What's the most anticlimactic character death?

What's the most anticlimactic character death?

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>adjusts tie
Don't even need to post the WEBM kek what a shit fucking scene
>duuuude but le music as he walks in



Lmao deserved it

It was definitely a mistake. Shock value + a split second of bait didn’t justify the absurdity of it

darth vader getting left behind on an exploding space station


That's how Walter "Soi" White would have reacted. Gus was based

Did he even die? Looks like a perfect setup for a later reappearance

Nvm we must be talking about different things, my mistake

It's a dogshit scene
Gus is laughable and one of the unintentionally funniest performances of all time. Watch some good Yea Forums like The Shield.

Nolan trilogy is over and he got with the batbike’s gun. He’s dead

Dracula in Dracula '31, the end of the movie seemed rushed

Oh ok good we are talking about the same thing lmao
Yeah it was one of the more retarded moments in the series. I would say the worst was the Mr. President thing but I can’t bring myself to watch more than 10 seconds of it so I can’t really judge, I just know everyone here says it was cringe. Supposedly it was some kind of reference to Marilyn Monroe

Kirk spent his entire career and life coming face to face with fascinating, terrifying and incredible things. He was at the absolute cusp of exploration and his adventures brought him and his crew and his ship to legendary heights. For him to utter "Oh my..." at the moment of his death meant that he finally saw something truly incredible and awe-inspiring and for it to be his final journey, it was to be a great one for it invoke that response.

What's worse is how they just leave him under a pile of rocks. The whole movie is a dumpster fire which shits on the TOS movie legacy of ageing characters winding down, when Picard is how old?


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Catwoman shot him offscreen middle of fight so.


Star Trek should be atheist. There is no afterlife. He said "oh my" because he shat his pants

It was a letdown in some ways but it was at least watchable. Now the people running the franchise are doing a take a dump on Roddenberry’s grave any% speed run

>Star Trek should be atheist. There is no afterlife. He said "oh my" because he shat his pants

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I'm assuming most people here haven't seen it, but season 2 of DC show Titans ends with the heroes defeating the villain, wrapping up all the story threads, then a random piece of rubble falls and kills Wonder Girl. To male it worse, she comes back to life in the next season so it was entirely pointless.

this, I don't remember being offended by Kirk's death so much as the fact that McDowell's villain was kind of lame.

I thought batman was only into nonlethal...

I can't believe they gave Kirk a funny death. I know it wasn't supposed to be hilarious, but it was. Disrespectful as fuck.

How did this happen? I don't understand the physics of how we was launched forward, and down

Lmao what the fuck was that.

Also there's a shot where she is holding the tower and there are people running underneath who would not have been crushed anyway

It was kino. Not realistic maybe but who cares.

Object have momentum

Man have momentum.

Object stop suddenly

Man not strapped I'm so he keeps moving "down"

Seat in way so man slide of seat and keep moving with full momentum

Catwoman killed him

batman cant kill, but catwoman didnt give a shit

Drax in the North Water

Y'all DO know this was a reshoot right? Originally he was just shot in the back by Malcolm McDowell's character. This was the best "fix" they could come up with. The whole film is shit except for the Kirk scenes. Asshole writers just didn't want to repeat anything that had been done before in Trek, including "Yesterday's Enterprise"

The Mr President from sopranos? Yeah easily the worst episode what a fucking cringefest.

Fucking lame

With bat's guns and ammunitions

It's a reshoot therefore the scene doesn't count...?

Stupid fat nigger was too stupid and fat for the restraints and fell out when the acceleration suddenly stopped, but he didn’t
Notorious Racist Issac Newton strikes again!

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That's not the issue it's a tv show fuck realism what really sucks is how cringe it is. It's a Reddit moment and I don't use that term lightly. If I could show off Reddit filmmaking with one scene that'd be it
>let me just get in one epic moment before I die how cool am I
>dude he did the tie thing! i clapped!

This. Would have preferred he went down in a blaze of glory on the bridge of a starship (rather than under the bridge), but giving him final words are what gives this shit film any replay value
Idiot. They literally said what OP did in interviews at the time. Kirk was looking at his next grand adventure, the next frontier.

Couldn't have said it better myself. My brother is literally Redd*t and he jumped out of his seat at this scene and nearly spilled his soi milk.

Looks wh*te to me

God exists, sorry chud

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No, my point is it was originally much, much worse. But they had already spent millions, and needed a scene they could shoehorn into thei footage. They weren't going to scrap all of the planetside footage and make a completely different 20minutes of footage to put him in a ship battle or something else.

But, what does GOD need with a starship?

>Introduce fan favourite villain and show him capable of killing Amazonians
>Decide to "guess I'll die" Wonder Girl in lamest way possible
This whole show is one big missed opportunity

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Damn that's a cool looking Deathstroke

One of my co-workers who talks about reddit IRL told me he thought it was the most well put together scene he'd ever watched. Said it was perfect filmmaking and was "super thrilling".

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Sadly, he's another character who gets a lame death

It was a black kid.

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Then you are genuinely retarded.

No, Breaking Bad. Skylar singing to Ted on his birthday

>perhaps the best fighter in the whole DC universe
>gets rekt by nightwing and a literal who
Wow this sucks ass

He was a big fat negro future rocket scientist

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I get that Bruce Willis wasn't exactly all there anymore at this point, but that doesn't mean they had to do him like this

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This felt much worse than what happened to Kirk, at least Kirk was there for his ally and died doing something Luke did gay space magic to not be involved in a fight and still died from gay space magic instead of actually showing up and putting up a fight

I'll have you know that's his daughter who ends up with his death trans son's soul in her body.

Bane probably.


What was wrong with it. That was pure kino.

But he died and they took his body and cremated him. But yeah Vader did go out like a simp.

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