Would you date her?

Would you date her?

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Nope I'm a fucking faggot and I wouldn't go near that

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I'd marry her


I think you posted the wrong image, user.


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Yes, to elevate my social status of course (I'm a social climber you see)

no but id suck his dick

Thats an ugly man, living under delusions that they're a woman.

Yes. Most straight guys would.

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Is that dude wearing a fucking necklace lmao what a fag

That is a man

>all that text
The year: 2022. The left: still can’t meme.

holy shit that comic is based
do you mind if i save it?

Counterargument: Hollywood is a 100 year old leftist meme

Why is Yea Forums afraid of trans women?


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>righties can't bother to read a short text
no wonder you're so dumb


it looks like a bloke you fucking weirdo

I love trans folk and I still ain’t reading that fucking novel you just posted

No, he looks crazy.


I aint even vaxed

Brevity is the soul of wit you 90 IQ nigger worshipper.

good man, stop fucking blokes though.

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Dog fucker here, wouldn't touch "it".

kiII yourseIf

I agree, except righties ain't witty either, all you can spout is
>kys tranny
>40% XDDD

it's not whitty or funny, sounds more like a mantra you repeat to keep yourself calm from butthurt tranners bring to you for some reason.

hunter is a living god, neither man or a woman, have some respect

>Would you date her?

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Surfs up bro

Who the dude?

>I agree
>more verbose shit
You obviously don't.

Why would most straight guys fuck dudes? Especially dudes that look like dudes?

what's wrong, having trouble reading posts consisting of more than 2 words? let me spell it out for your simple mind.
have sex.

Wow you sure showed those right wingers by appearing like a sane and rational person.


Amazing how many right wingers there are in a Hunter Schafer thread.

you mixed up your pronouns user

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why would men want to trick other men into fucking their shit holes? I've had some truly traumatic large shits, the thought of purposely ramming a cock up there is retarded.

doesnt that person you posted have a penis and balls OP?

>Hunter Schafer
who the fuck is that?

Yes I'm sure there are, and you sure show them by calling some dude in a dress a goddess, very normal and sane.

This is a real women

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It would probably take me out of neetdom and make me live a comfortable life so yes, at this point in my life I couldnt care less

Cav scouts get a bit out of hand with the peacocking.

a straight guy that doesn't want children is hardly a straight guy

>Yes I'm sure there are
>fap fap fap fap

As a faggot, there's nothing I hate more than men ruining themselves to fail at imitating femoids. And nothing more pathetic that a closet case calling a man "her" to protect his delusion of being straight. You should both kill yourselves posthaste.

Why is not fucking men a political right wing statement to you?

Is this what you imagine to turn you on or something?

You sound very secure in your heterosexuality, faggot.

Do trannies really believe that just because some other tranny is a celebrity all of a sudden guys will find them acceptable or attractive?
The constant spamming on Yea Forums is also not working at all.

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Always makes me think of Hanson

date? no
i'd probably match her on grindr and have hot sex though

Imagine him as a ripped chad. He’d be a 10/10 adonis swimming in pussy. Instead he chose the tranny path and his genetic bloodline ends with him while dysgenic subhumans continue to procreate. A true tragedy.

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Because I wouldn't fuck men? Does this make me insecure and a right winger?

yea seriously, just get some loser incel to put on a skirt for you and call it a night

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This is the same debunked argument you used in the thread about Tucker Carlson coming out as gay.