
Any good J-horror out there?

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I didn't think pic related was good (apart from the opening scene) but Ichi the Killer, Story of Ricky and Uzumaki were more my speed.

Fuck Japan, watch this one from Taiwan instead. It's essentially Garth Ennis' Crossed youtube.com/watch?v=dqiyC5qT2-Q


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Watch Kiyoshi Kurosawa and Takashi Miike films from the 1990s-2000s. Thank me later

Liverleaf is the newest classic

>Ichi the killer
Watching the trailers now, looks very Japanese am I'm on board
>kiyoshi kurosawa
>Directed creepy
Fuck that was a good movie, will check him out
I'll check it


“Liverleaf” is a Japanese teen drama about bullying

Yes it's a fun horror movie

>It's essentially Garth Ennis' Crossed
i wish. it's a lot more boring than that.

Shutter (actually from Thailand, but whatever)
Cold Fish
One Missed Call
Forest of Love
Dark Water

Itchi the killer isnt horror , but its amazing, my favorite film, I have the dvd and uncut bluray and the anime.

the anime, Ichi: Zero, is a prequel. there's also a sequel but it obviously had no budget, miike wasn't involved, and it looks like shit. the same actor who played Ichi is in it, though.

The anime is very short. But its cool you see abit of itchi young and then as a teen then as you see him in itchi the killer. I havent seen the itchi prequel movie as I heard its not very good.

Was uzumaki good? I’ve read the comic and loved it, it reminded me of some Asian horror game I played on ps2.

Again not horror but dead or alive and dead or alive 2 birds are really cool films hyper stylised like itchi .

I actually liked the Ichi prequel. Kind of an odd low budget J-drama with rape and violence. I still haven't seen the sequel but I want to.

A Page of Madness (1926)
Godzilla (1954)
Jigoku (1960)
Onibaba (1964)
Kwaidan (1964)
Kuroneko (1968)
House (1977)
Ringu (1998)
Audition (1999)
The Happiness of the Katakuris (2001)
Ichi the Killer (2001)
Gozu (2003)
Haze (2005)
Exte: Hair Extensions (2007)
Tokyo Gore Police (2008)
Big Tits Zombie (2010)

I used to be scared of Sadako, but I now I just want her to come out of my monitor and make sweet ghostly love to me.

Might get it then as I love itchi.

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I liked pulse. Its very slow but the whole idea is very cool and touches on quantum mechanics.


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Noroi, Pulse, Cure, original Ringu, Evil Dead Trap

What's the name?

The sequel/prequel is way better, though it's less of a horror movie.
>relatable estranged family drama
>surreal setting
>really good soundtrack
>main character is basically a 2ch user

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I like the English dub of Ghost Stories.

Do you have source for a high quality rip?
I found it on youtube but it looks like shit

Here's a DVD rip, so it's probably at least better than YouTube

J-horror is only good when it's not serious or a cartoon.
>Meatball Machine
>Sweet Home
>Tokyo Gore Police
Stuff like that
>Kwaidan is pretty good though


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village of doom

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Has anyone seen this? Could this be considered horror?

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Suicide Club is shit. Do not watch it.

Go back to your containment thread.

more like >>>/capeshit/. a bunch of anons in /film/ like Sono

OP here just finished Ichi the killer. What the fuck did I just watch bros? I don't know what the hell that was about. Was it good? Was it kino? Was it shit? I'm not sure.

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it was kino. you're welcome. now watch Gozu or Strange Circus

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Holy shit filtered so hard

Bro, where is this shit I’ve been looking since that one thread where everyone was being a dick about the private trackers and it being like crossed

Quality post, user

Suicide Circle isn't horror.
Its a comedy.

>Shin Godzilla

It's just the Japanese films that were tagged as horror on my watchlist according to letterboxd, so take some of them with a grain of salt

This one made me shit brics

Enjoy my friend

Yeah it was one of the better J-horrors

So she was fat on the inside

Even though it's K Horror, I thought pic related was pretty creepy

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Watch Cure or Pulse next. Both are more meditative movies than the wackiness of Ichi the Killer

Crazy Lips

I got the Shinya Tsukamoto collection from Arrow Video and just watched the Adventure Of Denchu-Kozo the other night. Absolute low-budget soulful kino

Forest of Love starts off pretty tame but it eventually turns into one of the most fucked up movies i've seen in a long time. highly recommended.

It's the same or even worse. Thanks anyway

Is this like a Korean take on Session 9?

There's not many great versions out there

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yeah, but they're livestreaming everything on youtube or something. it's been a few years since i've seen it.

Yeah, kind of. More like Korean [REC] but insert ghosts instead of zombies. Nice and creepy for a short runtime. Anyone browsing this thread would enjoy it

That music video in it was something else:

This scene was amazing.
Top quality film making here.

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