Impossibly kino, holy based

Impossibly kino, holy based

>beautifully shot, directed and acted
>period accurate clothes, weapons and religious rituals
>kino music
>kino atmosphere
>not a single diverisity hire
>elevates traditional masculine values of bravery, loyalty and a honorable death above all else
>Anya gets naked

Is Robert Eggers dare I say, ourguy?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Imagine watching a movie because it aligns with your personal politics
That being said it looks pretty good, and it's good that it's somewhat historically accurate and doesn't have some random black person in it

>10/10, it's ok - IGN

So it's a revenge story? Call me a pleb but that's usually all it takes to get me to watch something. I'm a sucker for simple shit.

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It's literally Hamlet so yes

Daily reminder the Northman's viral marketers on Yea Forums are in a PANIC. The film scored under 65 in test screenings which means the word of mouth won't be enough to carry the box office.

So they're flooding Yea Forums and /pol/ with posts that The Northman is 'an EPIC alt right pro-white film!'

Problem is Robert Eggers is an extreme anti-trump WOKE leftist.

>"I wasn't interested in vikings because of the macho stereotypes and neonazis"

>RE: And then with this movie, I wasn’t like, “Now I’m going to write a movie about toxic masculinity.” But as I’ve said may times, nothing good happens when two men are trapped in a giant phallus. So obviously that’s what’s going to happen in [the lighthouse].

>AVC: It does seem very inevitable between them. So, you didn’t sit down and go, “I’m going to write a movie about toxic masculinity.” But at what point did you start to recognize that that’s what the story is about in some ways?

>RE: When my brother and I got all the way through [the script] the first time, we were like, “Yeah, that’s what’s going on.”

The marketers are SO desperate they are now recruiting Alfonso Cuaron to put out articles for the movie.

>directors close buddy sees movie
>"Hey alfonso, we're struggling with the test scores on our movie. we're under 65 which means bad word of mouth. I dont know what to do."
>next day

It will be interesting to see what Eggers viral marketing team try next with their guaranteed meme trash flop.

How tf is a 25 years old woman considered a "girl" in any way, shape, form or era?

Literally take your meds

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Is black metal inherently antisemitic?

he always looks like he just sharted himself and he’s hoping you don’t notice

Eggers is a cuck, but he makes good kino.

Are these people retarded? I'm 50 and my missus is 27.

Imagine criticizing an 800+ years old legend for being unoriginal because you're comparing it to every single story that it itself inspired

Based still going to watch it desu

>not a single diverisity hire
umm Anya is BIPOC sweatie

He’s quite talented

is she russian or thai?


Holy shit you shills are so desperate that you even tried to force a thread on Yea Forums and nobody was buying it.

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the guys from death battle are shilling this movie too

if they like it it means it's made for reddit

Jealous, plain, older women.

Anybody else notice that they changed the font at the 11th hour? they dropped the Othala in favor of a blocky O, presumably because the ADL wrongly identifies it as a neonazi symbol.

That might explain all of those posters in the NYC subway that were missing the title of the fucking movie.

Attached: othala.jpg (1000x1482, 111.36K)

Attached: nothala.jpg (1382x2048, 359.77K)

torrent when

Robert Eggers is a dishonest filmmaker and a hack.

already is

wtf thanks if true

We wuz kangz for crackers

Cape-tier shit, no thanks

yeah they are chuds machismo

This entire post reads like a bot. You are a fucking npc and it makes me not want to like the movie

They made a thread on Yea Forums that just got deleted

non-whites will not get this movie

Shills thread.

it's not literally Hamlet though other than the very surface-level central conflict of the film. Have you even read Hamlet?

is this film not out in the US yet? Why is Yea Forums not talking about it? It's one of the best films released in the last 10 years at the very least, definitely Eggers best.

no, it's kino

this movie was a huge letdown. not worth paying for.

Movie was a 6/10 at best.

Hamlet was literally based on this story - Amleth.

Yeah imagine in the 2020s
No one would ever do that

>Anya gets naked

Attached: 20211221_110229.jpg (580x548, 36.11K)

It’s bad.

This film will awaken our Indo-European spirit. We won, white bros...

based on doesn't mean exactly the same
it has superficial plot similarities that shakespeare turned into a different thing

the webms are already out. nothing special.

all the posts praising the movie are written in the same strange prose. i dont normally schiz over stuff like this but the shilling is too obvious.

I did the one on Yea Forums
I'm not a viralukater

The action and special fx were pretty lame. Entire middle of the movie just drags on and on. Wait for a torrent.

Don't listen to anti-white Jewish scum. Pay for the tickets. It's the only way to save the white race.

what a fucking retard, you think you are the only one that noticed that extremely obvious reference? the characters are nothing like those in Hamlet for starters, and the plot differs a lot.

> it makes me not want to like the movie
Lmao why would I give a fuck

>all /pol/ has left is a shitty Viking movie everyone will forget about in 2 weeks

Because you are here trying to shill the film, and achieving the opposite effect

long-nosed individuals wrote these posts, you and the hordes of non-white shitskins wouldn't get it anyway, the themes and ancestral feeling on this movie is something you will never understand.

preach brvder

It's not a reference you dumb faggot. It's literally the basis for the play.

Based sleezy old man. I'm in my 20s and am attracted to women in their 20s. Why do people think that will change 20 years later?

It’s almost like people with similar tastes in the same fucking board praise the same films for similar reasons, it’s probably just the user hivemind you’re seeing, nobody is after you schizo. I made this thread, I just came back from watching it and I thought it was very kino

>Why is Yea Forums not talking about it?

Yea Forums doesn't talk about anything until it hits netflix or there is an hd pirate release

>ignoring the point
so you haven't read Hamlet. Stay pleb and retarded.

>not posting the webm

They share the same catalyst for the plot, but they are not the same at all. Amneth named Hamlet is more likely Eggers drawing a thread of intertextuality between his film and Hamlet rather than telling you "this is the story of Hamlet".

you're an ignoramus. amleth is a legendary danish king whose story was briefly summarized by saxo grammaticus in the 13th century. saxo is the source for both shakespeare's play AND eggers' film

I don't understand how a movie like this got made in 2022.