What the fuck is going on with the american actors and their faces?

What the fuck is going on with the american actors and their faces?

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Probably mewing

aging in an industry that values youth

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Stop noticing

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Nothing to see here

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people get older generally

Pay no attention to our increasing head size

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So, every actor on HGH or it's implants?

HGH + Test

evey actor above 30 is most likely on both.

pahrma hgh go on /fit/ costs a fukton and basically every male in hollywoo does it

It's not real idris elba, He was replaced by an actor.

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Bogdanoff dead man's switch

They all look ridiculous, but there's something particularly retarded about Hemsworth. He was already a very masculine looking guy. Now he looks like a caricature.

Head sizes grow w/ age retards. Looks at old men

Post Tom Cruise, obvious case of surgery

A massive improvement.

We're eating so many microplastics that we're turning into plastic.

Is this why they fluoridate the water?

It’s the adrenochrome.

>retard learns that your head gets fatter with age
Go look at pics of your father when he was in his teens/20s vs his 50s


Looks a lot better on the left

>pahrma hgh
Is it bad for you? The results are encouraging.
t.trying to get out of twink mode.

>upset at men looking like masculine men
meanwhile this is happening to young actresses all over Hollywod, and not one word was said. sad state of affairs, considering she probably changed up her look so she could get more "mature" roles and escape her Sally Draper fame

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How do I take the neckpill? Neck curls are doing nothing.

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That's pretty much all I'm seeing. Their heads are just getting larger

>gigachad isn't re-

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What's wrong with the rock? He shaved his head and got a goatee? Look at these freaks what's wrong with the rock here?

The weirdest one is Zach because he clearly took the call even though he was still young and good looking

You underestimate or are entirely ignorant of the cosmetic surgery industry's super influence in Hollywood. Even in your late 20s they try to get you to get cosmetic work done. It's a tumor catered to stealing celebrity money by influencing them to get procedures they do not need.

Genetics is a lot of it, also try heavy shrugs, farmer carry, dealifts, neck curls, neck bridges (careful) and if you have a friend, do towel forehead pulls.

Ah yes, roided freaks with low body fat only have fat in their faces. Next thing you will tell that they are natty

Sleek n tears is real though.

SOVL soulless

NONE of the actors pictured are 'natty' lmao, its fucking comical how they represent themselves but still in this day and age the Rock, Hemsworth, or Idris revealing their stacks would be close to career ending.

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he turned himself into an egg, morty

why the fuck would Bradley Cooper be doing roids for you absolute idiot

Remember when this guy got roided out and was still a pathetic loser?

Gotta update some of these pics bro

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I have a better question

What the fuck is going on with the american Yea Forums posters and their brains?

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>American actors
>posts Thor

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They all look like they got jaw implants. it cant just be hgh

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he looks better tho

"what? I was always like this"

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Hemsworth and Efron obviously had work done but most of these are just because of aging

American Sniper

The normal aging process. You zoomers just never expected to age past 21, so its foreign to see people actually age.

Retard. You chin does not grow between the ages of 30-40

Is this HGH, jaw implants or that symetry surgery thing?

yeah HGH literally is an exponential curve, going down as you age
bones do not change, grow, or morph much naturally when you get older

Real photoshopped to hell and back, yeah.

not really desu super small doses give good skin ect (and fat burning) the rest helps with recovery and just growing

its a well known secret cure-all like stem cells

overabuse will give u bigger heads n shit

she's a german woman with photoshop

>roiding for a film where they can't even get real actors

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Cooper's face is warped from years of sucking cock.

Age alcohol cocaine Botox cigarettes