
Real trek is back on the menu edition.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Don’t post Jennifer Lien.

For all my frens!

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>VF gets new trek minis
>threads turn to shit

tfw postin hapi neex =^_^=

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Do you love Ferengi?

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You are NOT allowed to post that!

It was only a matter of time until he came back to ruin the comfy threads we were having.

He doesn’t look happy.


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Kes a cute

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The guys who made DS9 great

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This is not a lien thread.
But every thread is a neex thread.
Neexposting is always permitted.
Neexposting is always based.

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Technically, I'm the only one /allowed/ to post it.

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He's right you know

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>walks up to /trek/'s tabl
>unzips dick
>slaps it on the table
>zips dick
>turns 360 degrees and walks away

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What killed the thread? The last one was so active?

>The last one was so active?
For all the wrong reasons.

>real Trek

Shatner was the first nu-Trek Captain. Real Star Trek consists exclusively of The Cage. Everything else is derivative non-canon garbage.

Sorry I was watching some youtubes

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Certain individuals finished their discussion about who was the most gay.
And I went to vacuum the house.
Now the thread is just comfy.

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Picard is fucking shit

I'm an LD fan with a job and a family. I can't post 24/7. I had a few free minutes last thread but will be busy for a while.

The TNGeezers, meanwhile, are basement NEETs who have never spoken to a woman who wasn't a family member or an employee of a business they were patronizing.

Quite the hot take user.

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Threadly reminder.
Uncle neex cries when people respond to attentionposters.

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100% confirmed

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Neelix, the Robert Redford of Talax.

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>get utterly assraped last thread
>mindlessly spam the next thread with neelix

Every time an attention fag is ignored T'pol gets closer to pong farr.

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Everyone is your personal boogeyman it's true.

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neelix was creepy

That generic office chair though.

I don't think anyone was even talking to you?

Kinda sad, desu senpai

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Nah, you're projecting.

Damars alcoholism and sense of humor spoke to me.

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Isn't he more like Roman Polanski of Talax?

Things go wrong when you hook up with older women.

Kind of more the Luc Besson of Talax.

Don't forget the KY Jelly

He just doesn't give a fuck, delta quadrant style.

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depressed irl

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fr fr no cap

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That's the number one reason for /trek/ posting.
Well behind schizophrenia

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In Trek news, TNGz crush Wesley had a nice long abloo bloo on national television:


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LOWBros have lives worth living. The DT clique camping /trek/ don't. Pretty straightforward.

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You don’t sound like you have a life worth living. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here.


Thinking about why Picard didn't just email Moriarty to Dr Zimmerman instead of letting him sit in some RAM for 4 years...

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Confirmed, the last couple years have got me legitimately fighting depression lol

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Could Dr Soong just build a robot body for Dr Moriarty?

How do you fight it?

Sure why not

If holos can be sentient then why not build them android avatars. Moriaty's holocube could easily fit inside the head or chest of a robot.

There's the professional help approach, be it talk therapy, meds, or whatever.
Or there's having a strong social network.
If you don't have one irl, there are ones online. For all the banter for/against "discord trannies" even a discord friend to vent to in earnest is better than solitude.

He's not a pathetic failure he didn't WANT to be an actor.

>let's just let an AI mastermind that almost destroyed the flagship twice out into the galaxy at large in an immortal android body
You should be an admiral.

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You know Tom Cruise was actually right. Exercise.
A regular Gym routine and getting in shape can be a game changer for depression. Obviously everyone is different and it's not a catch all.
But it is seriously worth a try for anyone with depression.

God I love the look Jerry O'Connell has permanently affixed to his face these days.

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