Fuck this faggot

Fuck this faggot

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if he could handle being near a computer to read this post you'd be a dead motherfucker

Chuck was based. He knew that Jimmy would always cause trouble at HHM.

he also accurately predicted all the damage Saul would go on to cause with his law degree


Kek and I still don’t get it

Fuck's Chuck and Suck (formely Cuck's)

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Jimmy only really started to spiral out of control after Chuck told him that he didn't think he was a real lawyer.

Maybe it’s just me but I honestly found season 4 to be PAINFUL post Chuck. Howard is just weird and has no dynamic going for it, and while it meant great development for Jimmy it shackled Mike with this really shitty subplot of the German builder guys so thank GOD Lalo got introduced.

I’d rank the seasons 5 > 3 > 1 > 2 > 4.

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same as you

there's a couple good subplots, like getting huell out of prison with the church scam, but yea for the most part season 4 is pretty dull. I rewatched all the seasons recently and I just ended up skipping most of the mike plots. He's not really an interesting character, I don't know why they give him so much screentime.

In terms of ranking I put season 3 at the top. Chucks downfall is so great to watch.

Can’t you just watch the fantastic story instead of ranking everything you fucking retarded autist


>tfw you're a season behind and you just want to wait until the last one comes out and start from season 1 again so your memory is fresh

:/ relax man ranking is fun there’s clearly highs and lows

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Quads checked

Jimmy did so much shit for him, and Chuck could only further sabotage Jimmy's career as a lawyer. Also since when do lawyers have morals? Ridiculous as we know the truth is his wife had the hots for Jimmy and they may have fucked. Kinda like Walter White got cucked not once but twice.

yeah the earlier parts of season 4 didnt really have that much plot, jimmy has him dealing with chuck's loss and selling burner phones for the first 7 episodes, mike gets hired at madrigal as security for the first 5 until the lab construction, nacho is actually the only one with a plot with him geting used as gus' lap dog by the 2nd episode

Nah, Chuck was right. Jimmy's a total sleaze. He got his law degree by taking correspondence courses from a shitty, second rate, unaccredited law school. He's never done a single thing in his life without cutting corners or straight up breaking laws. Still running scams like he did in Cicero just on a larger scale. Saying "Oh all lawyers are slime so it's okay" is just a disingenuous excuse since there's a big difference between working within the legal system and just breaking whatever laws inconvenience you. In S2, he gets a golden ticket at Davis & Main but he just HAD to run that sleazy god awful heart-string pulling commercial which destroyed his relationship with them and he was on thin ice from then on. He burned every bridge he could until he decided to turn into an actual clown so they were forced to fire him. He stooped as low as clogging their toilets with shit for fuck's sake. In S3, he loses his law license for kicking down a man's door in broad daylight. Doesn't particularly matter what his reasons were. He proceeds to con his way to not having to pickup trash for community service - you lazy asshole, you're lucky you didn't get actual jailtime for that shit and you can't be bothered to pick up some candy wrappers? - and he helps a drug dealer continue dealing drugs while he's at it. Then the moment things get rough he pulls a slip and fall scam on the music store owners, thus confirming everything Chuck said from day one, that he hasn't changed and he's still Slippin' Jimmy. I could go on. The whole point of the show is that Jimmy is charismatic and likeable so we root for him even though he's a scumbag and Chuck is weird and spergy so it's hard to find him likeable even though he's 100% right about everything he says and basically every action he takes is completely justified. The show makes you root for the bad guy, if you don't realize that it's just because you lack self-awareness.

Well, I mean, he wasn't and isn't

I hate to gatekeep but I just don't understand why these simpletons keep watching this show even though it consistently vexes them. "oh this character cucked that character, that character had the hots for this character," why the fuck are people like this watching BCS? Watch Desperate Housewives or some shit

I agree, and this is the reason why I like BCS and Breaking Bad. Both of these shows have fundamentally morally corrupt characters. We know this because they deliberately choose to do the wrong thing, like they can't help it.
In Breaking Bad, Walter gets an out in the first season where his old partner offers him a chance to come back and basically cover all of the expenses of chemo and treatment for his cancer. Yet Walter decides to tell him to fuck off and decides to cook meth anyway.
In Better Call Saul, Jimmy get several chances to become a straight and narrow attorney, but time and time again he chooses to turn up the sleaze and do his own thing. Jimmy does it a lot more than Walter. But I think Jimmy does it for different reasons, whereas Walter wanted to stick it to everybody else for ever doubting his potential, I think Saul is just disappointed in how stupid and easily persuadable people and the system is. We see a perfect example of this when he's trying to get that job selling printers, and he eventually persuades the guys to give him a job offer. Instead of taking it, he goes back and angrily tells the owner "so this is all it takes huh, I can just sweet talk myself into this job".
Overall, this is what makes these characters actual characters, in that they are unique and interesting.

>He knew that Jimmy would always cause trouble at HHM.
>he also accurately predicted all the damage Saul would go on to cause with his law degree

But that's why Jimmy is based for monkey wrenching the whole goddamn (((system))) and ruining Howard and Chuck's life.

>there's a couple good subplots, like getting huell out of prison with the church scam, but yea for the most part season 4 is pretty dull. I rewatched all the seasons recently and I just ended up skipping most of the mike plots. He's not really an interesting character, I don't know why they give him so much screentime.

Nah the best part was when Mike executes those Zogbot pigs in Season 1 and later on when he got Tuco sent to prison. Mike is based, killing Zogbot pigs and sending beaners off to prison.

>The show makes you root for the bad guy, if you don't realize that it's just because you lack self-awareness.

They're all scum but Jimmy is the underdog and has the most charisma out of all of them.

>he loses his law license for kicking down a man's door in broad daylight.

Well Jimmy fucked up on that, Chuck and Howard baited him and he fell for it.

Saul is Reddit
Chuck is Yea Forums

Yes, often times in a show featuring interpersonal relationships, certain members of the audience can become invested an aspects of these fictitious relationships. I understand to you this is an impenetrable concept, and very strange, but most people call this state of existence "Not having autism"

It becomes a chicken or the egg thing.

The writers were mildly conveying the fact that people who claim to be victims of 'gang stalking' are mentally ill people decaying in their own delusional self-destruction.


With continual plot shows like this, I find it hard to really rank seasons, unless they just do something absolutely atrocious. Points where things get relatively slow are just par for the course and necessary to set things up for the whole thing to work.

>Saul is the likable underdog with a fundamental understanding of the human condition
>Chuckles is a coping and seethimg normalfag with a "respectable" career and insists that the retarded selectively applied rules are somehow sacrosanct when it's all a scam
What did you mean by this, you dumb retarded fucking faggot?

He passed the bar, making him a real lawyer. Plenty of people go to diploma mills in the Caribbean for med school for example. They write their USMLE's/board exams and then get licensed in the states. It's not easy but they are accredited. Exact same thing applies to Jimmy's situation. Sure he didn't go to Georgetown and his degree is not Ivy League prestigious but he passed the bar, making him a real lawyer. Chuck could never accept that Jimmy managed to accomplish this.

Even better that he was actually a good lawyer. He did the PD grind, trying his hardest for bottom of the barrel clients, and pulling huge cases out of seemingly nothing (Sandpiper). Most everybody outside of Chuck saw that he had potential in him.

Good points. They both I think are struggling against the nature of the world around them. Walter, ironically, believes in a fair and just world. One in which people are given the things they are owed, talent is appreciated and the bright are given the chance to excel. His life hasn't panned out the way he thinks he deserved. He's given a chance to build something from the ground up, something that is entirely his, and it's intoxicating to him on many levels. I think introducing Gale's very libertarian perspective that drug addicts are going to do drugs and it's actually moral to try to provide them with the cleanest, purest product you can was a cornerstone of the show and of Walter's descent. It's all about developing the ability to justify your behavior to yourself and it happening so incrementally that you hardly even notice.

Jimmy's tragedy is that every time he tries to do things legitimately, he encounters nothing but obstacles and dead ends. The incentives to manipulate are always there. This is compounded by the fact that there is a legitimate connection between all of these professions - con artist, drug dealer, lawyer, salesman - which is that they're all about convincing people to see your side of things, or more accurately the side you want them to see. Jimmy was both blessed and cursed with the ability to read and play off people. When it comes to street smarts he's a genius, and that's the area where Chuck is arguably the weakest. Another one of the real tragedies of the show is that they would have perfectly complimented one another if they could have swallowed their pride and worked together. That's the promise and the joy of the episode RICO from the first season, really a fun blast of an episode, but of course everything is dashed to bits almost immediately.

Just found out someone is streaming BCS all day today on Twitch's Artifact category.

There's a big difference between being invested on an infantile level and only concerned with who is banging who versus being invested on an even slightly deeper level than that. Between rooting for one character who you view to be the "good guy" to defeat or humiliate the "bad guy" versus actually considering the valid perspectives of each and every character. This particular show was clearly founded on the latter and not the former and it's a shame when it appeals to the wrong audience and said audience insistently drags the entire discussion down to their childish level. You seem to have confused "having autism" with "being smart". If you want white hats versus black, watch Star Wars.

>Another one of the real tragedies of the show is that they would have perfectly complimented one another if they could have swallowed their pride and worked together
Chuck was always fundamentally too sick and jealous of Jimmy's ability to understand other people to be willing to do this. Watching the show again it's pretty tragic how Chuck refuses to acknowledge Jimmy's potential and basically cements all of his worst character attributes, making him ever more spiteful and destructive out of an existential frustration and spite, born from of Chuck's resentment and refusal to see Jimmy for who he really is and what he has to contribute to the world. This instills a sense of inferiority and Jimmy what he can never escape.
If chuck were able to do this, his own death, as well as many of the more tragic events of breaking bad would have been averted.

>being a scummy criminal is…LE GOOD
saulfags are annoying, Chuck did nothing wrong and hell be proven right this season when Saul fucks over Howard and Kim’s lives for literally no reason

The show is very morally ambiguous by it's very nature. I'm not sure who breaks it down into the moral play that you are describing, but ultimately the show is a tragedy with no clear moral or ethical "good guy". For example in jimmy, any potential for good is crushed by his dysfunctional relationship with his brother. Any potential for good Kim has is ultimately crushed by Jimmy's fundamental injury from this. Really I don't know what the fuck you're on about.

I don't understand how you can post in threads about Better Call Saul and never see evidence of what I'm talking about. This thread is doing exactly that. "Chuck sucks, Jimmy is based" and other gross oversimplifications made in complete contrast to the entire point of the show.

thanks, I thought people stopped doing the artifact streams

Acting as if a scummy and immoral system is somehow sacred and fair is what is annoying buddy. Cuck was an insufferable and a effete faggot. When a dysfunctional system masquerades as being justice itself and serves as letter of the law itself, undermining and subverting it is not crooked, it is necessary and right.

It's interesting because I think a fair number of Chuck's supposedly nefarious actions are actually far more multi-interpretable than people give them credit for. Not that I disagree with what you're saying. For example, the flashback where Chuck doesn't tell Jimmy that their mother woke from her coma and called his name. Sure, it's valid to interpret it as Chuck being an extremely jealous, petty person and depriving Jimmy of that last moment with his mom, but I think it's also equally valid to suggest that Chuck spared Jimmy the pain of having to live with the fact that he was off ordering sandwiches the moment his mother needed him most. That she died confused, wondering where he was, and he never came. Even if Chuck's motivations weren't pure, it still might not have been an entirely destructive act.

I thought so too until I looked a few days ago, there's almost always something on among the few autistic meme streams.

Chuck's problem is that he actually had faith in the system, and felt that gave him some sort of precedence or legitimacy over Jimmy because he'd invested so much of his life in it when it really did not. Jimmy saw the system for what it was, completely centered around incentives and completely unfair. Chuck's romantic view of what is really a sick and broken institution, and his inability to reconcile that Jimmy viewed it as a sham and didn't take it seriously is what killed him.

It's not that simple. You don't help an unjust world/system become more just by rationalizing moral bankruptcy. There's an extent to which you have to play the game and get in the door in order to have a chance of accomplishing any positive change. Anarchy creates chaos, not order. This is all beside the point of course since Jimmy isn't fucking Robin Hood. He does what he does to help himself, and occasionally Kim. No one else. He doesn't juke the system for moral reasons, he does it to get ahead.

Jimmy beat the jews at their own game and also beat their shitty rigged system.

>He doesn't juke the system for moral reasons

He does it out of spite and learned at a young age good people like his dad got screwed and jew'd for doing the right thing.

I think it's more the classic pragmatism vs idealism argument. The idealist says the world should be a better place, and he's right. The pragmatist says that's not the world we live in, and he's also right. The idealist argues that you need to be the positive change you want to see around you, while the pragmatist argues that the world will chew you up and spit you out if you do that. And I'd argue the right answer and the wrong one are not as clear cut as you might be suggesting. Which of those two things happens to you often comes down to luck and circumstance.

And he ended up taking advantage of people exactly like his dad, over and over again. There's a balance between being jaded/cynical and being a naive mark. Neither character hits that balance if you ask me.

>Watching the show again it's pretty tragic how Chuck refuses to acknowledge Jimmy's potential and basically cements all of his worst character attributes, making him ever more spiteful and destructive out of an existential frustration and spite, born from of Chuck's resentment and refusal to see Jimmy for who he really is and what he has to contribute to the world.

It just made Jimmy that much more successful, I can relate to this in my own life and surpassing those that looked down upon me.

Jimmy is not a romantic Robin Hood figure, he's not even morally good, but I certainly understand him being disillusioned with the institutions that everyone else, namely his brother and role model, insisted he played by the rules by. In the very beginning of the show Chuck is insisting that Jimmy's public defender work will somehow pay off someday (it won't), but if one pays enough homage to the system, at some point it pays you back, if you put in your dues at some point you get them paid back to you. Jimmy understands this is laughable, and even a sick thing to say to somebody, but he knows his brother is so invested in the institution that is also his whole life, all he can do is grimace and nod at this. Jimmy knows, as is reality, that nobody is going to give you what "you deserve". You have to take that shit for yourself.

Until the DEA kicked down his door and he had to start a shitty new life in bumfuck Nebraska with nothing to show for an entire life's work

>And he ended up taking advantage of people exactly like his dad, over and over again.

Because deep down he was disgusted at how naive and gullible his father was.

>Until the DEA kicked down his door and he had to start a shitty new life in bumfuck Nebraska with nothing to show for an entire life's work

I would argue it's better to go out at your peak like Jimmy did than to go out in a whimper like Chuck did, no wonder Chuck killed himself.

>what is a self-fulfilling prophecy

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I think it *did* work for Chuck, though. It's just that he doesn't understand that Jimmy's situation is different. Perhaps Chuck doesn't - or doesn't want to - realize the extent to which his own success comes down to right place and right time. However, it's also important to consider Kim in all this. In Season 4 she starts taking PD cases voluntarily and finds it far more fulfilling and rewarding than her Mesa Verde work. Jimmy never found the reward or the meaning in it back in S1 and just groaned his way through it, seeing it as a humiliating means to an end.

He associates the acquisition of wealth and repute with having meaning in his life, which is a classic mistake. Understandable, but still a mistake. Kim grew up in the same broken system, arguably worse because it's implied that her upbringing/home life was not good at all, but she still sees the value in helping people who need it. I think that's what Chuck was trying to impart on his brother, he just doesn't have the people skills to communicate it in a way that will reach Jimmy. He comes across like a preachy pollyanna, the kind of person that Jimmy has already conditioned himself to dismiss as a sheep. It just reaffirms and deepens the divide between them.

Those aren't the only two options, is the thing

I'm not suggesting it's clear cut either, hence the tragic aspect of the show. In fact Jimmy's extreme pragmatism ultimately proves to be his downfall, his pursuit of coin entangling him later on (in breaking bad) in a situation that was completely beyond his ability to salvage, a situation that if he had some scruples and idealism regarding the law, he would have never found himself in the first place.
Chuck represents the other extreme, a rigid adherence to the laws and stated values of a given institution, without any room for improvisation or creativity. The interaction of these two extremes define the dynamic between them and irrevocably injured them as people.