Why does Yea Forums hate Taika Waititi?

Why does Yea Forums hate Taika Waititi?

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>born Taika Cohen

I don't hate him, he's just talentless

>Early life

David Cohen, ftfy

Lust and envy but mainly lust

he's reddits new favourite le funny man

Because he made Jojo rabbit and owned the chuds

Because he dared to say mean things about Le Austrian Painter

Hes not very good

i liked hunt for the wilder people.. so he is better as a director than an actor

>the only successful Maori director in the world is also the only Jewish Maori in the world
I mean, what are the chances? The odds gotta be absolutely astronomical

Fuck thugs transphobe

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What we do in the shadows and hunt for the wilderpeople are great watches, everything else he's touched is dogshit.

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>same filename as OP
So you made this thread to dump your epic folder huh faggot

>tfw he’s a millionaire having threesomes and you’re a 40 year old virgin dependent on gubmint checks

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why do you think?

Plays the name game.

He’s made a whole movie mocking a trans person. Not cool.

Why do all of you incels get so worked up over JoJo Rabbit?

Oh my God you've been doing this for like five years

Are you a bot?

It’s transphobic

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Kek, the people on the left are also talking about the kikel, they just fell for the camouflage

Now start crying about Palestine, that's the next step in your script

Threesomes with discount trash, ftfy

This is a shitty bot isn't it
And yet you try to insist /leftypol/ is a myth
If the person who made this thread is reading go fuck yourself

This was good. I didnt like wilderpeople as much.

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Three exact threads and posts have been spammed continuously on Yea Forums at least since the Weinstein scandal broke five godamn years ago, that's when I first noticed this cunt going "white women deserve to be raped by Jewish chads and if you disagree you're a trans Nazi, posted from my iphone" 300 times a day

gross, a spic replied to me

I liked him in what’s down in the shadows the movie and show.
He was also good in jojo rabbit as hitler haha fuck hitler

That movie is fucking awful. Only remotely good movie was boy and that was more 'epic 80s so cool' garbage like Seth macfarlane was allowed to direct

>i have been indoctrinated by Yea Forums for a very long time. please help me
top fucking kek

Is he black?

Every chud here is neglecting the fact that this guy saved Thor and is going to deliver kino again after Doctor Strange

Who are you quoting?

Maori, so sort of

He’s one of the best directors right now. Thor Ragnarok, JoJo Rabbit, and Hunt for the Wilderpeople were kino.
He was also good in Free Guy

Boba Fett

Ever since he was proclaimed "hot shit" by Hollywood, he took on acting roles where he didn't even really give a shit about the movie. He plays the same shitty non-character in everything. As a director, he's ok, but his acting really ticks me off for some reason. He's alright in "What we do in the shadows", however.

Jews have an incredibly high prevalence of schizophrenia and autism, likely due to extreme inbreeding

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He's a disgusting faggot who suck jews cock for money!

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Is Maori SEA?

>Yea Forums‘s only response is blatant racism and anti-semitism

Do better y’all

Ok, taika, now go back taking that cock.

Tried getting into some of his stuff, it was painfully unfunny.

Our Flag Means Death was kino

Das rite

what the fuck is his problem?

illuminati hollyweird kike
anyone that supports kikes like these is pathetic

He’s literally bullied trans people

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He's literally redd*t the person.
Only other dude that triggers such a primal hatred in me is the one who played Deadpool and Green Lantern.

It’s a fake tweet

Was Hitler a homosexual or even transexual? Most evidence seems to point to "yes".

Why does the white nationalist community have a problem with homosexuality and general sexual degeneracy? I've noticed a lot of white nationalists end up being exposed as homosexuals and vice-versa. For instance a gay porn actor recently revealed he was a white nationalist and got arrested for selling drugs (Cameron Diggs). Another prominent white nationalists (Kevin Alfred Strom) was convicted for molesting young boys.

Some food for thought:

rationalwiki.org/wiki/Jean-François_Gariépy (Has sex with the disabled)
archive.is/3GH45 (Mike Cernovich discusses having sex with a man)

>gets severely anger over Reddit
>refuses to even say Ryan Gosling’s name
Holy fuck the virginity just oozes from your comment.

Generally negative based on the two movies I seen. Thor Ragnarok was funny and did more story stuff right than it fumbled, I think... and Free Guy was about 40% funny but 60% cringe and the story was retarded

Why are right-wingers so sensitive?

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Lack of intercourse, for starters.

Fight (((their))) transphobia on out natsoc discord

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It's a jewish reddit nigger. Why wouldn't we hate him?


Agreed that should be me with the money and women and came


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Slay sister

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Fun fact Taika is well know for being an asshole in NZ, he is greatly disliked among actual Maori, and I believe he got in a fight with Booba Fett/Temuera Morrison back in the 2010's for being rude to fans.

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He kissed two girls at once when I've kissed no girls at ounce


why does the angry jewish spammer always post the same folder every sunday

I'd have a beer or 10 with bobabro and the coconut boys any day off the week tbqh senpai

He has an inflated sense is self like Neil degrasse Tyson