Do you like the whimsical child chapter, the unsure teenage chapter or the dark adult chapter?

Do you like the whimsical child chapter, the unsure teenage chapter or the dark adult chapter?

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17 year olds are teenagers.

>Do you like the whimsical child chapter

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I don't like any of them because I'm not a 14 year old girl

Half Blood Prince was peak comfy

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>being proud of your lack of nostalgia


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I preferred twilight

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I like the books. Fuck the movies and their terrible casting, sets, changes, le edgy tone and boring flat filmmaking that lacked any energy or magic for 4 films in a row

I didn’t know only 14 year old girls can like this series. I’ll add that to my list of things that society says I shouldn’t be watching. Of course I follow this list because I’m a beta.

>le edgy tone and boring flat filmmaking that lacked any energy or magic for 4 films in a row
You can thanks that hack David Yates for that

>I didn’t know only 14 year old girls can like this series. I’ll add that to my list of things that society says I shouldn’t be watching. Of course I follow this list because I’m a beta.

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The first two films are the best and respect the source matieral the most. 3rd was okay, but Dumbledore replacement was complete trash. The rest of the movies are pretty bland.

>Harry, did I ever tell you about color grading?

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I like the puberty drama. Ron and Hermione cucking one another is more interesting than whoever the villain of the book is

everything after 4 is the most boring and visually uninteresting dreck possible


I only like 1,2 and 4. I hate 3's over encompassing sense of Paranoia, 5 okay, I dont really like the feeling where everyone thinks Harry is a retarded liar for the majority of the movie, I straight up don't like 6 because it's too miserable, and I never bothered to watch 7 or 8 because by the time they came out I stopped giving a shit.

1-4 are kino. As soon as voldemort and the death eaters became the focus the franchise turned to shit. It should have stayed a comfy boarding school story until at least book 7. No one cares about Voldemort everyone liked the Hogwarts setting.

Both could be from the same movie, it's just that in top the room is lit all over and there are colorful ornaments all about (xmas season), and in bottom it's cloudy outside,it's sometime in the afternoon and everyone's wearing gray. I don't get the hate

I think you’re the esl

>I think you’re the esl

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As a non-fan, 3 was a good movie on its own. First two were good kids' films. 4th was trash and I didn't watch the rest.

Second this.

which one has Dumbledore grooming them all into being trannies?

Nostalgia was invented by marketing companies to sell you the same shit over and over again. You are proud of being a braindead golem consumer.

>I didn’t know only 14 year old girls can like this series.
Someone post the IMDB stats.

starts in the first scene where he places a baby in a home that makes him kill himself

>I didn’t know only 14 year old girls can like this series. I’ll add that to my list of things that society says I shouldn’t be watching

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Goblet is the peak of the series and Voldemort needed more screentime

I'm seriously starting to hate the anti-tranny posts more than trannys

>I'm seriously starting to hate the anti-tranny posts more than trannys

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They're both fucking annoying if I'm being honest. Actually, the whole wojak meme is fucking lame as shit to begin with.

>They're both fucking annoying if I'm being honest. Actually, the whole wojak meme is fucking lame as shit to begin with.

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It peaked with just replying with a simple YWNBA all down hill since then

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/qa/ lost

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Half blood prince was kino and comfy.

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No seriously what the fuck do you even get out of this we were having a perfectly good HP thread and then you come in and ruin it for no reason how do you even know that we're trans in the first place we didn't even say anything idiot.

I like 3. Could've had more substance to it but Hagrid and Remus are kino and it was the only story not revolving around DEH man. The parts before they start at Hogwarts are great too

Was it the 5th movie or 6th movie where Harry is fucking the Asian broad?

1 and 2 are the best. Voldemort is fun and all but he is the only enjoyable part of the later movies, they feel like a chore

lel, you can see everything turned to shit at the fourth one.

I think there is a point in the 5th part where he actually tries to woo her but she judges the Dumbledore army and tells her to fuck off forever, even though she was jinxed into it or whatwver


Harry Potter is made by prudish britbongs. The most Harry does is having a monster growl in his belly when he sees Ron's whore of a little sister.

She has a name, asshole. It's Cho Ping Pong Ling Ling Wang Wu Chang.

>Le harry potter is BAD
>God I'm so based

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>No seriously what the fuck do you even get out of this we were having a perfectly good HP thread and then you come in and ruin it for no reason how do you even know that we're trans in the first place we didn't even say anything idiot.

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nas gemerald

Order of Phoenix>Half Blood prince>Philosophers stone>Chamber>Prisoner>Deathly Hallows pt 1 and 2>Goblet of fire

This weirdest HP rank I've ever seen.

i saw fantastic beasts in theaters today
the world building was really kino

You only need to watch 1-3. If you just want to watch one then movie 3.

Skintones never lie. Look at the color saturation in the cheeks, eyes, lips. It isn't remotely as high in the bottom shot as the top.

Here, this is a quick and dirty rework of the top to match the bottom's grading color saturation and value wise.

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I found most of these films to be fairly unwatchable because of how un-magical they are. The kids all hate their classes, a lot of the magic they learn is really mundane, etc.
The 6th movie was the only good one because it was so focused on the schooling.

OotP is only the best book. Movie is by far the worst.

First 3 and that's it, Goblet of Fire is pretty okay too. If a woman ever drags me into a harry potter marathon I'm giving up and trying for sex after movie 2 or 3