Fantastic Beasts and the Secrets of Dumbledore has debuted with a 84% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes...

Fantastic Beasts and the Secrets of Dumbledore has debuted with a 84% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes. It's crystal clear now there is a hate agenda against Rowling and this franchise by many in the media. These critics and two bit bloggers were never going to give the film a fair shake.

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That deffo comes through reading some of the articles.

Why are you posting a pic from RT? That site is useless and no indication whatsoever how good or bad any given show is.

The film sucks though

The reviewers 'hate' it on principle, to get at Rowling for criticising certain aspects of the tranny cult. Totally biased.

Fuck you, I liked it.

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>ywn have a gay bromance with teenage Mads
Life is suffering

Mads carries it hard. Film has too much shit to deal with and too much gets sidelined. Credence does nothing the entire film.

It has niggers and faggots in it so its a no-go
Journalists hating something because it isnt pozzed enough is not a good reason yo support something. Sorry.

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what he said

Or you know, the only people who'd watch yet more Harry Potter shit in theaters without getting paid for it are die-hard fanatics.

Homolust must be the smartest financial decision the execs came up with for the franchise so far.

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Cis bros did we win?

Audience score doesn’t matter after Last Jedi and Captain Marvel.
Rotten Tomatoes makes people have to show verification if you bought a ticket. Because of this, studios give tickets to shills and suck-ups to give them positive reviews. Because of this, most big budget movies have shills giving the audience score good reviews.
The only time this doesn’t happen is when it is a movie that the studio doesn’t care to save.

Probably because Ezra Miller is too much of an unhinged lunatic irl to actually film anything anymore.

Are there even any pics of him as a teenager?

Of all the bad things about the movie, I'm most upset about how lazy and unimaginative the magic has been. Especially between the two greatest wizards in wizarding history. 90% of the magic is moving things, wand beams and whatever the hell is the dream world Dumbledore keeps going into.
EVERYBODY does nothing the entire film. If you think about it, none of the main cast except dumbledore has any effect on the outcome.

> If you think about it, none of the main cast except dumbledore has any effect on the outcome.
Not true. If Newt had failed in saving the magical deer twin, Grindelwald would have won the election.

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Youngest I've found is 24

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Magic users already live in a world where secret prisons populated with flesh-eating monsters for dissenters are a thing. Yet somehow Grindelwald is DA BIG BAD. Eeeeeeeh??? Hypocrisy on their part.

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My mom will watch anything with him in it cause she wants to fuck him

Dumbledore is canonically gay and black people exist in the UK
Have sex incel

lmao, I swear every Danish man is gay until they turn 28.

Based mom, I'm in the exact same boat desu.

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I already like your mom.

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>Magic users already live in a world where secret prisons populated with flesh-eating monsters for dissenters are a thing. Yet somehow Grindelwald is DA BIG BAD. Eeeeeeeh??? Hypocrisy on their part.

This is totally consistent with the Ministry of Magic being corrupt and employing Dementors in the HP main series.

I'm sure you've missed the meme:

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Why do you think people were willing to elect him? Or why so many people followed Voldemort? None of the films really draw that much attention to it but most magic users are downright evil.

They don't imprison or kill people without trial though?


>but most magic users are downright evil
The elephant in the room. Wish that would be explored in future films. But who am I kidding, it won't be.

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This one was 100% better than the second one which I can’t remember anything about, it was so boring. Credence being an actual Dumbledore was dumb, but it’s not the worst and possible. Saying Ariana was an obscurus too was some hamfisting. Grindlewald yelling like a toxic ex was funny

I might have to move to Denmark.

>Yea Forums is literally going to pretend the gay dumbledore movie is good just to own the trannies

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>zomg teh movie about niggers and faggots and niggerfaggots featuring the faggot king eddie redmayne uses source material from based mommy jk tranny-killer rowling
>maga! MAGA! Amen!
People here are stupid enough to go for it as well.
They think they are spiting trannies and globohomo by giving their money to anything out of Hollywood.

>This one was 100% better than the second one which I can’t remember anything about, it was so boring.
I mean I agree but that's not exactly high praise. The second one was fucking awful.

Don't you hate trannies though?

In the original movies, we see that it’s just a kangaroo court when Umbridge has her cat just holding the dementors back until she decides it

It's the third film in a harry potter spinoff series.
The vast majority of people who are going to see it are already harry potter fans, and will happily eat up whatever Rowling vomits onto their plates

It's a vast improvement over the second one at least, dabbing on troons is just a nice little side effect. I will admit that Mads was my sole reason for seeing it though.

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it's not hate
its disgust

Gays > trannies
Simple math

>give Hollywood your money to own the trannies goyim
You noticed that too, huh?
Who else but a shill could be so invested in making this shitshow successful?

death to all degenerates

No media outlet wants to be seen praising something at the risk of angering the twitter mob. It's bad publicity. No review can be trusted, whether the movie is good or not.

Lead by example. Off yourself first.

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>And right here this is where Nurmengard is
>Wow that's so cool Ezra
>And THIS is Israel, remember the six gazillion

i'll help first, then offer myself up

>No review can be trusted
People should know better already, but alas.
Why do you spam pages from Rotten Tomatoes again, OP?

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The movie is basically the exact same thing as Rise of Skywalker. Undoing the last movie as much as possible to try and win fans back desperately.

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>No media outlet wants to be seen praising something at the risk of angering the twitter mob
That doesn't mean the movie is good, though.

How can one man be so effortlessly cute?

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It doesn't mean the movie is bad either.

At least for me, I can read reviews and opinions in languages other than English, and people generally don't give a crap about the tranny nonsense outside of the Anglosphere, so I can judge whether something is worth seeing or not. But it seems that for the English-only crowd it's becoming a minefield.

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Newt is the worst main character. It’s why this series is dogshite.

I never gave a shit about Harry Potter, but I have been looking for an excuse to go to the movies lately.

Is it any good?

>It doesn't mean the movie is bad either.
Nah but some basic common sense will lead you to that conclusion. Assuming that something is going to be good just because the people you don't like can't like it is fucking retard mode shit.

I respect that the studio wanted him to have John Depp's gay mustache and gay hair but he clearly said fuck no

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>I respect that the studio wanted him to have John Depp's gay mustache and gay hair

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You seriously think they cast madds over a fully made up Johnny Depp complete with fucking contacts, dyed and styled hair and mustache and said "Nah, that's fine just look like you do in every film you're in"

GIWTWM. On the left.

I liked it, I think its better than 2

Depp's Gellert looked ridiculous, they must have realised how dumb it actually was after a while, surely.

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Chinese version where?
You see; I hate fags.

I agree with the first half, but potter heads loved that shit and Ed it ICONIC

The change of the MC was for the better too.

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Fat ugly feminists and leftards hate JK Rowling and based Ezra. The film is pure kino.

TMI. Nobody gives a shit about your mental disorders.

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I don't think it's worth watching all three movies if you're not invested in HP tbqh senpai


Yeah, this spin-off is specifically for people who are familiar with the HP lore.

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The onions faggots hate it because jk rowling said some words they don't like, because they think Ezra choked an ugly fat girl, and because they don't like white leads.

>They think Ezra choked an ugly fat girl?
>They think

You got us there.