Watching the clone wars show and its a pure kino fest, maybe the best starwars "product" I have ever consoooomed. How fucking retarded are the jedi to let 66 happen also is the empire really that bad for everyday citizens compared to republic??? Empire might have been better more stable more order?
Holy fuck its amazing
What's so amazing about it, there's tons of filler.
So I like filler
Why isn't anyone posting in my thread? Is there another SW thread up right now?
I only saw the movie back in 2008 and never bothered since. Fuck all franchises (Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel, Harry Potter etc.)
Too bad the artsyle is horrendously blocky and gross and impossible to look past.
I like asoka first season she was a little weird and I didn't really like her because it was my first introduction to the character but now I have grow to like her quite alot actually.
Nah i actually really like this 90's reboot computer animation look its 100x better then pic related art style which better describes criticism
Tcw is just a 3d version of that shit, again, stupidly blocky and distracting. Everything looks ugly for the sake of adapting that 2d style
Anyone else notice how the sith grand plan is exactly how jews took over the west. I wonder who the two reigning shekel masters are right now. Is soros the master or only just the apprentice?
It's not an adaptation, it's meant to look like thunderbirds
it was lucas' idea
>dude the cringy tranny show that I'm shilling is actually super based because there's a tangential parallel between the bad guys and the kikes please subscribe to disney plus and watch it
Filoni is a furry hack
cartoons belong on Yea Forums
The Jedid didn't let Order 66 happen.
Order 66 was a secret order and Darth Sidious gave the Clones the order to kill all the Jedi.
you're a child
I prefer the Rebels cartoon desu, but both of these shows would have been better in 2d instead of pig disgusting CGI
I disagree. 2D had it's charms but I prefer the CGI (S3 onwards that is)
In the ROTS book, Dooku was a sociopathic racist. Fuck that old elitist man.
Satan!!! My lord! Grant me the power to destroy all who talk shit about The Clone Wars, and I shall be your willing slave!!!!
Commander Cody should have been the secondary Clone protagonist of TCW.
What a wasted opportunity.
Both Padme & Sheev are from Naboo and both of them played a role in Anakin Skywalker's life. Are they both from Theed as well?
I should say I don't mean like Genndy Tartakovsky animation. While I think his show looks better than Filoni's Clone Wars, I don't think that style would work at all for Rebels. You'd need something like the old Droids cartoon from the 80s or the Boba Fett bit from the Holiday Special.
>Padme & Sheev Theed
Are you on drugs retard? The fuck are you even going on about?
>Are you on drugs retard?
No you fucking idiot.
>The fuck are you even going on about?
Theed is the capital city of Naboo, you rude ignorant ape.
>You'd need something like the old Droids cartoon from the 80s or the Boba Fett bit from the Holiday Special.
No thank you. I pass on that.
zoom on little homo
You watch your damn filthy mouth, you insolent faggot.
A decent amount of filler is decent.
t. not here to shitpost
make me sperg
I won't you filthy scum.
Who cares its still blocky shit
this is now a General Grievous appreciation thread
It is. Qymaen jai Sheela
What was he supposed to be anyway? A force droid? Wow george, did your 4 year old daughter think that up? Should have slapped her dumb ass and threw the idea away, now you got the 35 year old autists still sperging out over it on the net.
It's gay dude, when you are watching ROTS you know in the back of your mind Maul isn't alive and Anakin never had an apprentice. Search your feelings you know it to be true.
Pipe down little nigger.
he's supposed to be a space lizard in a robot suit
Who is the best clone and why is it 99?
Star Wars has 3 universe with each their own continuity.
The Original Trilogy takes place in the OT universe.
The Prequel Trilogy takes place in the PT universe.
The Clone Wars takes place in the 3D cartoon universe.
and all three lead to the ST universe, never forget that. :)
Not him, but nah, there's the EU.
The ST universe is non-canon and and takes place in the Disney universe within the Disney continuity. :D
Is that supposed to be a downside
yea it's kino
i recently started watching it too
i'm now on season 2 and i've enjoyed every single episode so far
i've laughed, i've been saddened and i've been on the edge of my seat in excitement
great space opera in cartoon form, and thanks to the relatively low budget they kept the episodes short (less animating cost) resulting in tightly paced episodes
I'm going to watch bad batch after I'm done clone wars then after BB I'm going to watch rebels. This animation style is awesome and really works well for battles it looks awesome
What is this still from and is it worth watching? I really don't like that cartoon art style but I could look past it if the show is good
It's from the 2D Clone Wars mini-serie (2003) created by Genndi Tartakovsky
Based 99, whats his deal why does he look like that advanced aging? How old is he probably 20 or some shit. Imaging being a clone and knowing you hit the wall super hard really fast that sucks
he was a failed clone with a defect, user
I dont get why people care in such a big universe like starwars it's impossible with all the different creators to keep everything straight.
He was the CIA inject into the show to condition young kids that elderly, deformed men who want to hang out with them are cool.
How can he be a failure if he never even got his chance?
It's simple for me. I don't count anything produced by Disney wars. Yes even the cringe shit made before Disney as well. At least that cringe had more soul to it.
You’re a gay tasteless retard if you think this show is good.
Edge of seat excitement lol I agree I haven't been this invested in a show since lost. I really feel for the poor clones they got it rough man
What time does it cover compared to the 3d clone wars?
22 BBY - 19 BBY, same as the 3D TCW.
a little after the end of episode 2 to literally right before episode 3
it's honestly a perfect bridge
soros is naturally just an apprentice, simply due to the fact that we know his name. his master is some higher level jew weve never even heard of. some hidden jew family that was thought to have died out in 1914 or something, going underground with the founding of the federal reserve or some shit.
You should do that. Have fun my friend :)
I hate TCW so much.
>I hate the TCW
What you don't like about it?
I love it, I love The Clone Wars.
The tight animation budget causing the episodes to be very well paced and not have useless filler is perfect.
they do
sentient beings with a consciousness programmed to follow orders blindly
the jedi are mad
Not that user but how can you even enjoy a show like TCW?
Even ignoring the fact it completely shits on the years of the Clone Wars Multimedia, you got so many problems:
Dave Filoni shits on all of George's ideas and does things that go against his direct wish (check the documentaries, i.e. bringing back Maul, giving Anakin a Padawan, etc)
Battle Droids are turned into kid comedy, overused jokes, they're not seen as threats, the entire excitement and interest in seeing the battles of the war goes away
Republic wins every single battle since the begin, barely ever we see a defeat, and when we do it's a small skirmish, not a full on battle or planet conquest
Republic somehow already has late war tech, Acclamators cease to exist and somehow all of the fleets are equipped with Venators(?)
Clone Troopers go from extremely professional and tactically skilled soldiers GENETICALLY BRED to follow orders and assist their Jedi Generals to a bunch of rebellious banter chillin 80s movie soldier who can barely even kill a droid, used for kid comedy in certain parts (like the Clone who punches a droid and dies in season 1)
Inhibitor chip by TCW lore was planted in EVERY single Clone, Dave Filoni manages to erase both Clone Commandos and Clone ARCs purpose and speciality with a unnecessary adition
Show about The Clone Wars focuses more on Dave Filoni's fanfiction character and fanboy favorite Ahsoka Tano instead of any other character, Anakin barely develops, we barely meet new clones
And this strange shit I don't understand:
Why do the clones we meet seem to know everyone and always be there?
Why is Cody always with Rex when Cody is a Commander from a complete different unit and general?
Why do we never get to meet more Clones beyond Fives, Echo, Tup, Wax and Boil?
The most we get to know about the Clone Army is a legion with a different uniform and a single clone named which is the Commander.
There is so much they could do with TCW and they wasted it.