Was she the perfect woman?

Was she the perfect woman?

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>Those small, feminine hands

Yes she was

that's a man

She absolutely was.

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Courtney Cox
I love you
You are so hot
In that show


she owes me sex

>bodycount > 1(me)

So yes

>loves to cook
>loves to clean
>wants a family
Women like this dont exist in NYC anymore

Jew therefore no

Courtney Cox? More like Courtney Cocks.

They do, unfortunately they’re brown, ugly, and don’t speak English.

has no girldick therefore no woman

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Fuck Monica
Marry Phoebe
Kill Rachel

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This is actually a throwaway joke in an episode where Ross fakes his death (or rather wake). Just watched it incidentally.

Only jewish in the show, IRL she's a gentile


Literally even worse than them not existing at all

Also has low self esteem and self worth so she isnt a stuck up cunt like Rachel. Appreciates any good deed instead of expecting it

She turned chandler into a blubbering homo

Jews like to cast non-jews in Jewish roles and Jews in non-jewish roles so that the average normie never realizes they actually have a specific "look" and can be identified as distinct from White people by sight alone. It's devious, brilliant, and is surprisingly effective. Most people are completely oblivious to Jews, and they like it that way.

Goon doing this is hilarious.
>Lets do a story about a tough white hockey player, but make him jewish, but get a white guy to play him and a jew to play a mick. They wont know what hit them!
Only jews can subvert like this


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>Richard has only ever slept with 2 women including Monica
>She's slept with "less than a football team"

So she's a whore, got it

Nice digits but wrong fuck Rachel marry monica

Her in a cat suite was her hottest attire.

True, it worked on me most my life

This is the right answer

Rachel is better.


Rachel is close to a perfect woman if she wasn't as whiny.


>Marry Phoebe
>An insane half retarded sadistic hippy street whore

Imagine just spending hours inhaling her feet after her workout

Yeah that's by far the most retarded choice.

I want my kids to be tall, or at least have the best chance of being tall. plus in Seasons 6-8 she's by far the hottest one
t. manlet

She's definitely hot. But not someone you'd want to have kids with.

She might be a good choice if you are a schizo. Someone who will agree with your theories about the jews putting dinosaurs bones in the dirt to convince people God isn't real and the Earth being flat or whatever else.

if she wasn't jewish she would

>Those small, feminine hands
God its been a long time since fp has been best on tv but god DAMN did you get it right user. If your GF has man hands, then you are gay. Theres nothing else to it.

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She's not real. She is an ideal of a woman that cannot exist IRL, like Kim Wexler. No ex-fat girl can look this thin all the time without a drug habit or bulimia.

If you were a Chad like Richard, yes.
If you were a Beta like Chandler, no.

Isn't she blind? How would she know if her ass is clean after a shit? Does she just wipe and hope for the best? Do you think she notices a poo smell when her butt cheeks pull apart and gets all embarrassed and goes to do extra wipes?
Maybe she cried.
Wait nvm the black guy is the blind one.

Are you mistaking Friends for Becker?

None of them are even attractive, was this their appeal?

Monica should shave ended up with Richard.

Chandler should have ended up with Kathy.

Phoebe should have ended up with David.

Rachel with Ross (happened though debatable whether it worked out for them long-term).

No issues with Joey having remained a bachelor.

>Phoebe should have ended up with David.
They completely shit on the David character in the end. His whole life is ruined.

Fun fact: Hank Azaria is not the only Simpsons VA to appear in Friends. Dan Castellaneta also appears as the zoo janitor who tells Ross what became of Marcel the monkey.

Imagine actually watching this show

she was, why did she have to ruin it all, makes me cry every time i think about it

Find myself singing this regularly lol

It’s actually one of the best sitcoms

Because women, especially women with money, think they can keep looking young with injections and surgery... It's honestly the jewish media that has brainwashed them into thinking that it's the only way to stay relevant. It really is sad.

hell no retard, wtf

Something something camel and the eye of a needle

>No ex-fat girl can look this thin all the time without a drug habit or bulimia.
You're extremely wrong