Wouldnt be easier to him just move to Africa if he is suffering so much in AmeriKKKa??
Wouldnt be easier to him just move to Africa if he is suffering so much in AmeriKKKa??
Niggers are uggo! :')
He knows he'd end up in a flaming tire. Niggers hate white men, but they know their own lands are hellscapes. It's a weird conundrum for them.
What are you talking about? The right wing are the ones that can’t go more than an hour without bringing him up and making up some bullshit he never said. They seem to have been driven pretty insane by the one movie he made about racism five years ago
>ooga booga razism evil whiteys
Just move to Africa, nigger
Go live with your chimp cousins
I think he needs to move back to America
>The right is obsessed because they talk about him!
>Unlike Peele who isn't! (Ignore the fact that he wrote and directed a film about why white people are evil lol)
>They seem to have been driven pretty insane by the one movie he made about racism five years ago
ALL his material is about "muh razism evil whiteys"
Niggs are like Serbs or commie tards.
They say fuck the west we love russia, russia the best etc. But all of them migrate to west countries like Germany France USA Canada etc. so they kids and them can have better life get they paychecks in EURO or $ and still yap how fucking shit the west is and how good Russia is but none of them will ever move to Russia or want they kids to grow up there.
And what this russian shit has to do with Peeleenigger??
Peeled will avoid casting White Men for his movies but cast a White Man as his son. Funny.
>he wrote and directed a film about why white people are evil
Lmao see what I mean about making up bullshit he never said and getting mad at him for it? The point of Get Out wasn’t that all or even a large number of white people are racist, it was about discussing that other forms of racism other than blatant open hatred exist. That SOME white people- not all, calm down- fetishize black people and no longer see them as human beings in the same way they are, and how that can be just as bad as the more overt and obvious racism we’re more accustomed to talking about.
>right wing
Maybe he should move to Nigeria or Senegal and try making movies there if he hate west culture and the white people so much.
Pro tip he wont. because deep inside he know the black man countries are literal shitholes.
Africans hate African Americans
Did you watch Them, nigger??
Its basically "whitey peepooo ebil"
Why dont you go live in Libya to be sold as a slave for 100 bucks??
How was Keanu about racism?
Lmao I'm not wasting my time reading this. Keep crying pathetic nigger.
Chuds seething at this based comment
Stfu you cucked out little bitch. Gtf off of our board. Imagine smiling for a thin skinned pussy like peele
Another movie of hundreds talking about how White People are racist but this time it’s different!
Africans are unironically based, only heard good things from those I know as well.
>Samefagging this blatantly
Gotta give credit, that's bold.
thats the thing
blacks, muslims, indians and east asians wont ever do that, since their shitholes are a mess
they want you to change, not the other way around
Girl is cute
She can stay
Will we ever get a movies about minorities being racist, fetishizing White People, killing White People and having no bad feelings about anything?
The characters they focused on in the movie were, sure but not EVERYONE IN THE WORLD lol! Like when you watch a movie like Aladdin, do you walk away thinking the message of that movie was that all middle eastern people have genies?
He makes millions off of whites in AmeriKKKa. Why would he move?
I fucking this guy because he has shown he can do good stuff but his entire filmography can be resumed in this meme
Why don't White Americans just move to Europe? You'll get to live in a whiter country and displace the need for the brown you hate being there so much. Win win.
An ENTIRE CITY of whites are le ebil, nigger.
Why doesnt Peepeelee produce a movie about africans selling his ancestors to le ebil whiteys and them killing the ones he couldnt sell in rituals??
The problem in America is mostly between Blacks and Whites not Brown.
>he didn’t make a film about all white people being evil
>because he was being very specific with how all white people are evil in this movie
Did your post actually make sense to you at any point? Are you a bot, or just retarded?
>Why don't White Americans just move to Europe
Im not amerikkkan.
Im just tired of those amerikkkan niggers complaining 24/7 while having better loves than 99% of africans
White people make all the movies are forced to have quotas, watch what they say and forced to be careful of how to represent Blacks yet Blacks are mostly free to say what they want for their people or criticize Whitey.
Again, not an entire city, just the characters they focused on in the movie. And this is exactly what I mean about the right being driven insane by this one movie. You’ve completely made up in your head that he hates all white people and are getting mad at him for it, and you’re working yourself up even more about fictional movies that don’t exist and he didn’t make, and getting mad that he didn’t make them. Holy shit did your brains ever get broken!
Schrödingers' Nigger
Either America is super racist and oppressive and they should leave
America is fine and they are lying to make money
Lincoln wanted to send the apes back to Africa after the civil war. He was even going to pay them. Lincoln understood that the races needed to live only with their own kind; whites are the complete opposite of the dark specimen w/ completely different cultural manifestations via genetics. Blacks don't plan for the future. They only want 'the now now' w/ their vices stemming from the complete lack of motivation for everything & inability to organize themselves as a forward-moving society. This is the reason Lincoln was assassinated. He wanted the apes that the Jews brought over on their ships to be gone. Blacks in America are the Jew's golems. Literally. Yet, they are still too stupid to see.
Lol go back and read the post again. He’s not talking about all white people in the movie, just like how in The Mighty Ducks they’re not saying every kid in the world is a hockey player. They’re saying some kids are, the kids in this movie are, but some kids aren’t. That just wasn’t a story about them. You know, how movies work?
One movie? Aren’t all his movies the same thing.
Will we ever get movies criticizing Black People made by Whitey and doesn’t the left lose its shit over every so called negative representation of minorities because they say it’s dangerous and can lead to discrimination.
Rent free and obsessed
Im talking about Them
Why doesnt Peepeelee produce a movie about africans selling his ancestors to le ebil whiteys and them killing the ones they couldnt sell in rituals of human sacrifice??
>Aren’t all his movies the same thing.
He only has two others, and neither of them mention racism or even hint at it once. Us was about the Hands Across America movement, and Keanu was about a guy trying to find his missing cat
>make Black people villain of movies for decades and no one cares
>make wh*te people villain in 1 movie and incels can't stop seething about it
Why are wh*the incels so fragile?
Niggers were sold by africans to be farm instruments and not to have rights. Why do they think they deserve any rights?
That’s the second time you’ve posted that exact string of nonsense verbatim. Pretty sure this is a bot
There’s a thread that got created like 2 seconds ago with the exact same post as the guy that replied to you as the OP. Its a bot
Pretty sure he’s worked on Candyman, Black Klansman, Lovecraft Country though not as director.
>though not as director
Correct, or as a writer. So what’s your point?
He co-wrote and produced on these films.
American blacks don't want to go to Africa. They would lose their identity, which is to bitch about whites. There are no whites to bitch about in Africa.
black people are the villains in real life that's why.
>Why are wh*the incels so fragile?
are you blind? you literally have to lie about black people so as not to offend them.
>is that deluded he thinks normal people are bots
Correction he did get a co writer credit for the Candyman reboot, but neither of the others. Producing means largely managing the budget and approving or vetoing where money can be allocated to make sure a film is physically able to be made- it’s not exactly a highly creative job. That and of the three projects you mentioned, Candyman has probably the most tame dealings with racism of them. He’s not exactly in the Nation of Islam
So we get to kick all the brownoids out of Europe in this equation? I'd be up for that
Because niggers, spics, goatfuckers and med monkeys are lazy, entitled pieces of shit who break into your house and then demand from you to rebuild it the way that fits them
He can’t compete with wakaliwood
I dunno, the nigs in the documentary "defamation" saw things pretty clearly, as did the black redneck in the montel williams talk show.
But yeah they don't have the organisation or intelligence to turn this into a platform. Even if one or two do, it's hard to build anything with so few hands and minds.
Wonder where this nigga would be if he was raised by his father and not his mother. The number of newly-racist ex-leftists is about to hit so high this decade.