What exactly was this guys fucking problem?

What exactly was this guys fucking problem?

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His problem was that he DID NOTHING WRONG. The movie paints him in a bad light but we all know the guy was good. Literally the character that filters women to this day

Also surprised to see him in twin peaks. T.zoomer

>What exactly was this guys fucking problem?
A whiny fiancé

He literally slapped a woman

He dated below his level.

Sorting his guns by flavor

So? The mc girl would have been better off with a slumrat? Leo's character would have painted the floor red with her

What does his socioeconomic status have to do with being in love? The Cal character represents people like Elliot Rodger

>Privileged white women think they have it hard despite literally being pampered so they're both complacent and entitled

Literally the problem of Western gender dynamics in a nutshell.

it's surreal how he simps for her until the very end. Motherfucker even looks for her after being rescued

She repeatedly cheats on him, tells him she would rather be Jack's whore than his wife and still simps for her

i thought he killed himself like 10 years after this movie

After she embarrassed him by running off all night with another man

he was looking for his diamond which she had

Let's be honest, Rose deserved a slap.

Attached: rose-and-cal.png (500x218, 178.82K)

I just watched it again like two days ago and my wife and I argued about this exact point. I pointed out "What EXACTLY did he do to Rose that was so bad? Order her food for her one time? Take away her cigarette when she was being blatantly disrespectful to her mother by blowing smoke in her face? Be suspicious of a man who is literally a homeless vagabond? Be justifiably upset when his fiancee flaunts another man in his face?" and she makes some baseless argument about it being part of a larger pattern of control which we literally never see and is purely conjecture.


I don't think so. He's a simp and seems emotionally relieved to see her (probably assuming that Jack died and thinking that he still has a shot)

he tried to kill someone because his dumb whore fiancé cheated while letting her get off scot free. he was a simp

He has a douchebag face and Leo has a cute face. That's all there is to it

>while letting her get off scot free.

He literally chases her and Jack with a gun shooting at them.

wrong stop projecting. he literally said he wanted the diamond back after she said the rather be a whore than a wife thing

people seem to forget what year the titanic sank in

Listen to your buddy Billy Zane

Wtf I love Billy Zane now

He ate a bullet in the end, so there's that

someone post the rose pasta

Grow a pair dude

He threars the staff disrespectfully. Number one asshole sign.

he symbolizes white, civilized men while leo symbolizes foreign (black) men with attitude and a high libido. my proof is the responses in this thread

He was Heartless

He did not

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It was 1912

your wife is probably throwin back while you gone bro

For the time? No he really wouldn't stand out as a bad guy.

based cretin

You mean when he's tipping them like hundreds of dollars at a time to move his stuff for him or get him on a boat?

His fiancee cheated on him

>my wife

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When locking in the Irish to a sinking ship, secure the barricade to a structure. Don't just simply chain doors together.

been there. you're arguing facts, she's arguing feelings. waste of time, user.

Because he deserved it

isnt the implication that he didn't know Rose's family was actually broke? just one more betrayal from that ungrateful slut

t. woman
No one deserves cheating, just leave

>he literally said he wanted the diamond back after she said the rather be a whore than a wife thing
No, AFTER that scene he still looks for her yet again to make sure she gets into a boat. Of course, she jumps back to the ship and then Cal loses it and starts shooting at them out of jealousy. It's only after the shooting when he realizes that she has the diamond

At the Carpathia he clearly thinks that Jack didn't make it and that he still has a chance

nothing he did in the course of that movie warranted his fiancee sleeping with a homeless street artist she knew for a grand total of 48 hours. stop acting like Rose isn't just an entitled whore.

He had a harlot of a fiance. That was this poor guy's problem.


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He didn't respect Rose's feelings of wanting to be with a different man.

>He literally slapped a woman
off with his head then

Bitch even wants to kill herself from the very beginning because she has to marry him. Having to marry a rich (who would save her from poverty) and arguably good looking man in the year of our lord 1912 would be hell for her

Isn't there a scene in the movie where Rose basically admits she's just a spoiled rich girl, and then just glosses over it?

Rose deserved to be thrown off the ship before it ever hit the ice.

>At the Carpathia he clearly thinks that Jack didn't make it
He didn't known if either of them made it

ITT: Autism

Cal is a representation of everything which causes sadness to the main character. He isn’t outright evil. But he is the antagonist to our hero’s plight

No shit. The question isn't whether whether or why he FEELS evil to Rose; the question is whether her feelings are actually justified.

>unironically calling others autisitc

>our hero
Your hero. Cal is my hero


Doesn’t matter desu because you just have to take a character at face value. Her face value is that she’s being pushed into a marriage she doesn’t like and he’s standing in the way of her happiness

It’s justified later when he attempts murder

>you just have to take a character at face value

Wtf are you talking about? No, we don't HAVE to agree with the perspective of the characters anymore than we HAVE to agree with the perspectives of anyone else. Yes, you should try to understand their perspective, but only so that you can make up your own mind about it.

>It’s justified later when he attempts murder

That's literally circular logic.

>FEEL like Cal is worth cheating on
>cheats on him which drives him to the point of murderous rage
>"See?! That's why I was justified in cheating on him!"

It was a better time.

He's a bum. If he had survived, their relationship would have lasted a week, two tops. Then he'd be fucking floosies on the side, drinking every night over the PTSD of the disaster, and probably beating Rose.

I mean, all indications are that she turned her back on a life of wealth when she abandons her mother and Cal. Yet the movie implies she lives a very happy and fulfilled life afterwards. I don't think we can assume that Jack's financial status was a surefire recipe for unhappiness. She clearly got along well even without the rich life she'd grown accustomed to.

Imagine getting married to Rose and having several kids with her and grandkids, and staying with her for several decades and giving her all your love.

And at the end of her life she decides to forget about you, your family and your life together, and instead fantasize about that time she had a one night stand with some filthy street rat aboard a cruise ship like 60 fucking years prior. Thanks a lot Rose, you whore

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Weird British accent despite being "from Philadelphia".

>he lives, probably finds a wife that isn't a whore like Rose
>Leo's fucking dead lol
He won