Is Seinfeld really hateful and bigoted?
Is Seinfeld really hateful and bigoted?
The episode about Kramer trying stand up was actually pretty bigoted
OP are you really that triggered because someone matured?
why can't zoomers separate depicting bad things from endorsing bad things? the main cast is full of selfish pieces of shit, that's the joke
That's not a funny joke.
>adopting a myopic ideology in which you retroactively cast disapproval on everything that come before you in hopes of winning the praise of modern society
is everyone on twitter autistic, i dont think it could have possibly been any more clear that george is a little shit
>the blatant racism
I thought Jews couldn't be racist?
The puerto rican day parade episode was insanely racist. They have the puerto ricans start fucking up Jerry's car and then Kramer's response is "you know, it's like this every day in puerto rico".
>I liked it when liking it was popular, but now being woke is popular so I'm woke
I'm beginning to really think NPCs exist.
Comedy, like most forms of art, comes from the experience of life. Modern life is bureaucratic, sterlized, and controlled, thus the art is too. Zoomers thus equate this expressive art of different eras as unnecessary at best and sinful at worst. Why be reminded of a society where bad people exist and are allowed to live full lives? Bad people aren’t supposed to go without being aware of how bad they are. The nuance is lost on them. They are the good guys in their own narcissistic, siloed story.
>what's the deal with black people?
>they're not really black
>and they're not really people
I mean is he wrong?
So unfunny that it's basically all comedy, stfu
And that's why they go to jail. It's a happy ending.
If your idea of a joke is to make me sick with anxiety it's not funny.
I was born and raised here, hes not wrong in the slightest
Rright you really had me going there for a sec, well played
Are you really annoyed by someone being annoyed by someone?
t. guy annoyed by someone being annoyed by someone
>they got cancelled at the end
Name one racist thing they did
OP what the fuck is your profile picture
How long does it normally take you to find tweets to screencap for shitposting with? Do you follow random nobodies to speed up the process?
Remember the chinese restaurant episode with the racist caricature of an asian man?
that tie is the most offensive thing in the entire show
My local chinese restaurant literally has that guy. It's not racist if it's truth
I'm sorry if this comes of mean but your writing style is a bit feminine. Are you gay/bi or a woman by any chance? I'm not trying to offend, just curious. You're obviously white but I have a hunch.
they actually died in the plane, it crashed.
the trial was to determine whether they go to heaven or hell.
they were in purgatory.
Just woke up, haha
>It's not racist if it's truth
Sweatie, i...
Is this the joke? Very clever, OP.
>Just woke up, haha
Babu Bot was a dumb paki
Dumb Japs were stored in a dresser
The cigar store Indian
kek those Japanese guys were great
What episode was this?
>celebrate being puerto rican
>chose not to live there
Why are immigrants like this
Stop laughing it's not funny
the pool guy
had more on location filming than most episodes, gave a different look
he's right y'know..
why is this racist?
Why didn't they ever reference "the slap" you guys remember ;)
take a break from Yea Forums pal, you ain’t making me insecure
Again, that wasn't my intention. My apologies
I've ne'er watched Seinfeld. What happens to George's fiancee?
George buys the cheapest invitations possible and they have toxic glue on the envelopes so she dies while licking them
Youre a fucking faggot. Kill yourself
She gets poisoned licking cheap stamps that George insisted on getting for the wedding invitations. The whole gang just kind of shrugs it off when they find out and it was always kind of a weird and unfunny way for the show to admit they had no way to abandon the plotline.
In any case the subsequent seasons where George is forced to interact with his would-be in-laws are funnier and worth the bad episode.
Zoomers are retarded. They can’t distinguish reality from the internet. They are easily manipulated by corporations. They are have ADD and short attention spans caused by IPhones. They can’t torrent or use technology. They cut their genitals off and take hormone blockers because their Jewish teachers told them to. They burn down homes and buisnesses because one black criminal dies. They censor all media. They have broccoli hair. And they have no souls.
Puerto Rican here. There's nothing on what Kramer said
>it was always kind of a weird and unfunny way for the show to admit they had no way to abandon the plotline
larry didn't have a plan for it, but the rest of the cast found her hard to play off of half way through the season, so they decide to get rid of the character
also larry's last episode until the finale and epitomizes no hugging or learning
>I'm not insecure
>chimps out
Yikes. *tugs on your foreskin*
Are you referring to the actual episode, 'The Chinese Restaurant,' or the Chinese guy in the episode where Elaine dates a communist?
I disagree with anything being outlandishly racist in The Chinese Restaurant, but I really feel like they told the guy playing the Chinese man in the latter episode to ham it up as much as possible.
Not the user you were talking to. Just an outside observer commenting on your insufferability.
If you are offended over an old show/movie, there is a good chance it's a you problem.
For me it's the episode where George leaves the bugged suitcase.
Dang. Thanks for disclosing that tidbit of info, bro. Really cool of you to do that. *leans in for a kiss*
Lmao you dont get do decide that. As if youve ever been funny a day in your life.
Thats just what someone who is smarter than you types like. I know you are used to texting your drug dealer short hand like ong or frfr but here in the west we try to use proper English dialect when writing.
>OP are you really that triggered because someone matured?
What's sad is that these literal NPCs wouldn't bat an eye if homophobia and racism was still acceptable today. If it didn't offend you in the past why would it offend you in the present? It makes no sense.
You can screen the hateful eight with that much projection holy shit haha
Everything from the 90s is hateful and bigoted today lol
I assumed correct.
dont have a foreskin dumb goy bitch
>I loved it when I was in my thirties and it was still running
That is not a zoomer.