You got a loicense for that tv you have in there?

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It's called a telly you mug.

This wanker is talking back, he is. Open up Chav!

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bruv is a term of endearment, the coppers wouldn't use it when knocking on a gaff you daft cunt. further more cops don't do that job its some random paper pusher

This. Cops are too busy sorting out misgendering misdemeanors

>oi you lot betta not be skipping sixth form you got GCSEs to study for dont ya lads? Bloody 'ell fish and chips god save the queen

Bongistani cops don't have guns

Britbongs are subhuman

I'll nick ur slag of a nan's knickers if u keep this up

no one pays for it anymore, BBC is Marxist tripe.

>sixth form
Poor form

>sixth form
a-levels ya dummy

Me not paying me licence is a civil matter officer

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>I like to burn an effigy on Guy Fawkes day. Gonna have Tea and crumpets wif me mum. Oi did ya see the petrol prices! Bloody 'ell fish and chips god save the queen

hmmm, what are your opinions on, and may Liz forgive me for uttering this word, Frenchmen?

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You got a loicense to check loicenses, mate?

whole island of retard goblin people that talk like babbies

up yours guv

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then why are you writing in English. use nignogese

watching americans on this site over the last 10-15 years trying their best to emulate English slang and reference cultural items has been interesting. the development has been exceptionally slow, almost glacial, but it shows they are trying. in another fifty years they might be able to make a joke that doesn't sound like a 2005 AI generated it.

suck ya mum you nonce

Fuck off, cigarette

we won't recognise it, our banter will have evolved


>tfw in Switzerland you're supposed to pay for the TV loicense even if you don't own a TV


Oi? What'd you bloody say to me you daft codger?

>he doesnt know
Americans are so dumb.

>beans n' toast

Like, what the fuck? Such an abhorrent people.

they're still reeling from the hilarious pronunciation of "bottle of water" that nobody actually says


Bloody schtewpid innit

You're fucked, m8. Innit?

Yea they don't have time to check in on the propaganda loiscences when they're too backed up arresting people who talk about the minority rape gangs that plague london and other cities

No wonder your country is in decline

the absolute state of bongs

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something something nandos innit

For real though, lads, how long does Queen Liz have left before she croaks? She's sacked off the Easter Sunday service due to 'mobility and issues traveling' which basically means she's shitting herself whenever tries to move.

She'll hang on for the platinum as an extra fuck you to any successors, then step down.

Try your best at ordering a cocktail in Wisconsin you limey cunt

As if anyone would ever bother to visit Wisconsin

jokes on you, she's never dying

Not him but I'm guessing they do in London, but not elsewhere?

You shut your whore mouth. Lambeau Field is sacred.

Why the fuck would anyone want to?

It’s not happening exclusively in Britain though (although it’s really prevalent there for some reason). I had to state I didn’t have a TV on my tax return to not pay the TV license (I’m French). A few months later a sort of zogbot knocked on my door inquiring about that, I told him to fuck off kek.

>not even a straight answer to why you dont like beans on toast but then again that would require you to try new things then just eating corn syrup
feels good that my superiority lives rent free in your heads.

FYI the police aren't the ones that enforce the TV licence, and the ones that do have no powers of entry and so can be told to fuck off.

i have a different kind of loicence

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>I'm French

What a fucking shock lmao

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typical bobbies on the beat don't carry but there are armed response are trained to use pistol and sub machine guns (not sure about rifles desu

pic rel:red cars have the guns

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I thought those ones are royal police?

>expires 2022

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I revoke your implied right of access

American beans on toast would be loaded with corn syrup.

>this is peak American cuisine

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well in terms of where you're most likely to see red cars it will most likely be embassies etc so you most likely will see them near royal residences
