Was watching this and I wondered

> Random black guy beats the protagonist girl to a bloody pulp

> Suddenly he stops and boy and girl stare into each other's eyes like there's something romantic going on

> There's now fan art of those two together from people who "ship" them

Is this what people consider romance these days?

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They're setting up Jinx to get blacked by echo next season and when it happens I'm going to drop it after fapping

Did you miss the part where
> Random black guy beats the protagonist girl to a bloody pulp
> Suddenly he stops and boy and girl stare into each other's eyes like there's something romantic going on
>she uses the momentary distraction to try to murder him with a hand grenade

There was nothing romantic going on, Ekko was just feeling bad about beating the shit out of someone he used to know when he was a kid. That didn't stop him from trying to kill her, didn't stop her from trying to kill him. Shippers are retards and love misinterpret scenes to fit their fap fantasies, what else is new?

Why do you give a shit about what mentally ill twitter shippers think? Why do you even think about how someone else responds to a story when you're first watching it?

That's not what that scene meant. He saw the little innocent girl from act 1 in that moment.
But yes, the nog has a crush on jinx but she doesn't care, that's in the lore.

Mutt's law.

Riot has literally created a character whose entire existence is "Jinx except slightly saner and not white" for the sole purpose of keeping Ekko's monkey paws off their mascot

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/gif/broken poster

Only romance is Jayce with Mel and Vi with cait


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>like there's something romantic going on

Who the fuck cares?
It's a shitty show about a shitty pozzed video game


>amateur cuck category has existed on porn sites for years
>almost entirely all white woman, black man, white cuck
>somehow this is asian or jewish people's fault
whats up with that

Crazy and insane danger color woman has a blacked phase. She also has daddy issues.

Good show about how women get raped on prisons because 17 year old girls are equal with everyone else. Thus share spaces with everyone else.

She had to sell her butt in there for safety. This is heavily implied.

Dunno I haven't watched it

Never happened, you're just mad Vi is a lesbian

Inspired by and overshadowed by professional cuck porn
Shitskins are the ones who spam it here to troll

>anime gamer cumbrains are pathetic faggots
Wow what a revelation

how is that not white

do you guys think powder will get a happy end ?
I'm thinking the chances are
25% happy end
70% realizes she's the big bad at the end and sacrifices herself
5% chance she stays evil and just gets defeated

Wow that jacket looks fucking stupid. Used to love this game when it was smaller and had monsters and gruff warriors released every week as playable characters.

The new anime cumbrain shit released every other week is embarrassing

it's supposed to be filipino

>show's easily most kino aspect (aside from the animation) is the character dynamics of silco/jinx/vi and the parallels between silco/jinx and vander/vi
>most of the viewers just fap over lesbian cait/vi crap, hyping up ekko despite him barely being a character, and wanting viktor to fuck jayce
This show is too good for its fanbase.

there was context to that scene that was cut from the show

Fanbase would have been so much better if they didn't inlcude lesbians and attracted THAT crowd

I haven't played since Yasuo's brother was released, must be over a year now. Are all the new champions just anime characters?

The political stuff in Piltover is pretty decent too, Jayce is basically a character out of the Wire. Zoomers never watched that show though so they just think lol he sex hot black lady lol he cute

The show is absolute kino and encanto bombed because of it, so double based. Game's trash

What crowd? The whining crowd?

Is it true that these kinds of waify, smol, cute, quirky, crazy, and conflicted badass girl characters are intended to be vicarious vessels for autogynophiliac male viewers?

Such guys don't so much want a jinx gf as they want to BE a jinx gf.

You will never be woman.

The scene is constantly switching back and forth, to earlier days when they played together, and now. When he is beating her, and she looks up at him, it’s the earlier times he’s thinking about, and even though he told Violet that Powder is gone, he is wondering if the little girl he knew is staring back at him in some way. However, leftyfags can’t help but to force interracial couples any chace they get, as well as coomers that watch black guy, white girl porn. The scene had nothing to do with romance, there are simply so many retards roaming the earth now, a simple as fuck scene will be misunderstood by a multitude of fuck ups.

its an analogy for france(where it was made)

the creators are already behind it tweeting out #timebomb

You'll never be a man

That mentally ill roastie is not a creator.

Jinx BBC DAP scene when? She seems like the girl for it.

Christ I hope not

>one mentally ill twittard tweeting #timebomb out
Fixed that for you, and she later went on to say it has no basis in canon and might've perhaps only happened if things had gone differently.

I don't think it's anything serious

It's that bitch amanda?

Her name is Amanda Overton and she's a highly successful writer. She wrote Severance which is also a hit on Yea Forums. She's almost certainly behind the Burt and Irving romance.

> The creators support the "shipping" of those two characters

Oh, what a surprise

Werent you told to keep your particular autism in

fuck off to /trash/ faggot

Oh look, another tranny spam thread for their cartoon of choice that no one discusses, no one wanted, and no one will follow.

>She wrote Severance
She's a diversity hire blocking the actual storytelling done by Yee and Linke.

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Absolutely hate this woman, I love the caitvi ship and she went on to pander to lgbt fags by saying some retarded shit about how they have no homophobia so no labels like lesbian or straight, complicating shit for no reason

Linke, the more based writer doesn't do this kinda of shit.

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it's exclusively niggers, stop dragging anyone else into it

Are there any fags in league? I think riot has only made lesbians because of China.

>What crowd? The whining crowd?

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I was wondering why two potentially good shows, Arcane and Severance, had to be ruined by nonsense including gay couples

Not really. But they will invent some fag shit since sexuality isn't mentioned for every character.

Every female looks like an ugly fag.

>ywn never have a Pow-Pow gf

Why even get up in the morning?

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Varus is a demon bow possessing a gay couple

Nice selfie