It fucking sucks.
It fucking sucks
Already forgotten
ok... but who asked?
Old news, this flop is already forgotten.
fucking trash
why didnt you fags warn me? this shit was worse than Batman and Robin
at least that one had Mr freeze freeze shit. Catwoman barely whipped anyone in this and penguin didnt use his umbrella
i saw it 6 times
receipts or not true
Can someone explain why the riddler was using Spanish? I didn’t really understand
He is part Latinx
Everyone was warned.
Movie literally says we should kill white men.
>Reeeeee rich white people bad
They just couldn’t help themselves could they?
>actually has made $740 million
It's kino in every way except for how its overall structure is a bit too similar to The Dark Knight 2008, sometimes feeling like a remake of that
If all this shit is true then I cant wait for The Northman
yeah it tried too hard to pain the batman as a genius but he was just deeply autistic in the end. nigger kills tons of people indirectly by chasing the penguin, only because he couldn't get a riddler hint that he got spelled out then leaves the villain tied up. literally all for nothing. then there's the constant back and forth with his armor, he either tanks c4 and bullets or he's literally brought to his knees by a single shotgun blast. the whole movie was all hype and no substance, it did nothing with it's absurdly long runtime
it was the worst batman ever and that includes Batman v Superman.
This shit was so awesome and yall are autists if you think otherwise
I appreciated the action scenes. The only things that rubbed me the wrong way was the line from catwoman about wanting to kill white men and the Riddler being an unironic Redditor who had le incel movement rise up. It's like the writer was trying to undo all the BASED caused by joker.
anything less than a billion is a flop for superhero garbage
All it had to do was be better than Snydershit which it accomplished.
Everyone on this board warned you lol
It's a bad, woke, pathetic remake.
Braindead consoomer
They made Gordon black
Jeffrey Wright was good casting, it's just too bad that literally every single corrupt politician and villain was a white male and every single one of Batman's allies was a minority. A little distractingly racist, imho.
I guess Alfred wasn't come to think of it. A Harvey Bullock working class white ally would've helped a lot, though.
Don't forget that le corrupt ex mayor was named... wait for it... Donald. Do you get it? Do you, do you get it????
Old news. We've already established that film was made for impressionable zoombots.
>he had to watch the movie to figure it out
Not even close to Snyderkino, mate
why do capeshitters have such low standards?
>why yes, I will eat your shit, as long as it isn't that taco bell diarrhea you gave me last time
have some self respect.
Best Batman film of all time.
>Movie literally says we should kill white men.
It "literally" doesn't you Pol cuck
Incels are seething because of that passing line about white men. This is enough to have these faggots buttdevastated
Alfred is white you stupid redditor
Something in my ass
It was a pretty shit line.
I just stopped watching it. I got about 30 minutes in I think. It was boring.
and you swallow
i curled up into a ball and had a panic attack. the blatant white genocide is getting ridiculous.
when in movies they use latin for some random riddle it means they are latin
>it makes poltards seethe
Wtf I love this kino
It was blatant racist bullshit. And everyone’s getting sick of it, the pendulum actually seems to be swinging back finally and people are waking up, either it was the straw that broke the camels back for a lot of people, or they simply didn’t want that shit in a superhero movie of all things. But that line is only a minor problem compared to the other problems with this movie
Hi Ben.
what fucking pendulum you doofus no one irl cares about throwaway lines in movies and pretends their race is going extinct lmao
Hang yourself, troon.
The number of people on this board who hate this movie have me convinced I'm going to really like it
It really does made Nolan look amazing
No one cares about your persecution complex you cringey histrionic twat
That’s not how sea walls work.
Nice projection. You will never be a woman, btw.
Yeah but riddler was right so it vindicated him a bit
>t. nigger
torrent where?
Surely you can do better than that
Race divisions are a very prominent issue in real you brainlet
oh wow how fucking original. fucking faggot. go cry more about how their literally lining up you dipshits and ventilating your skulls because theres a black person in a movie or w.e. stupid pussy.
>my god calm down
>heh, I am calm, sounds like you're the one who's upset, tranny
Fooling literally no one
TDK is probably the best action movie ever.
Yes, truly a war for the ages, each new saturday morning cartoon show is a new battlefield
You seem upset. Maybe you should go dilate before that stinkhole between your legs heals up again. :^)
What race are you?
She was wrong for saying that you retard. After she says it, Batman essentially looks into the dangers and rolls his eyes, lifts his mask, cups his hand over his mouth and whispers into the camera "get a load of this libtard". You probably missed it because you went into a panic attack the moment someone said something you (and the film) disagreed with.
Now who's projecting? Hint: It's you