Benni Edition
/who/ - Doctor Who General
>Aright Yaz? Bend over and I'll shove this up ya
give it to me senpai
what the fuck? A subtle and understated modern BF cover?
>"If these figures, and the more vocal fan reactions, bother him, he’s not showing it. Asked how much consideration he gives to fandom, he is blunt: “Absolute zero. That was the advice from both Russell and Steven.” He had a vision for a three-series arc and delivered it"
I haven't watched a singe episode of Flux and don't think I'd waste my time to do so.
When Eccleston, Tennant and Capaldi were on I used to rush to the screen every week.
>tfw a friend and I have an inside joke where we say something along the lines of "holy shit look, the Doctor" whenever we walk past a homeless person wearing weird/retarded clothes
Am I retarded?
Captcha: AGP KKK
I just watched the Brendan episode of the TImeless child. Why on Earth did the BBC put a Garda/Irish Policeman who was black? there were barely any black people in Ireland in that time, and there was no non white people in the police force, hell there's barely any today.
>“There was a point around April/May 2020 where it looked like we’d have to call it a day after two series. If we hadn’t already planned to leave after series three, there’s no way I’d be staying on now after going through that experience.”
>Of his alien creations, he’s proud of Swarm, Azure and Karvanista from last year’s six-parter Flux, as well as his debut season’s baddie “Tim Shaw”, and relished placing old favourites the Sontarans in the Crimean War.
>“There’s a swathe of amazing writers out there and it felt like I’d be doing the show a disservice if I didn’t bring them in,” he says. Some of the stories he wanted to tell – the Partition of India, the protest of Rosa Parks – demanded an authenticity, and a writers’ room shaped ideas, with Chibnall having final pass on each script.
>she “brought the Doctor in with her straightaway”. Her idea of the Doctor fused Christopher Lloyd as Doc Brown in Back to the Future with Madonna in a trouser suit.
>“Firstly, she’s one of the greatest actors of her generation,” he declares. “But I thought – and I’d been guilty of this – the parts she’d taken didn’t necessarily demonstrate her energy and physicality, her humour and her clownlike qualities.”
>He is eager to see how Davies remodels the show, and some of his production team are staying on for the 60th anniversary.
>>some of his production team are staying on for the 60th anniversary.
>So you’ll be pitching him Who stories then? He laughs, a hoot as garrulous as the best of Davies’s. “Absolutely never again! Clear red line, final script. I never expected to come back after working with Steven, really, and I’d turned it down a couple of times after that. I never thought I’d be offered the job and built into that is why I wanted to keep it to a very specific three-series thing.
Pinch of salt but someone who works with the team has said MANY production staff have been let go though unfortunately , and some from America are being flown in to take their place. Pinch of salt but last year apparently “wasn’t pretty” according to him
>I just watched the Brendan episode
I'm so sorry.
What's hilarious to me is that these flashback/scene things get handwaved away next episode as "oh yeh the Doctor could see them" even though there's zero hint of that happening throughout the episode
That's not a pinch of salt. It's a fact. They're playing nice in Public, but Davies hates what Chibnall has done with the show and part of the deal was to replace the production crew at present with his own American based production company, so countless yanks will be replacing the Bong production crew.
I'll keep my pinch of salt until we get confirmations. It's inevitable that a lot of the crew will have been "let go" but there are also 27364982639 rumors.
Is season 13 even worth watching?
Only War of the Sontarans, it's literally Jodie's only good episode.
I haven't watched a single moment of Jodie Who and only a couple of episodes of Capaldi. I really fell out of it when Moffat disappeared up his own arse.
Just thought I'd let you know.
Stopped watching this trash when they revealed the actual First Doctor was a little Nigerian girl.
Stopped watching this trash when they revealed the Doctor was a girl.
my personal opinion on the chibnall era is that some of it is fun, some of it is decent, and some of it is even good but the majority of it just does not strike me as something written by a lifelong fan of the show who sees it as an opportunity to show their take on the doctor and their universe as opposed to an opportunity to resolve plotholes nobody even cares about
It's just completely devoid of genuine creativity and love. Practically everything in ChibWho feels unimaginative and rote
Only the Sontaran episode is worth watching. The Weeping Angel episode is one of the better Weeping Angel episodes, but is too linked to the overall plot which brings it down.
>That was the advice from both Russell and Steven.
The idea that Moffat gave zero consideration to fandom is laughable considering how much he seemed to love pandering to the tumblr section of DW fans.
Nothing post-Capaldi is worth watching. Save yourself.
Maybe just smoothing the transition?
At the very least the writers, editors, dop's costume designer and composer need to go immediately.
Lads I am positively erect thinking of the salt that will occur when a white male is cast for 14. I almost can't contain myself.
I think RTD will be inheriting a lot of the crew who worked on His Dark Materials as that show's coming to an end. He'll definitely bring in his own writers (unless he's writing it all himself, another unknown factor).
The costume fella seems to have heavily implied he's done and dusted.
I hope and pray Segun gets booted out too.
They know the show is dead if they don't.
>Crew who worked on his dark materials
I'll take it. They at least captured the magic of a world alien but familiar to earth - and the episodes aren't consistently a boring mess
I'd assume he'd have final pass on any script but doubt it'll be solely written by him even for the 60th specials. Keep it fresh.
Sort of side note but would you be open to Moffat coming back in a freelance/guest writer position?
Good on the costumes - the sets (when they bother) are usually 'ok' (except the TARDIS) so production design isn't my main worry but the costumes in the Jodie era are just so fucking boring and unimaginative it's honestly distracting.
Murray Gold resurrection when
>Sort of side note but would you be open to Moffat coming back in a freelance/guest writer position?
Yes. I think some of his best work is non-arc/showrunner related and he just told great singular unconnected stories. I doubt he'd come back for S14 though. Maybe S15 if RTD is staying on.
This also made me realise/remember just how much we have to look forward to:
>new logo / new titles
>new composer hopefully
>new TARDIS interior set
>new doctor obviously
>new costume
>new sonic design
It's like 2010 all over again. With any luck we'll also get some new Daleks, new Cybermen, etc. too
The Daleks could even remain the 2005-style but with different colours to freshen them up.
>>new TARDIS interior set
which can't be any worse than this
I think she should be the new Doctor.
No. There are a couple of decent episodes (mostly the Angels one), but they're still part of the unholy mess that is the storyline.
Yes, especially Pyamids of Mars.
We had black people in the Middle Ages in The Magician's Apprentice. Nobody cares enough about historical accuracy to put it before representation.
It was all downhill from here.
Their painting-like covers are always decent.
Reminder that NuWho is DEAD-dead and it's getting rebooted, so it's really like 2005 all over again so that also means.
>No Sonic
>Completely new Dalek design
>Completely different Regeneration sequence
and best of all
>Jodie's Regeneration probably cuts to black
>Trannies cope and seethe
Yes to all. Cannot wait. New composer alone will make such a difference to the energy of the show.
I always liked the multicolour new paradigm Daleks. They're best used sparingly as antagonists though. Limited numbers not fleets.
I think they should also rest the cybermen for a few years.
They're already doing far too many of them though, so they're just a bit dull
Looks like an anomaly from that show Primeval
>I think they should also rest the cybermen for a few years.
I agree, and the Master.
Ironically, the two elements of Doctor Who that RTD used the least (Cybermen in 3 stories, the Master in 2/3 stories) that he might want to reattempt, yet they're now the most overused things in the show and could do with a break. Didn't harm Eccleston, or Smith's era to go without the Master for a while either.
>she “brought the Doctor in with her straightaway”
Absolute bullshit. She still hadn't seen a single episode then and even now at her best she seems like a discount Tennant.
They've made them boring that's the greatest sin. At least with Simm & Missy you had an actual arcs the new guy is just a joke. World enough and time basically ended the character in a very satisfying way.
Plus I get the feeling he'll be the primary antag in the centenary special to wrap up the chibnall timeless child/cyberlord mess
I think it says more about Chibnall, than anything. I suspect they were just good mates after Broadchurch, and he wanted a woman, and he just saw her as quite light/playful/quippy and ran with that. There's zero emotional depth or thought behind her Doctor, and it's also clear that neither him nor Jodie had a vision for the character. Even if Jodie hadn't seen much (let's not forget that Smith hadn't seen much either), Chibnall should've been the one to help mould and shape and work with her. But it seems him and the directors just let her do her own thing, and never gave notes/attempted anything multi-layered. Maybe Chibnall is just a fan of 2D characterisation and "muh quirky fun Doctah"
Yeah I agree. And not only that, but we've now had 3 Master/Cyberman finales in the last 5 series. That hasn't helped, cos it feels so repetitive too.
>I think they should also rest the cybermen for a few years.
One thing I liked about Chibnall was that he kept Daleks out of the main series and it helped the show breathe, and feel like it wasn't always DaleksDaleksDaleks but, ironically, what that's also achieved now is a sense of "ugh, they're back in the post-series special again." They've become repetitive in a different sense. One thing I'd like RTD to do, if he has to use Daleks every series, is give us some variety now. Sometimes finale villain, sometimes a series opener, sometimes mid-series, sometimes a special, etc.
It's a shame there wasn't more of a rest for the character between the Series 10 finale and the return. I wouldn't have minded as much if the new Master had been, well, GOOD, and had some depth. But it feels like we've just instantly reverted to a campy 2D Master, after the attempt (successful or otherwise) to give some layers to Missy and go on a journey. Sacha's Master just seems to piss all that away, with no real motivation as to why.
For all and any of his flaws, at least RTD in his original run only used the character twice (and waited a while before reintroducing him). Less is more.
Yeaaaaah, I'm thinking she's back.
The worse part of reading older DW ebooks is how poorly formatted they tend to be.
Oh shit, is this actual hype I'm starting to feel for modern Doctor Who?
>people heralding RTDs return when all he did was almosy destroy Eccles' career and brought us the David Teninch show
I'm tentatively excited, but only on surface level. They can make a great logo, and have good music, and have a great TARDIS set, etc but it'll really come down to stuff like writing, characters, character development, stuff that gets us properly invested again. That's the real test.
His stuff was the peak of nu-Who.
Would you like the next few series to go down the serialised route (like Flux, but better and more coherent), or revert back to the "adventure of the week with buzzwords/vague connections" style?
As someone who reads a lot and reads lots of sci fi, RTD and Moffat are subpar at best. Even RTD introduces a bunch of plotlines that go nowhere
>Davies hates what Chibnall has done with the show
should we tell him?
I've got faith that at the very least, Rusty will deliver a watchable show that actually understands Doctor Who. He's always been a far better writer and showrunner than Chibnall and I doubt he'll drop the ball now
I'm biased because I grew up with Rusty's Who, but I agree. No showrunner is perfect, and there are always highs and lows, but RTD can at the very least generate publicity/hype and knows how to engage an audience. That's already more than Chibnall's managed.
will you miss it
Option b please
Something like S5 with the pandorica/"cracks in the wall" plot thread ongoing with week to week was a great balance
>Rusty will deliver a watchable show that actually understands Doctor Who
holy nufag
Can RTD actually revive the shoe to Tennant era popularity? Does he actually want to transform the show to modern 'shared universe' marvel/star wars tier? Or will it just be the same with a new coat of paint and slightly better writing?
Literally anything is better than what we have now.
>Can RTD actually revive the shoe to Tennant era popularity
I don't think so. It'll never be the cultural epic that it was in the UK again, even if they brought Tennant back. You can't just copy or recapture that same lightning in a bottle. But at least it'll be watchable, and steadier than what we've had since 2018
lads, I’m so excited! I can’t wait for RTD to come back and pic related to happen! so much KINO incoming!