Wait, so they just fucking got away with it?
Wait, so they just fucking got away with it?
>government good
>bankers and credit raters bad
Shit film
And they always will
>government good
did you watch the fucking film?
You know that's not what really happened, right?
Who, the democrats that pushed subprime mortgages on poor blacks who were definitely going to default?
Yeah they got away with it, they even managed to put their guy in the whitehouse again
he must've missed the part where obama delayed the crash so they could get their chips in first
Not only did they get away with it, they have kept doing the same thing up until today, only this time the federal reserve is involved with its 9 trillion balance sheet, mortgage payments are much higher than in 2008, double digit inflation and 2.5x more debt.
>only this time the federal reserve is involved
>this time
I hope you bros are ready for next year. It will be biblical.
Might even happen this year.
It really should've already happened.
>got away with it?
Away with what? With realising that the financial was a corrupt scam and out-scamming the banks? Yes. Sort of.
I think the banks went out their way to fuck most of these people in the aftermath
They weren't really involved prior to 2008 to the extent they are today. Back then we still had markets, today we don't. They are all ran by the fed.
They've literally just pushed the 2008 crash down the road. Can't have boomers go bankrupt.
Yes they did and it's only so long how far you can kick the can down the road.
Divest your stocks and put it all into crypto
I can't believe it was right all along but no one listened to its warnings and people really blamed immigrants and put Trump in power as a result... When the real scapegoat wasn't the immigrants but the jews
Nah, the FED can keep pumping, rates will be adjusted when we really hit the hyperinflation mark, so far it's bad but still managable, sorta.
When the shit really hits the fan though, I'd hold on for dear life though. The deriskment that is coming will be legendary.
The only thing that might save us is low unemployment numbers and wage adjustments to inflation, that is key. Wages are always the last thing to adjust though.
It's fucking jarring how Yea Forums seems acutely aware of the coming financial collapse, but the rest of the world is blissfully unaware of the impeding disaster.
obama wasnt even president racist
Crypto is tainted, the same firms what hold and control equities also hold and control crypto.
This place has good pattern recognition. Its why its one of the few places that understand the JQ
Tay's Law: You can either be good at pattern recognition, or you can not be racist.
Everyone is aware. It's just impossible to predict because central banks keeps propping up the system, and black swans by definition are unpredictable.
>Everyone is aware
If that was the case, everyone would be converting their fiat to gold at this point.
What am I supposed to do about it? Should I buy a house?
Nobody really did anything explicitly wrong. What the movie fails to really pin down was that because the debt was backed by an underlying asset that at worst stagnated in value and usually had significant growth meant people thought the securities were bullet proof. Worse case scenario was you get the house back and you put it back on to the market. This dynamic created this chain.
>People who don't really have the means to afford homes desperately want homes
>Mortgage brokers don't care because banks will by any debt
>Banks buy any debt because it's backed by a "bullet proof" asset
>Credit raters give a good rating based on the same logic
>People buying securities for the same reasons as the banks and the raters
The important thing to look at is part two of that chain, when brokers started to approve anyone for a loan it created a false market which inflated the underlying asset of that debt along with the debt itself, which means after enough inflation of housing that false market started to disappear the bubble popped and not only could the banks/security buyers not get the debt payed out the actual assets themselves tanked. That's how 2 trillion dollars "disappears" in a few months, everyone is operating with their own incentives and don't really have the immediate need or foresight to look over the entire market/chain to see the ripple effects of what they're doing.
>When the real CULPRIT wasn't the immigrants but the jews
A lot of people are buying physical, yes. But you will never have a majority of the people do what's correct. Reality will hit most people in the face, that's why economic crashes are so devastating.
Converting your cash to tangible assets is the way to go, but perhaps go for something that isn't propped up by a hyperinflated market.
You're only missing a little under a century of fed involvement.
I'm well aware. What I am saying is that the levels of involvement seen in the last two decades are unprecedented.
When does it mention Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae
The film only implies that the government needs to regulate even more to prevent another financial crisis
I'm not american and don't live in the USA, will this financial collapse going to affect my life at all?
buy land, it's always a good investment, all the billionaires are now buying up farmland
Most of my money is in index funds and stocks, what is 'tangible' that I can realistically move it to besides property? I'm not schizo enough to hoard precious metals.
Okay, agreed. They've gotten pretty sloppy in recent decades. They had a decent con of ripping us off at 2% a year so no one noticed, now they print infinite money and can't go 10 years without a correction.
Physical gold and silver, real estate, land.
There is nothing schizo about hoarding money, aka gold and silver, not quite sure where that thought is coming from. If anything is schizo its hoarding paper money, well nowadays its digital money to numbers on a screen with no intrinsic value.
I don't know shit about finance. What are you guys talking about? What's the evidence a crash is going to happen very soon?
please do tell!
Central banks were mostly passive previously besides a few fuck ups and rate adjustments.
Today they completely own the bond market, they own mbs and even stock at this point.
>If anything is schizo its hoarding paper money
Agreed. You have to be fucking mental to believe they're worth what they claim to be nowadays.
When they printed 35% of all USD in existence in 2020, everyone with an IQ above 80 understood that inflation was going to hit hard. Funnily enough the government has managed to blame the inflation on everything besides their reckless moneyprinting, and the retarded normgroids are eating it up
just two more weeks, bro
The financial system is collapsing. In 2020 the federal reserve was allowed to buy stock to stop them from tanking naturally. They’ve printed more money than has ever existed. They’re constantly delaying their debt repayments. The debt to gdp ratio skyrocketed to 130%. It’s only going to get worse.
>daily reverse repo operations of now 1.5t and incrasing is totally normal
The stage is already set and there is practically no escaping at this point. This is what has happened so far:
>inflation spiraling out of control due to endless quantitative easing and zero central bank tapering
>there is nothing to back these assets up
>FED balance sheet exploding as they buy up everything
>investors see this and follow up
>this results in a zombie economy
>debt exploding
>an inverted yield curve which is the most sure thing that predicts upcoming financial calamities in the history of finance
At one point the fat lady stops singing. Hyperinflation rears its ugly head, so a rate hike has to happen to deflate or risk going into Weimar territory. That's when the deriskment happens: Huge sell-offs resulting in massive crashes of all markets.
It will happen within the next 24 months, historically in line with 5 out of 6 inverted yield curves that have happened so far in the last 30 years.
TLDR: we probably got until 2023, but no one can predict it.
yup. And it doesn't even question how the federal reserve was ready to bail them out. It just accepts that as a force of nature and not the very core of the corrupt element that allowed this to happen.
The 2y/10y yield curve inverted a couple of weeks ago. Which mean the yields for 2y bonds is higher than that of 10y bonds, which makes zero sense from a financial standpoint. This is the #1 indicator that the financial industry uses to predict recessions that are on the horizon. The yield curve inversion has a 100% hit rate and has predicted every prior recession.
The thing that is different this time is the sky high inflation on top of already low rates. If they raise rates too fast they will send the world economy back to the stone age, so the most likely scenario is stagflation for the next 5-10 years. There will be no where to hide. Stocks and commodities will bleed while your purchasing power is reduced due to inflation
buy guns and ammo, anons. Max out your credit cards on it.
>What's the evidence a crash is going to happen very soon?
There's several market indicators one can look at to predict this, but the most used one is called a bond yield curve inversion.
Essentially, investors need a way to store money outside of pure cash. The safest way to do this is in treasury bonds, which are loans that private investors issue to governments, that governments then pay back on with taxpayer money. They're seen as ultra-secure, since a default on them would mean the collapse of the entire economy. Of course, being loans, the investors earn interest on them, a so-called 'yield'. Investors mainly buy short-term bonds so that their money become liquid again fast, in case they need to make a new investment, so due to the popularity of short-term bonds, their yields are lower than long-term bonds. This forms a nice curve on a graph when plotted out.
An inversion of the yield curve means that there's no confidence from investors in the short-term market, so they flock to long-term bonds instead, inverting the curve. This has ALWAYS preceded a market crash; once the curve inverts, you have 6-10 months before the stock market collapses. The curve inverted two weeks ago.
>nowhere to hide
Land will absolutely be relatively safe, but it’s getting very expensive already
How the fuck is Yea Forums more literate about finance than 99.999999% of the world is beyond me.
Crossboard posters. I mainly hang out on /pmg/.
Property is most likely the safest place to store money right now, but it will take a big hit as well. How hard is anyones guess and depends entirely on how fast and how much the Fed/ECB raises rates
the reason the public is ignorant about finance is because numbers turn into imaginary and intangible elements when you add a $ sign to it. It's out ego. When it comes to money people feel personally affected by it and literally have delusions and throw logic out the window. Nearly every user has experienced an ego death and therefore we can look at money just like we look at numbers, without any delusions or personal affections in the way, and see how the numbers add up.
Also a note, there are two ways to get out of this mess, despite that I said that it's inescapable.
One is a pipe dream at this point, and the other might be even worse than a crash:
1. Wages adjusting to inflation. Yeah, not happening, ever.
2. Very slow rate hikes. The FED is now doing this, being too afraid for a possible deriskment. This will lead to a very lengthy stagflation, which might be worse than a crash because it takes longer for markets to see an upswing.
If the crash happens by next year why not invest in the land then?
t. Brainlet
I’m from Yea Forums
I study finance
Because your money will most likely turn into elaborate toilet paper
That's the idea - buying the dip. But if inflation fucks over you cash savings, you're shit outta luck.
That's an amplifying effect but doesn't even scratch the surface. I don't even know if the market is going to crash that much, but this inflation in my opinion is mainly due to the housing market and people buying after covid and underbuilding of homes for a decade. Money is getting to people in loans but the money printing hasn't even got to them yet besides housing. Once money in speculative assets moves around big moves are going to happen in inflation and markets, both up and down, it's going to be great for speculation and trading since plenty of money is going to change hands. This can unironically be the greatest transfer of wealth of all time and I hope I can catch some moves.
Inflation is running rampant and a lot of people are losing confidence in the Feds/ECBs ability or willingness to combat it, because combatting it means nuking the economy.
If you believe the CB in your area is serious about fighting inflation, waiting to buy property is the best move. If you are unsure about their willingness or motivation, buying property and riding out te storm is the best move.
The central banks are stuck in a terrible lose-lose situation, and they've been sending mixed signals for a while as for what they plan to do. The only thing we know for sure is that we are fucked either way
What should I do with my savings, experts of Yea Forums?
Settle debts. If you're debt-free, and have enough to buy a property with cash, do that. If not, buy physical gold.
This is what you should be doing, but there is no way to know for sure what will happen:
1. Either you buy during the crash and it recovers
2. Either you buy during the crash and it takes years to recover because this triggered a bear market (market moving down not up)
3. Or you hold off waiting for a crash that never comes, but get a stagflation scenario instead where nothing happens for a decade, price staying the same with zero growth or decrease
Quads of being wrong as fuck. If you told people that the crash to end all crashes is coming, 95% of people would call you a ridiculous conspiracy theorist. I can't even get my dad to cash out his 401k because he's "waiting to make back some of the money it lost" despite having no rational explanation for how the economy will turn around in the next few months. I'm sure most financial professionals are aware of the dire straits we're in, but far from "everyone" in a wide sense. Once the crash happens it's going to be excruciating watching the normies discover the shit we've been talking about for years.