Why is this such a significant improvement?

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because niggers are ugly

There's a reason why all the websites banned the apps that can change your race. It made everyone look prettier when they were white.



Hi, I’m Tom Holland and I hate that I have to date someone that looks like this.

war machine wasn't even in this one

He probably loves it dude. She inflates his career and makes him appear straight so he can fuck/get fucked by every producer in Hollywood.

Win/Win desu

White people are just better than every other race in literally every aspect by far but you get called racist if you even slightly acknowledge it.


skin and eye color is EVERYTHING

Why is Hollywood pushing WMBF couples in every production nowadays?

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It cracks me up that the person that made this forgot to hide club de marvel
Remember if you see a racist post and they are seething over a black person chances are that posters first language is Spanish or Portuguese

they realized white women/black dude didn’t work

No, day walkers are unnatural inuman monsters.

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>Remember if you see a racist post and they are seething over a black person chances are that posters first language is Spanish or Portuguese
This is true, this is why most of us at /pol/ are mexican. The people defending Zendeya are always white.

>Why is Hollywood pushing WMBF couples in every production nowadays?

Cuz it's based and red pilled. If you want a trad wife, you're gonna get one in an African village, or the carrebean, not some white roastie slut. When I tried interpals the African girls were all over me.

Meant to add, I prefer the original.

Tom is loyal to his art school boyfriend

What happened to black and brown unity?

>young star got to hollywood blew up
>gets to share the expirience with another young star that just blew up who knows more about america

honestly it seems like a fun adventure for them both

>2nd toe longer than 1st toe

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Why does Yea Forums hate mulattos?

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that photoshopped mcu mj looks like the actress of main character of starwars rogue one

Move on Adrian he's not coming back

Zendaya is kinda cute, just not some "goddess" or anything. She also has limited range: she can play snarky teen and that's about it.

Their superiority makes them seethe.

They love mulatto's that look like that, or actress Ella Balinska.

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faceblind autist.

>if her mom wasn't a coal burner
must hurt

kys footfag

youre the one with face blindness

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>dust people

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It’s more believable that a White guy with super Spider powers would be more faithful to a beautiful White redhead than a Black Mulatto.

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Pushing BMWF just convinced white guys to hate Jewish people.

Oh you dislike something I dislike? Suddenly I can sense that your peepee has not been in vagan. Perhaps skin to grass contact may eleviate your condition.

Because nobody likes black women

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Damn she does look better, who's this chick and how come she didn't star in the movie instead?

>has to be touched up and layered with make-up just to look average
Why do they insist on changing all the red heads in their adaptations?

Yes, we are

Rent free faggot

Based Xica da Silva kinoseur.

I fucking love black women so much, bros

There are so many cute black girls at my job I can't stand stand it

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acknowledge the digits

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white girls fuck dogs

>you don't like Zendaya? Wow user, this date is over, you need to leave

What do?

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Pretty much. Funnier still was the riahnna, or whatever her name is, race swap collage showing that every race was better looking than black with the white version being stunning and with the ultimate joke being that she is the least black nog you can get that's presentable and was still mogged by every other option.
That pic is what caused endless seethe and got the app pulled.

>liking mutts


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>how did I get here
>who are you
idc, I just wanna get home, get drunk and high with my cat, and watch shark tank

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are these actresses, what are they roles

they aren't so your point is moot

Because they're seething pol incels

basado Spic

>implying I could get a date with anyone attractive


>tugboat touching the titty

How tall is zendaya damn