>chink poster - shows hero in full costume to show off interesting mask and hide identity to surprise viewers
>burger poster - of course black face in your face
I cant wait for China to destroy America.
Lol you know good and well that’s not why they did it
I cant wait for China to destroy africa
Wait, what? Is America actually this dumb? Does it treat its citizens like children? Do African-Americans forget that China is literally debt trapping and trolling their native continental cousins? I sometimes forget that black Americans only care about black Americans, and nothing else.
You'd think they'd be the voices of anti-slavery in the world when Uyghurs are -literally- being forced to pick cotton. How is that not symbolic? Blows my mind. But, no, "someone called me the n-word :(" takes precedence.
this desu
Better image. Blacks banned in MacDonald's China.
Blacks sold their souls to Hollywood, selling their souls to China in the process. They're objects to be used and exploited. Doesn't matter that China hates black people, Hollywood still finds them useful within their own borders.
Anglogermcucks and Russians are Asian. Asians are extremely fearful of blacks because it reminds them of how they have small penises. Europeans have no problem with blacks because they have equal penis length.
amerimutts are the ones presently destabilizing africa so chink investments go belly up. nog spring is happening in nigeria, ethiopia, sudan, cameroon, and just like arab spring its 100% aided and abetted by glowniggers
>Chinese are treated as slaves in China
>white people are treated as god
Is China is most pro-white country in the world?
Left is trying to sell a superhero movie, right is trying to sell "blacks=good".
>to destroy africa
with what? infrastructure investments?
I don't really have a problem with glowies destroying afrishit countries desu
lmao is this real?
East Asia in-general worships white culture, but not white people. Xi Jinping and that one scrubbed sound file of him angrily stating that the 'Century of Humiliation' was a mistake on the timeline, and that China should always have been no.1, the British Empire no.2.
You don't grasp how fucking ironic Chinese culture is. They're currently bashing Western culture for ""antagonizing"" Russia. They are not supporting Ukraine. Chinese people actually plug their noses when whites walk by, because we smell bad to them. Same with blacks and Indians. The Han are the single most racist ethnicity on the planet, despite being cultural conformists.
This is what happens when Mao breeds a disgusting moral sentiment in his people. Chinese culture has been destroyed. I don't give a fuck if white culture vanishes either, because this world is going to become full-on cultural genocide at some point, I swear. Whites will die out because of self-hatred and dishonest multiculturalism tactics.
Multiculturalism has failed. Sad, too, since it was beautiful in theory. Thank American politicians decades past for making China so bloody powerful for their own monetary gain, and later Middle-East incursions.
Whatever replaces America (probably China) is infinitely worse than America, despite America being a butt to begin with. Not all butts are the same size.
Why do blacks like to beat up asians in the states?
>yeah bro i prefer having my tax dollars used to send more refugees straight to yurop
you glow
well you should, where do you think those Africans go once their countries turn to shit, because glowies will welcome them with open arms to your neighborhood
Yes, with good-will and altruism. Because that's what China is, a giant charity fund. I'm sure there's no strings attached to their help
Same reason they beat up whites. They deserve it for being racist.
They hate Chewbacca
never said that, but it's certainly better than just dropping bombs and making them flee their countries to Europe.
investing in infrastructure is the first step to having a functioning economy, China is clearly playing the long game and does want to tap in on the growth potential of the continent
That's something completely different. You can destroy their shit and don't let them in. These things don't have to go hand to hand
they do be like that.
>he called me le n word :(( KILL ALL PIGS
>meanwhile, in south africa, white families are being raped and beheaded on their farms
how's that working out so far? you stupid faggot, you live in a fantasy land if you think what you're saying is remotely acceptable on mainstream discourse.
the best current course of action is to stop bombing them and just invest in their economies, not only will their birth rates decrease once they develop as shown by every country on earth, but they'll also no longer have any incentive to come here in droves.
Nogs will be able to use the roads that chinks build, but they will still be owned by china
They will control everything in those countries, just like brits controlled everything in iran or egypt . But chinks will be worse that bongs, because confucian mentality is more used to treating people like cattle
>hide identity to surprise viewers
Are you actually retarded?
Yeah, it was a minor controversy at the time.
People coped with 'Ackchually it's because Asians love tech and robots so they made BB-8 bigger' in order to avoid the uncomfortable truth that they hate nogs.
Why does spiderman have his mask on all posters? Cmon man. Both posters are subversive in nature.
the ccp has such an inferiority complex over britain it's hilarious
then so be it, I'd rather they enslave them and keep them in their countries than to see them roaming the streets of my city.
The Dutch in Africa all deserve it. They’re unwelcome migrants just like their pals in Europe.
> you live in a fantasy land if you think what you're saying is remotely acceptable on mainstream discourse
i never said that it is
>the best current course of action is to stop bombing them
nobody's bombing them you dumb niggerfaggot, maybe besides russhits in central africa but that's just one minor shithole
>invest in their economies, not only will their birth rates decrease once they develop as shown by every country on earth, but they'll also no longer have any incentive to come here in droves
yeah let's flood nogs with money what a great idea
how about you rope yourself you brown piece of shit
>Thank American politicians decades past for making China so bloody powerful for their own monetary gain
The American political and financial elites bear a large part of the blame, true, but let's not forget the fact that European political and financial elites waddled up to the trough right along with them.
Because basketball Americans think all Asians are rich, and are additionally too weak/cowardly to fight back.
yeah that was my original point
good one faggot
ok satan. Nobody wants to see them if given the chance. China has the balls to decide for themselves. U gonna cry and shit your pants?
Oh no minority bros. Even though they make up 30% of the globe they are still minorities in places like Idaho and Delaware.
why are you so fucking stupid, God you're probably a nigger yourself.
so when China invests there it's "not out of goodwill" and "all for profits", but when someone suggests that the west invests there suddenly it's "free money".
there's no such thing as free money you faggot, but by all means keep propping up their dictators and be surprised when niggers breed western Europe to extinction
Wrong. They settled empty land and let blacks join in for cheap labour so in the end still deserved in a way.
Just white people really
t. glowie
opium wars
>Chinese are treated as slaves in China
>white people are treated as god
LMAO, no. Not even remotely. Especially in China. Do Whites get treated better in Asian countries? When they're believed to be tourist, absolutely. When they actually live there? No. They simply want your money and for you to not be a criminal, which isn't bad in itself. Most countries should be like that. You're not really seen as special in any way there. Tourist areas are full of foreigners and outside of them, you're seen as an oddity but nothing alien. Think a black guy in the middle of nowhere Montana. Point is, you'll either be met with patience or someone will try to scam you, but either way, you're just another sack of meat with money.
lmao what the fuck, very cringe reaction
>empty land
not even their own paintings support this meme talking point
the funniest thing is that chinese people actually smell weird. pakis just cover their odd curry smell with aftershave, chinks seem to downright refuse to use any so they all reek of 2 day old cabbage.
Do americans really?
Chinese poster is actually more honest than the american one since it gives the main characters more space on the poster and demotes the less important ones. BB-8 gets a bigger spot, finn goes lower, and poe gets removed entirely. Finn being that prominent holding a lightsaber on the US poster is outright disingenuous considering he ends up using it for about 30 seconds then never again in the trilogy.
not only that but Finn is support to be a "twist" in the movie so it kind of makes sense to not have him take up 30% of the poster
>The world will end because white people were dumb enough to trust the Chinese'
Honestly, wow.
>The world will end
you're not the center of the world, it'll keep moving even if you opt out of the gene pool, dumb incel
>China has the balls to decide for themselves. U gonna cry and shit your pants?
nta but i dont think anybody in this thread actually cares about finn have less real estate on the poster, most probably agree with it in fact. People point it out because a massive portion of people, the ones who spend the most time calling things racist, completely refuse to acknowledge non-white racism because it makes them uncomfortable
yeah, honesty is the #1 priority in China.
Say what you like, but the problem isn't chinese posters downplaying black actors, it's US posters overplaying them.
>greedy enough to want Chinese cash/customers
fixed that for you, no one fucking "trusts" the Chinese, people just want their money