>Envision consuming alcohol
Envision consuming alcohol
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Best way to stop cold turkey is klonopin+adderall
wish i had easy access to powerful pharmaceuticals
I was able to stop cold turkey because I had blood work done and my doctor told me my liver was damaged and I was close to the point of no return. Scared the shit out of me.
I was lucky to be diagnosed with panic disorder and ADD before the age of 14 so which is kind of blessing and a curse because while quitting is easy, it's also easy to start again because I don't have the pain of horrible withdrawals
Trying not to. I keep tearing up remembering how much ive wasted because of alcohol. I simply have to stop.
Peace out and try to take it easy anons.
What age bracket are you? I've been drinking most days for about 7 years but I'm still young so hoping it hasn't caught up with me
I’m 22
no fucking way mate do you live in london or what lmao
wtf for real?
You're not stopping cold turkey if you take klonopin, works on the same spot in the brain and will stop withdrawal and going on stims is equally retarded even though I love them. I also love klonopin so I do want to do this
I'm 19
i am doing this thing right now except its wine
highly recommend trying it for a couple weeks max, at low doses. Don't pull a JP
I gave up drinking for lent and was gonna have a case of bud light plattys tonight but I couldn’t be bothered to drink it
I HATE my job. I’m saving away six figgies a year but I have 90 hour work weeks
Is it alright if you're just vomiting a little blood? Asking for a friend
Damn I love drinking so much. It literally takes the edge off of everything and makes life so much easier and stress free. I've realized though that drinking is just one massive cope and a waste of time.
he asked one person chuds, who is the imposter?
My friend throws me 5 to 10 of the lowest dose and I take halves at night time and I have a week or two of feeling normal for once. Klonopin is my favorite drug. And mixing stims and benzos is a fucking great high.
Do you really need that much money. Is it worth the physical and mental toll
if you go to a medical detox a Klonopin or Ativan taper with anticonvulsant is exactly what they will prescribe you
I miss Mad Men. Great show. Need more boomer kino.
This is what I went to college for :(
As it stands I plan on working until I’m 25 and then buying a van so I can live in national parks. And when I run out of money I’ll just blow my brains out
I'm the one with the bad liver. I am 36 and had been drinking daily for 7 or 8 years. The past year was heaviest with a pint of liquor 3 or 4 nights a week and beer on the other nights.
If you know, you know.
putain jai envie d'absinthe la fdp
Is there actually something special about absinthe, I know it has like folklore surrounding it but is it just a strong alcohol in effect?
Cut hard alcohol a few months ago. Still struggling to make it through a night without a beer.
Hey bro one beer isn't bad at all
Top kek I'm you fast forwarded to the quit part. I predict you'll get bored in the national parks and find yourself a more sustainable job
Cutting all caffeine after 12pm on non-drinking days makes it easier to fall asleep without the evening beer. Only thing that works for me aside from ruthlessly jacking my meat
one time my drunk ass roommate called the number on the back of his insurance card and they told him, based on how much he said he had been drinking, he would probably die if he stopped cold turkey. Believe he's damn near 6 years sober.
It's not absinthe
Personally I believe that different compounds in different alcohol will change your perception in different ways. Wine drunk is different than whiskey drunk is different than beer drunk.
I believe your perception can also be greatly altered by your set and setting. Your choice of liquor is a part of this.
I don't think science will agree with me, and I really don't care.
>dude take a speedball instead of booze
Speedball is with an opiate I thought, but yeah it's a bad idea (amazing idea if you want to get high)
i am drinking right now
hungover today bros, why do I do this to myself every weekend
pic related
kino poster
It's gotten to the point where I am blacking out every time (3-4 nights a week) I drink
I'm conscious/competent when in this state (driving, socializing, fucking girls, paying for my food/drinks, returning home with phone/credit card etc) but I basically forget 90% of what happened, especially conversational details
this might be no-brainer common sense, but its Yea Forums and teevee at that so im posting it for others: if any of my fellow alkys get that wretched throat sludge that your spit turns into after boozing that makes you gag and puke every few minutes, buy a saline spray! picrel is what i use, its kind of a bitch at six dollars but god in heaven does it work. shit saved my life because im totally functional with it
Well yeah the seizures can kill you depending on your health/severity of withdrawals.
>3 and a half months sober
I think counting is the real problem. I like feeling more awake and alert these days. Got a real sleep pattern of in bed by 10pm up by 6am. All brought down by "Another day of no smoky whiskey to sip gulp and chug the night away."
Starting early tonight, a couple of beers in. Switching to wine soon. Let's get it drukchads
Drinking, replacing a problem with another problem.
For me it's shitting blood
>stop drinking for 3-4 days to recover
>dick doesnt work
>start drinking again
>wake up with morning wood
Anyone been in the same boat?
Envision being an untermensch and having "addictions"
bro just cut it out lmao
Managed this day with only three beers
Drukbros... We lost
>i got sober
>suddenly a bunch of friends and my brother get sober
Stop copying me
No need to envision. I'm doing it right now.
>ever thinking of stopping
nice cold beer
>not cream
>no coffee
Milk was for his alcohol induced ulcer. Which he mixed with alcohol. That's the joke.
>The shakes kick in again
I guess its drinking time
irl alcoholic kino
The movie was ok, the British setting made it kinda unique. Great Polish alkie kino
Also that was great. Australian outback makes the great setting "main caracter going crazy" type of movie, the feeling of isolantion and nowhere to go. The cangaroos scene still haunts me. They really coud get away with a lot more back in the days. Wake in fright