Best gay kino?

Best gay kino?

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hannibal was gay as fuck and still kino without feeling like pandering

Happy together

Omar from The Wire

The only gay movies I've seen are Brokeback Mountain and Call me by your name. Of these two I preferred Call me bt your name

This movie is ssssuper duper gay, but it's also super good.

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Any Xavier Dolan film

Gas the fags

That guys movies feel incredibly "insubstantial". Idk how else to put it. They're like empty. He usually has some good songs though

Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore

The Matthew Shepard story

*Pistol whip

any kino that isn't call me by your name



both kino

young royals is great

edge of 17 was good

gbf and dorian blues were ok

everything else is garbage

Came here with this express purpose

Faggot kino? Well I would say Philadelphia and And The Band Played On

Pro-tip for faggot content: watch foreign or pre-2000 only. American gay movies are all woke garbage these days. Other countries do it right.



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If you wanna see dicks watch this movie

Mass replying is far far worse tha being a faggot

You want to watch movies with gays in them? By which you mean lesbian?
You want to watch shows with trans people in them? By which you mean a woman who has decided she isn't special enough and termed herself non-binary?

This is a great, beautifully-made movie that just happens to be gay.

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No he means movies with fags in them

Not Another Gay Movie
Bear City movies
Where the Bears Are is a campy TV show that has gone on too long by some miracle
Think that's it... There aren't a lot of good movies about gay people

I could fuck you in the ass and I would still be straight

Mysterious Skin is quite good

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So you mean butch lesbians? Go check the lgbt tag on Netflix. There's plenty of lesbians to choose from.

Men. Men with dicks sticking it in each other's assholes. Lesbians aren't real.

When is the second season of Young Royals...


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>Men. Men with dicks sticking it in each other's assholes.
Can we stop associating gayness with sodomy. I have had sex with men but I've never put my dick in an asshole or had a dick in my asshole. Sodomy is degeneracy, full stop. Only the broken, the abused, the very stupid, or those with flaccid assholes engage in that beastly practice.

How do these people not know they have parasites? Aren't there symptoms?

Oral sex is not real sex.

This. This is the best gay kino.

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>manipulation of the genitals by another is not sex
ok groomer


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My favorite

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Hey I'm not the guy who admitted to sucking off other men.

>is a gay movie
>truckloads of ears of wheat
every time

It says in the research that even the uninfected ones display symptoms. (Pic from abstract).
Silence of the Lambs

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Women with taped-down tits and short hair pegging each other, got it.

So the homos all just had horrible diarrhea regardless of if they were carrying worms? kek

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the lake of fire

So kino that people forget it's about a super homo and a troon

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Pacino's fag films are the best because they portray faggots as depraved mentally ill hedonists.

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Those are clearly chavs.

OPs home films

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Your dads molesting you

The guy in ete 85 has a phenomenal ass

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that ass is literally built for being slammed by a long hard cock

still influential to these days that the Chinese used it as antigovernment tool

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The one and only; Buck Breaking.

Good Lord

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>the parasites

Hes cleaner than any foid

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Do any of you fags know any movies where the main character is straight and gets a little gay but not really because he's topping like in Brokeback?

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