Im never watching the prequels. I made it 10 minutes in before turning that shit off...

Im never watching the prequels. I made it 10 minutes in before turning that shit off. Some annoying cgi faggot and liam neeson? Fuck off.

Attached: au_starwars_thephantommenace_movie_poster_cbe72014.jpg (320x480, 70.73K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>got filtered in 10 minutes

How does it feel to be retarded

yeah it’s garbage. the incels on here love it for some reason though

Seeing this in theaters as a kid was pretty amazing, there must have been a dozen birthday parties I went to that summer all centered around this movie.


says everything you need to know about fags who dont like the prequels. Either reddit or actual Disneyfag.

T. Filtered, pleb tier taste
Episode 1 is kino, in fact it’s probably the best of the entire saga

t. black basterd

Ewan McGregor wasn't cgi in this

>yeah it’s garbage. the incels on here love it for some reason though

Attached: antiwork-3.jpg (1333x2000, 806.66K)

The Phantom Menace is the biggest pleb filter of all time. Okay, so Jar Jar is annoying, but everything else is everything a Star Wars movie should be and the outdated effect just gives it more soul.

Wasn’t this the last Star Wars movie shot on film?
It definitely looks better in the non-CG shots than its sequels.

Episode 1 is The Lawrence of Arabia of Star Wars films


C3PO was annoing too when you think about it.

Some of those shots on Naboo were gorgeous like outside the main palace

I’m not surprised by the filtered plebs here for Episode 1 I’m more concerned about how Episode 2 filtered everyone. It’s constantly mocked for how it handled the romance but that was the most believable part of the film

It's interesting how fans will treat the PT and OT very differently, despite them being similar in almost all aspects.
>Wtf is with this movie "Star Wars" 10min in and its just about two robot faggots and a whiny 18 year old??
>They're talking about some boring "political" stuff like Imperial senators and diplomatic missions?? Yaawwnnn

Maybe you just don't know what you like, or why you like it user? You amoeba.

Yeah I really enjoyed a lot of the Naboo shots too, I wish George had used more beautiful location shooting like this in Episodes 2 and 3.

2 is okay but it really feels like they shot it with a first draft script, I really wish they had explored Count Dooku’s character more and introduced him in the beginning of the film as a Jedi during that Mandalorian purge or whatever caused him to leave the order.

It's children that firstwatched them when they were even smaller children

>It's interesting how fans will treat the PT and OT very differently, despite them being similar in almost all aspects.


I like how they're just making up random shit at this point, hoping some justification for why it's a good movie sticks one of these days.

The movies are terrible, there's no argument to be made, they will be more and more despised as the years go on. Move on to something else guys.

My biggest grip was barely any new music and the switch from film to digital

There clearly is an argument to be made, because I'm making it, you idiot. Perhaps you'd like to present a counter-argument as to why the political themes in ANH and TPM are different, or why the supporting characters differ, or would you like to concede that you don't really know why you think the way you do?

Just calling something "bad/terrible" isn't actually a valid opinion, I hope you realise this on some level user.

>I really wish they had explored Count Dooku’s character more and introduced him in the beginning of the film as a Jedi during that Mandalorian purge or whatever caused him to leave the order.
They do explain it, if not explicitly. He represents the views of Qui-gon (being his master, and citing him), and was disillusioned with the republic when he found out its under the control of a Sith lord, but he's too weak to kill him alone, so he acts against the Jedi for what he sees as the organisations best interests (like Qui-gon).

He wants the Jedi to help him destroy the Sith and restart the Republic together with the libertarian capitalists, in a neofeudalist alliance (hence why he's a Count). Simply put: he wants to put the Jedi in direct control of the republic as a literal knight-nobility.

This poster is the ABSOLUTE greatest piece of Star Wars media, no contest

Attached: 1420C80A-2D5F-4B95-9AD7-5CA595BF0C0E.jpg (1000x1478, 216.03K)

>There clearly is an argument to be made, because I'm making it, you idiot.
Nope, there isn't. These movies are were, are, and will forever be absolutely terrible. If you put half the amount of energy into improving your own life as you do sperging out about some dumb bullshit you liked as an aspie kid, you could probably go somewhere in life.

That all went over my head at 12 years old.

Watch the non-DNR theatrical version, looks a lot better than the official waxy blu-ray releases
Theatrical cut of Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace scanned from 35mm, the first link is the film in Czech, the second link is just the english audiotrack that you can swap:
Here’s a sample:

Even the CGI looks fantastic in the 35mm version, film grain is magic

>1 shadow


>I really wish they had explored Count Dooku’s character more

Yeah, I wanted more of feces guy too. I was big into feces as a kid.

>no actual argument
>go for ad-hominem
Yeah okay buddy whatever you say :)

It flies over fans heads often because they spend all their energies categorizing the EU rather than explore the characters in their actual films.

>>so he acts against the Jedi for what he sees as the organisations best interests (like Qui-gon).
I'd like to amend that as him acting against the Republic, against the wishes of the Jedi, for what he sees as the best interests of the Jedi.
It should be noted that, ultimately, the other Jedi agree with Dooku and try to assassinate Palpatine and take control of the republic, only in a worse way because Dooku at least allied himself with some big movers.

People that describe others as "incels" are not worth considering at all.

meant for

>>no actual argument
>>go for ad-hominem
>Yeah okay buddy whatever you say :)

Are you missing the fact that these were terribly conceived and executed movies that did not succeed in one single element which they attempted to put on the screen?

Because...that's kind of a big point.

Unironically the children who grew up watching the sequels will cherish them. And then prequelfags will look down on them in an autistic fit and not see the irony at all

user, people who refuse to argue in good faith are truly pathetic. As I said, just calling something "bad/terrible" isn't actually a valid opinion, and you've just written that with more words than necessary.

No user, while nostalgia is a factor here, the ST is just incompetently made and ideologically uninteresting. The whole trilogy was only financially sustained by the "promise" that future films were going to make it retroactively interesting
>I can't wait to see the movie where we find out who fucked Rey's mom, I bet it was Snoke!
>I can't wait to find out who Snoke is!

By contrast, the PT has vexed nerds for decades, because they're actually interesting movies, made with a vision and not by mistake, that ruthlessly makes fun of its fanbase.

>just calling something "bad/terrible" isn't actually a valid opinion,

Of course it is. Just like you blindly saying something is good because you were a weirdo little bug eating kid that nobody like and you loved the movies is a valid reason.

>No user, while nostalgia is a factor here, the PT is just incompetently made and ideologically uninteresting. The whole trilogy was only financially sustained by the "promise" that future films were going to make it retroactively interesting
>>I can't wait to see the movie where we find out how Anakin turns to the dark side!
>>I can't wait to see Obi Wan fight Vader!

>By contrast, the OT has vexed nerds for decades, because they're actually interesting movies, made with a vision and not by mistake, that ruthlessly makes fun of its fanbase.
You are coping. Kids will grow up to love this sequel shit too and you will not understand it


The difference user is that you've written PT scenes that do exist and everyone knew were going to happen, it's a prequel, you can figure it out the plot if pay attention.

With regards to the ST, people wanted (as an ACTUAL coping mechanism for the movies being bad) future movies that would -recontextualise- previous movies and retroactively make them good, which was never going to happen because that's not how movies work.
TFA, in itself, isn't going to be interesting if Snoke turned out to be Luke's uncle, or Plagueis, or whatever. And in desiring another movie about Snoke's origin, people ignored the actual movie in front of them that was -actually about Snoke-, i.e. TFA.

Even the concept that they eventually settled on, Snoke being a force-sensitive engineered clone, is an insanely good concept for a story. It's just a shame that they never made a movie about it.

My 5th birthday in 1999 my mom made me a Star Wars themed cake and put the micro machines pod racers on it. Shit was awesome.

>you've written PT scenes that do exist
And people hated those scenes at the time and thought they were disappointing, now you guys love them because you watched it as kids. I guarantee you, kids nowadays WILL grow up to love the sequels

We're talking about fundamentally different things here user; that people reacted to the films in markedly different ways -when they were released- because of the qualities of the movies, and that you don't understand that is a bad sign for you.

I don't get how people were ever emotionally invested in Snoke. He was a nothingburger character from the start, Rian killing him off to facilitate Kylo Ren's growth was the best way to make usage of what he was given to work with

I was hoping david lynch would be brought in at some point and Snoke would turn out to be Rey's evil future transgendered self who went back in the past to kill....somebody, i dunno, i[m not a writer but it would have been bad fucking ass!

Thank you.

Reread my post slowly

As I said, the ST was so devoid of content and characterization that people put their faith in -anything- that would make them retroactively good.

Likewise faggot, regular people didn't actually dislike the films on release. That's a myth invented ca 2007 with RLM.
No one reasoned like they did with the ST, there was no mental acrobatics that AOTC would somehow "change" anything about TPM.
But that was the exact logic deployed when hundreds of thousands of people started asking about "the mystery of Rey/Snoke/Kylo/whatever".

What exactly are you not getting here.

What do people even think shit like him turning out to be Plagueis would have done for those movies? No character would even know who that is, maybe Luke would, but it wouldn't mean anything for him either.

>Likewise faggot, regular people didn't actually dislike the films on release. That's a myth invented ca 2007 with RLM
And there it is lol

Can you please honestly tell me how old you are?

>No one reasoned like they did with the ST, there was no mental acrobatics that AOTC would somehow "change" anything about TPM

Just shut up and admit deep down you are closeted trannies who hate working. You’ll be a lot happier once you accept you are one of them. Be kind to each other

>arguments = 0
see >people who refuse to argue in good faith are truly pathetic.

Hahaha sure bruh

I actually want to know how old you are though

Pls user. I promise you I won't use it in an argument against you, even if you're very young but I need to know

>denies being a kid
>uses "bruh"

I'll take that as a below 18

Attached: Davy-Jones-smugly-smirking-from-being-stabbed-in-Pirates-Of-The-Caribbean-At-Worlds-End.jpg (450x225, 15.71K)

Fantastic fucking blog post faggot

To be fair a lot would be filtered by prequels. Of course anons from the chans that grew up with this would not be filtered. Look at sequels. Exciting 70s/80s time where this scifi shit is cool and you had colorful characters like han and chewbacca. Sequel boomers have charismatic classic movies to talk about. Fast forward to disney sequels, not really dark. Age of internet memes, we all talk shit on them but are they meant to be taken serious? Nah. Prequels are just gritty and ugly needing to cover star wars story and didnt have twitter meme shit everywhere at the time. How many people read the star wars books? Yeah thought so. Dont get the shit flinging. Prequels are geared towards the hardcore crowd or when you were kid when they came out.

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I thought it wasn't going to be an argument user :)