Lego if that's where his interests are

Spend time with him and don't let him use the internet as escapism whilst learning no real life hobbies or growing in anyway. Don't let him become one of us.

As a kid, my family couldn't afford legos. I wish Minecraft existed back then.

maybe she likes her shakes to be thinner than normal??????

>playing with your kids.

kids should be spending as much time as possible as young as possible playing with other kids

a child playing with adults results in an autistic , spastic, beta child.

My kid will be autistic for sure anyway from genetics.

South Park did an episode on this years ago. Honestly, if the kids get more out of watching others play, it is good for them - they learn some language skills from listening others talking and don't get addicted like when playing themselves.

LEGO is overrated anyway, especially for girls, who mostly use the figures as dolls rather than building stuff.

Just make sure you still play outside with the kids, don't let them waste time in front of TV all day.

Your daughter has her own life you can't make her watch movies

I hung out with the wrong kids when I was younger and I regret of lot of the shit I did. My son is just like how I was so I'm not going to force him to do things he doesn't enjoy. If he wants to stay in his room and be by himself, then more power to him.

Why didn't you play with him you tard? Any kid would rather "play" LEGO virtually in Minecraft. Maybe build a LEGO car or something with sonny

Your kid will learn nothing from playing minecraft. You should force them to play with javascript.

>>"These are boring! I want to watch Minecraft!"
>not "play" minecraft

soundish sauce?

>Buying legos for you kid instead of Warhammer
You get what you deserve.

She likes watching Minecraft videos. She's literally watching this one as I type.

If you have children you should not be on Yea Forums.

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>get new intern 6 years ago
>I was born 88, he is late 90s
>sitting next to each other, doing some pair programming and banter
>topic video games comes up
>"man, I love Minecraft, you should watch videos from SOME_YOUTUBER"
>"to be honest, this is not really a thing of my generation, I never got into this whole youtuber stuff, I like to play games myself, not watch others playing"
>"dude, I know, there are lots of posers on youtube, but SOME_YOUTUBER is really professional about it, he is not one of those kids"
We never talked about non job related topics again

How about you take your kid outside and show off the wonderful world instead of raising them to be a consoomer bugman like you are?

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Minecraft is the biggest fucking meme going. It's unfathomably shit but zoomies eat it up for some reason.

>the wonderful world

American? My mistake!

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DESU when Microsoft bought Minecraft, I thought it would die faster than Myspace. Good for my stonks, it didn't

My pipe can't contain enough Old Toby for this post

No, just realistic enough to know that there's not much to show of today

Youre in, bro!

Show them ukraine war gore so they don't grow up to be leftists.