What happened to their acting career?
What happened to their acting career?
They never had an acting career. They were only in the movie because the director wanted to advertise how shitty South Africa is.
same thing that happened to their singing career
as it turns out they are both giant pieces of shit, who couldve imagined.
what is her type called? gets me rock hard.
ooga-booga Dutch
"on meth but not a full-blown junkie yet"
Hills have eyes got a new sequel?
i would not gonna lie
White female.
I enjoyed this movie as well as Elysium. I wish Blomkamp was allowed to make his Alien movie.
They're gross weirdos that no on wants to know exist.
>south african
south africa is a shithole
Elysium is genuinely very good, and only hard-simping amertards hate it because of the ending
Afrikaners are white, yes.
wtf is that gollum in the back
Studio fucked with Elysium and then it was panned by critics then Chappie underperformed feel bad for the guy
Hi-tek stupid nigger
After chappie bombed Ninja had a string of scandals where he progressively got outed as a sociopathic egomaniac, thief, scammer and pedo and was caught on camera coaching Yolandi to make false sexual harassment claims about another musician.
They called Drake a faggot on Instagram and supposedly were removed from the marketing of the movie according to Ninja. Probably got blacklisted.
take your meds
They became weirdly successful making their own stuff outside the US corporate approved box, so they got blacklisted.
And now he's talking about making NFT-movies to get his stuff out there. Sad state of affairs.
Afrikaaner. Careful tho, notice that occult body paint. She hides her husbands crimes.
Still quite tasty. I’d pee in her butt
>She hides her husbands crimes.
So what you're saying is the studio indirectly blamed Die Antwoord for the movie flopping by gangstalking them?
I'm assuming South Africa has its own flavor of weird elite cults unique from Hollywood or Europe
South African white trash is something else. It's like they looked at Australian bogans and said "Nah mate, this shit isn't fucked enough"
Dude was racist to Drake and made fun of Kanye so their "rap" career died right there coz normies can't handle banter. Also his girl gives off cute girl vibes and ppl can't handle that anymore. same reason why big booba actresses don't get big roles.
He got Neto’s for raping some youn indie rap girls or something. Yolandi defended him, a beef track was released by one of his alleged victims, it seemed legit to me for whatever that’s worth.
Here’s a video one of the girls made with lots of text messages and shit. Make up your own mind. Dude got lots of cancelled concerts after this.
Blomkamp is good at visuals, but he can't write a story to save his life, save the fluke of District 9. Unfortunately for him, the only dumb action flicks people are prepared to see these days are capeshit, so everything he's done since D9 has flopped.
Let me give you a timeline, ninja:
> Gets accused by Wanga et al. of stealing their art, especially dick boy doodle and not paying them for shows.
>Gets accused by Youth worker Farm man of exploiting kids by giving them alchohol and drugs so that he can hang out with them and learn how to be "Zef".
>Confirms both of these accusations by calling wanga and drug addict and Farmer Man a sexual predator on social media, instead of producing a plausible for explanation why the evidence isn't true.
>Chappie bombs
>Gets accused by Brandon Auret of being a delusional primadonna on set.
>2015 Yolandi calls drake a faggot on social media and gets in the shit, then ineptly tries to walk it back with shit like "It's not homophobic" and "DJ hitec is gay", which gets them blackballed for a while and go dark.
>Gets very visibly accused by Zhelani of being a pedo who wants to fuck his daughter and has a toxic hold over Yolandi.
>Confirms the accusations again by muck racking on social media and sharing explicit pictures of Zhelani, instead of producing a reasonable explanation for why he paid for a underage girl to fly from Australia to South Africa.
>Video surfaces of the Ninja assaulting a gay fella in Australia while Yoandi screams Faggot at the top of her voice. Ninja is then record coaching Yolandi to make a fake sexual harassment said faggot.
afrikaaner on instagram only gets me fat black girls with cellulite
Grimes but worse
Could it be a setup? The lass seemed like she was in heat in the texts. Possible clout chasing? I don’t trust occultists like Antwoord, but in retrospect there’s reasonable doubt. Am I wrong?
>he had stated that he was a yoga master and so well versed in tantra that he would never cum inside me
STD farm.
I think that it was the result of Hollywood elites subjecting Die Antwoord to a Nkondi (Nail Fetish Hate God) curse
For me? It's The Ziggurat.
>checks search engines for Afrikaans
Jesus that’s pozzed, it’s only black girls. Afrikaan ppl are white descended from colonialists. Africans kill them and steal their land and NATO hates them.Nelson Mandela was not a freedom fighter but a literal terrorist.
even for the best of bullshitters thats a hard mountain of bullshit to tell even the dumbest of females.
10/10 Ninja
this is even more apsurd than some nicolas cage movies.
1 tap double wrap.
drake is a faggot tho
I am Crappie?
true but you can't publicly call him a faggot, its like yelling KIKE in the middle of synagogue, he knows what he is he just doesn't like being called it in public.
If you’re gonna coom this is your best option for Yolandi
That story seems exactly similar to what got Max Landis meetoo'd except it taking place in Africa.
i kinda wanna do this now
how do you know?
brb gotta listen to ten$ion its been a while
I don't know who any of these people are. Are any of them famous outside of South Apefrica?
this shit is all caps why would i believe some nigger who does shit like this?
I worked next door to Zheani in about 2011 and heard her say to her friend one time "I would love to just get absolutely raped"
yeah, that definitely seems like A Thing That Happened As Recounted By A Reliable Source
>Video surfaces of the Ninja assaulting a gay fella in Australia while Yoandi screams Faggot at the top of her voice. Ninja is then record coaching Yolandi to make a fake sexual harassment said faggot.
>Video surfaces of the Ninja assaulting a gay fella in Australia while Yoandi screams Faggot at the top of her voice. Ninja is then record coaching Yolandi to make a fake sexual harassment said faggot
Wut? Link that shit I can’t find it
>Yolandi calls drake a faggot
I mean she's not wrong.