how long until the LE STRONG WOMAN trope will finally fucking end?
How long until the LE STRONG WOMAN trope will finally fucking end?
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Been going strong for four decades. No stopping it now. Submit to your feminine overlords cuck.
It won't, dumbfuck, you live here now.
Once it transitions to Trannies.
When trannies start replacing real women en masse
>Submit to your feminine overlords cuck.
It will take a major war. Patriarchy is fundamentally based on the recognition of men's superior abilities to cause, and prevent, violence through use of force. This was an understood point taken for granted through most of history before people forgot that, push comes to shove, people can and will enforce their will on you with violence at the end of the day. This is literally what's happening in Europe right now with the continent waking up for the first time since WWII to the fact that it's naive to assume your neighbor shares your sentiments of propriety and won't just come take what they want.
As soon as we're back in a situation where fighting determines survival, are reminded that it always has and always be that way, and that women are at men's behest when it comes to not being raped and killed, the world will get over the trendy modern fantasy of "women can do everything men can do."
The beatings will end when morale improves.
Until it stops making money.
I hope she doesn’t have a penis because I’m already stroking
As long as jew masters want it, OP.
T. Incel
once you'll finally have sex. the world is counting on you, godspeed incel
>how long until the LE STRONG WOMAN trope will finally fucking end?
i dont know but that shit literally ruined pic related for me
>he thinks it will end
Take your meds,schizo
>>he thinks it will end
how powerful will they become?
Who are they?
Why can't "strong female characters" just exhibit qualities women are actually potentially capable of in real life? Loyalty, hard work, resilience, dedication, etc. Why do they have to somehow be able to effortlessly beat the shit out of five hulking men for no discernible reason?
I don't want it to end, I just want it to be done right again.
Look at the faggots seethe at this post kek
when will they make movies with futa protagonists?
sis beat you at fortnite again, OP?
revy pure sex
Imagine what kind of fucking retard normie it takes to not understand that this post is pretty damn logical. I mean I don't like that's it's true, but it pretty much is. Tired of people so vehemently denying reality all the time.
>qualities women are actually potentially capable of in real life?
Got me good
Japan needs more strong women. Kikewood needs less.
Revy and
OG Sarah Connor aren't 'le strong independent women' though.
Strong independent woman trope is where a female character is an impossible badass solely because they're the protagonist or merely by virtue of the fact they are a woman.
Both Black Lagoon and terminator/t2 take the time to explore the character's backgrounds and the events that shaped them to be how they are in the story.
When women and simps stop wasting money on it, so it will only get worse.
But Revy and Rock are great together.
This. The norm now is to fuck 20 different people before settling on a life partner. Marriage and values that have been celebrated since the dawn of humanity are out because libs in the 60s said free speech and free love are paramount to everything else
Revy is just Rock's watchdog, she doesn't fit with Le Strong Womyn trope
maybe women did us a favor all along bringing all those shitskins here. Once the civil wars for sharia laws start, men will be useful again and women will finally be happy again, no matter which side wins they will be hiding at home as babymakers and in charge of the household
Seethe forever
I hope it doesn't, but on the other hand I hope they do it properly and use actual buff women instead of sticks like Brie.
I want to breed Revy so fucking bad
We know Rock
Why doesn't she button up her shorts?
That's just the western world, for the last few centuries. Not the future.
That new Sarah Connor is very cute. She looks like she’s an awful actress though.
Revy is for rape
Stinky Chinese pussy.
>free speech
They don't give a shit about free speech, they care about their speech.
Every war kills off the strongest and bravest men. It's a double edged sword.
furfags should be gassed
When we force them to tryout for football in high school
it all started with her
>trope has been around for years
>picks the most mocked stereotype
Good little pay piggies good. It’s bad to think for yourself, let others think for you.
she is the sexiest though
Yes, the tropes been around for years, but she started the trend that made it mainstream
These stronk mpowered wahmen characters aren't accidental or a trend. The leaders of the NWO are luciferians, they worship Satan and their religion is pretty simple, it's the mirror opposite of the abrahamic religion. So patriarchy must be turnd into matrircahy, gender roles must be reversed, natural nuclear family must be replaced by same sex parents with kids made in a test tube. Straight bad, gay good etc... You can go on forever. Their objective is to flipped the natural world order upside down.
Agreed, Lola should ruin me with her gas
Rock is Revy's cocker spaniel
>gf says she thinks shes stronger than me
>i lol
>she gives me dagger eyes
>oh, you actually think that?
>u wanna go, bro?
>we start to wrestle
>immediately throw her on the bed
>flip her on her stomach
>pin both of her arms behind her back with one hand and pull her tights down wirh the other
>fuck her in the ass because she hates anal
>she grunts and moans trying to get out of it
simple as
so you raped your gf because she thought you was a weak bitch huh?
>raping your property
lol no user. youll understand once youve had sex
>OG Sarah Connor aren't 'le strong independent women' though.
Wrong vid (still cringe though), meant this one:
ebin bro. You are so cool.
Isn't she canonically a lesbian though?
Pretty much, yeah