Arrested Development

One of the best comedy shows out there, Y/N?

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No fucking laugh tracks, thank god

It's pretty comfy

I used to think so, then S4 and S5 happened.
And then David Cross turned into vax soiboy.
And now i basically cant even watch the good seasons anymore

season 4 is great and i'm tired of pretending it isn't

First 3 seasons. yes.
Forget the rest.

The show really kind of revolutionized the Single Camera format of sitcom, which was later use successfully on shit like The Office, Parks & Rec, and Modern Family.

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no, you were just desperate for more content so you convinced yourself it was good. Season 5 helped me snap out of this delusion.

It's my favorite comedy show, but yeah s4 and s5 fucking sucks. Normally i just rewatch the first 3 seasons and pretend the last 2 don't exist

fuck off, anus tart

don't lump 4 in with 5.
4 is a big step down (let's not pretend 3 wasn't a big step down as well) but it's still of reasonable quality and better than most comedy television.

I would even say season 3 isn't the best, but season 1 and 2 of AD could go toe to toe with literally any comedy show ever made.

I remember liking this show but then changing to a new season and a lot felt different, starting with lindsay looked extremly bogged and the show not being funny anymore, i just stopped around there

Its the only tv series ive ever finished, it's the modern equivalent of a biblical narrative

What was his problem?

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he was a professional

I'll go hide behind the plant in the corner.

agree with this, the jokes come thick and fast in the first 2 seasons, it reminds me of the old classics like Leslie Nielsen movies

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R.I.P. super dave

No. I rewatched it recently and I barely remember anything funny. The show moves too fast and doesn't give its humor time to breathe. It's just rapid fire jokes/gags.
Frequently on Yea Forums we get Seinfeld, Simpsons and Frasier threads where we talk about our favorite moments, scenes, lines, etc. You never see that with AD

AD is more about character behaviour and its density of jokes, not really plot centric humor. All the jokes are more or less dialogue based, character exchange

just ask mistah eff

IDK I remember there was a simpsons study where they measured the joke density and it averaged out to like 1 joke every half second and the simpsons is full of memorable moments.

I wanna say Season 5 of AD is probably the worst last season of any show I've ever watched (didn't actually finish it). It wasn't woke or politically offensive. It was just poorly made.

I hated the last seasons of House, The Office, but I can still say I watched them.

Even still, you figure you would see people discussing it in more detail. I literally never see any real discussion about this show. They just say "it's great" and move on. In a Frasier thread they quote jokes, situations, what ifs like "Roz and Niles should have hooked up", etc. AD doesn't have any of this.

Literally only queers post in Frasier threads, so of course they're gonna be flamboyant about quoting random shit.

>IDK I remember there was a simpsons study where they measured the joke density and it averaged out to like 1 joke every half second and the simpsons is full of memorable moments.
I would guess AD is more dense than that. Between the dialog, the visual gags, the character movement, the facial reactions, it's a lot. It's impressive, but it gives the audience to much to digest and as a result the show gets bogged down. I like the show, but after rewatching it I had trouble pointing to a specific episode like I do with Seinfeld.

First two seasons, sure

Easily one of my top 3 shows

That's just because AD jokes are extremely situational and character specific.
You can't just shout out a random catch phrase like most sitcoms.

>haha yeah i get that i get it every time you say it......

Do you really need every single show to be like that?

Didn't Cross say some stupid shit like he agrees with free speech but only when it's liberal minded?

>Literally only queers post in Frasier threads, so of course they're gonna be flamboyant about quoting random shit.
Same goes for Seinfeld, Simpsons, MST3k (at least those are the threads I go in to). AD is a fine show, but it's a case of "too many ingredients in the dish"

>That's just because AD jokes are extremely situational and character specific.
You literally named a joke from Seinfeld that was extremely situational and character specific.
>Do you really need every single show to be like that?
No, but AD had too much of it.

>You literally named a joke from Seinfeld that was extremely situational and character specific.
There is nothing situational or specific about eating a pretzel and getting thirsty though. So any time somebody eats a pretzel you are at risk of hearing the phrase.

You're never going to be in a situation where somebody gets their hand bitten off by a loose seal

it really surprises me that alot of people are saying that the humor is so fast and shit, thats the thing i love about the show the jokes are there but is not like the characters are going to stop for the audience to laugh, i mean thats the point of not having laugh tracks.
And whats that shit about a catch phrase, go watch the big bang theory i bet you'll love that show, BAZINGA haha funny catch phrase

The campfire scene with Buster coming in saying "Hey campers" and all of them screaming/running away always gets me. It's a post credit scene though.

I don't even think it's "fast" per-se, it's just that there's no pause for each joke like every other show does

This post proves my point. Nobody can bring up any great moments or scenes.

yea you're talking about plot, AD is like riddled with verbal and behavioral nuance that it kind of makes no sense to discuss becuase its not really plot heavy, its character underdevelopment unironically, theyre all like human cartoons but so well acted that they're believable


there's plenty of scenes, lines, and situations, i guess AD fans are too elitist to fawn and make a thread, go to reddit of you wanna circle jerk, also the running joke that thier lawyer is gay/loves trannies on the down low is goat throway comedy

we used to talk about it a lot on SA back in the day

>loose seal

Rewatched the original run recently (never saw the Netflix seasons.) Season 3's a bit of a mess but other than that it still holds up very well

>, i guess AD fans are too elitist to fawn and make a thread, go to reddit of you wanna circle jerk, also the running joke that thier lawyer is gay/loves trannies on the down low is goat throway comedy
You sould retarded. This is a tv/film board. If you like AD talk about it. But again all I hear is excuses as to why people don't talk about AD.

>if you like it talk to someone
what is this a helpline? Idgaf what other fans think, i enjoy the show for myself, i dont come on the internet for a social life, i have a real one

How Jewish is it?

maeby was uncomfortably hot

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i think i get your point but what you want us to say
yeah thats great about the show, the characters are always in the more cartoonish situations but those are real for them and thats what makes it funny
the running jokes are excelent imo, but i think i understand why people preffer a tv show where the characters give time or hints to the audience where and when to laugh

i was sad when she hit the wall at 60mph

Her tits were unbelievably bad.

I haven't heard something this true in ages

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i never figured out if they were making fun of wasps or jews?

are they a jewsish family? with wasp members?

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I never really got it
I mean... I understood what was going on and the vibe they were going for, but it never clicked for me. It's got some funny stuff, but it's not the most hilarious series of all time

its cartoonish realism, modern marx brothers calibre, if not better, yea the dialogue is heavy and fast, you need to be super attentive to catch and retain everything, which alot dont want to be that focused when watching conedy i guess, at least nowadays

Season 4 and 5 are not only bad, but depressing. Watching everyone get old, it's not the same vibe as the first three, it lost the soul. I watched those seasons out of necessity only.

i didn't think the humor was egregious, it was not too bad, but the gap in time was just too disjunct and jarring, the production choices were just horrendous at times as well, im still baffled by the amiunt of green screen they needed for literally no reason

But it does have a narrator that literally explains most of the jokes for you

wasps more likely
lindsay mentions she had the whole HOOP debacle and gets in trouble from the JDL in the first ep

I agree user. I also really don't get the common assertion that it's really smart either. Like sure, there are sine subtle jokes, but most of the humour is heavily flagged to you through either flashbacks or narration.

Also you can never convince that will arnet is actually a good comic actor. He's got the delivery skills of a brick and his entire career can be summed up in that 30 rock scene where he and Alec Baldwin do increasingly silly "stern" voices. Oh and Michael Cera's "repeat the previous line while looking confused" gets old really quickly

I learn more about this show's weird running gags the more that time passes. The Andele song they use a lot is literally just a soundalike of the 1987 song Bamboleo.

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