BrBa installments by percentage written by women

Easiest way to assess their quality

BrBa S1 - 14%
BrBa S2 - 15%
BrBa S3 - 19%
BrBa S4 - 27%
BrBa S5 - 25%
BCS S1 - 20%
BCS S2 - 35%
BCS S3 - 40%
BCS S4 - 50%
BCS S5 - 45%
BCS S6 - 42%

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the final season of Breaking Bad in reality is terrible. its akin to the scene of Walter throwing the meth bomb x 100. lots of inplausible bullshit solutions to problems. vince gilligan just said fuck it. also, it turns out the whole machine gun scenario wasn't even planned out - and vince admitted that they wrote themselves into a whole with it. bunch of retards.

S5 of better call Saul is easily the best season of the show. Although there is cartoon shit involving Lalo and Mike but at this point you just have to accept that it’s that kind of universe


Cartoon shit doesn't bother me when an actor as charismatic as Tony Dalton is performing it. Lalo was such a refreshing counterpoint to a character as stale as Gus.

Still better than shit like Dexter.

wtf I love women now?

>better call saul
>season with the most male writers is the worst season by far
you might have a point with a larger sample size but doesn't work with bcs

>BCS S3 - 40%
>BCS S4 - 50%
That explains everything.

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>The worst season of Better Call Saul with the retarded german engineer who can't stay in a fucking facility for a few months without going full retarded for "MUH WIFE" is the best season according to women

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Shit I'm finishing up S4, is it really that bad or is this user just meming?

I fully expected it so it wasn't even that bad for me. Vince learned from Chris Carter after all.

>disliking bcs s3

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There's some good moments in it, and has the best episode Ozymandias, but the neo-nazi asspull to fill the villain spot is incredibly stupid and cringe. Gus should've been the final obstacle that ends up killing Walt.

>season 4 is the best season of both shows
Womenbros, I kneel...

It’s the best season of either show. All the main characters only show up when they’re relevant to Jimmy, giving the season a cohesive focus. It’s slower than later seasons but also has less filler because it’s not constantly being stretched out by Gus shit. Also just comfy watching sleazy small time Jimmy and it’s got the show’s two best episodes; the original and subtler Chicanery (Pimento) and the most affecting episode in either series (Five-O).

After season 1 the show just starts to feel like an anthology series set in the pre-WW BB universe. It’s still good, just not truly great like season 1 was.

You dipshits realize that the women who broke ground on shows like breaking bad are the ones that assimilated into the male culture, right? By trashing and alienating people who assimilate, you get them to side with the psychos. Breaking bad was a good show, women helped make it, great. Celebrate that. As long as they're not putting a cunty spin on things and get with the program, there is no problem

Why is it stupid? He hired a bunch of Nazis from his connection with his former student, when shit hit the fan later on he called them for help, and they did the only logical thing a bunch of thugs would do, rob him. Also they weren't even the big bad villians in the end technically, Walter didn't want to kill them he just wanted to rescue Jesse and they were in the way. How's that an asspull?

The only big bad villans in the show are Tuco in the initial seasons and Gus in 4th, all others are minor characters that get caught up in Walts world.

it 100% was about turning Walter White into a supervillain since he already had the origin

So much of Breaking Bad falls apart when you listen to the episode commentary and learn that pretty much every "genius detail" was an unintended coincidence and the writers were retarded children just treading water.
> Walt goes back to his destroyed home and gets the RICIN!
>Cool, who's he gonna use it on?
>...huh? Anyway, and then he buys a MACHINE GUN!
>but what plotline is that setting up?
>...aaaaand done! Episode 5-02...
They wrote the whole series like this and it shows.

>most affecting episode
This nigga likes to feel sad

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I hate w*men and refuse to believe they had anything to do with the show, they probably stole credit from a guy that came up with the idea and plotline in those meetings w*men in the corporate world love to have.

It's that NASA whore all over again, didn't make any meaningful contribution but got plastered all over the news as the person behind the mission(this was proven from her GitHub history don't even debate it).

Not only that but Hank was S5’s main antagonist and the last two episodes are basically an epilogue. Jack’s actor wasn’t even top billing, he was never supposed to be the big bad.

It doesn't, you're just being contrairian. The only inconsistency I will agree with is in the last episode where he managed to infiltrate and kill all the Nazis at once with his machine gun contraption but up until then it flows extremely naturally. Season 6(5B) is literally just Walts actions in the previous seasons catching up to him, but for some reason this filters brainlets on this board hard.

>All the main characters only show up when they’re relevant to Jimmy, giving the season a cohesive focus.
that made it worse because it made the world so much shallower and smaller
not the fault of the season but a result of it

the ending of season 1 was absolute shit
jimmy wants to be a proper lawyer for kim and chuck but after rubbing his ring in the last 10 seconds of the season he decides to throw it all away? absolute retardation
even in the season finale he's repeatedly sympathetic to chuck (painstakingly going through the routine details with howard making sure all chuck's favorite things get delivered and where to get them, constantly telling marco chuck's still his brother and family even after marco insists chuck doesn't care about him)
i read they didn't know they were getting more than 1 season until later so it makes sense why they had to "wrap it up" but it was still shit, way too abrupt

Yeah I forgot about Hank, to anybody that actually paid attention Jack is nothing but a goon, and in a way it shows how far Walt is from being the drug kingpin he fancies himself to be when he gets robbed and left completely at the mercy of a bunch of common criminals. In 5A he was parading himself as the guy who murdered the great Gustavo Fring, in 5B we're shown that he never really could be Gustavo Fring no matter how much he LARPed because Gus would never allow a bunch of small timers to rob him of all his work.

The last few minutes of season 1 are there because, as you say, the show wasn’t guaranteed a second season. It seems anticlimactic now but it’s only a few minutes of a ~10 hour season, letting it significantly impact your opinion on it is retarded.

Well when it comes to criticism, I’m mainly a plot consistency guy. I don’t like everything in 2-5, but it’s hard for me to fault their logic. Season 1 is the only one with a lapse even if it’s only in the closing scene. It’s hard for me not say S1 is the worst.

>It seems anticlimactic now but it’s only a few minutes of a ~10 hour season, letting it significantly impact your opinion on it is retarded.
no, it's perfectly fair to criticize media's endings
endings are incredibly important for television and film, just look at lost
seasons of good mysteries and character studies but nearly all discussion surrounds jj's woahdude ambiguous ending
s1 definitely has its moments and like i said the ending is understandable but strictly from the viewer's perspective it's absolute shit

This just proves that you're not really pissed at the actual women but at the attention/reaction they get. The NASA whore just posted a picture, reddit and the slobbering media were the ones that boosted and created the narrative you're talking about

It’s not an ending to anything though. The show continued. It’s a failsafe ending in the case of cancellation. Remove that and the season climaxes with Pimento, with Marco providing a bereavement influenced reconciliation with Jimmy’s unsavory past as a resolution. It’s a perfect “ending” for an opening season (aside from Jimmy’s somewhat retarded cons that likely wouldn’t work in real life, but that’s still a fun scene). If you’re assessing the season the same way you would a film, then I’d say it absolutely has a stronger structure than BrBa season 1; I don’t feel that’s necessary though.

Jesus guys stfu

>It’s not an ending to anything though. The show continued.
we are evaluating seasons
the season 1 finale was the ending of season 1
and the season 1 finale was shit

>It’s a failsafe ending in the case of cancellation.
that's exactly why it's shit
the last 30 seconds of the show are "he's saul now lol" even though it makes zero sense

>Remove that and the season climaxes with Pimento
but it doesn't
the season climaxes with the writers undoing the entire season in the last 30 seconds with a retarded failsafe ending

>stop discussing television on the television board

You’re a plotfag and the other guy’s a pseud. Just stop.

i mean i think he's delusional about how shit the ending is but i don't think he's a pseud desu
i've seen way worse on this board and others (especially Yea Forums)

see that faggot is just memeing. dont worry about it.

>muh dark passenger
>muh one who knocks
They're both on the same tier of shit.

bro you still cant list 10. fuck off back to your soprano threads. do you have stockholm syndrome or something? youre so obsessed about breaking bad thag you probably exclusively creates anti breaking bad threads everyday.

Bro I’m not gonna defend either of you but it’s literally just the line “It’s never stopping me again.” That makes the season shit? Do you have undiagnosed OCD?

No, just memeing. The end of season 5 is pretty satisfying.

>giving a shit about the story = OCD
i'll try to dumb it down for you
the entire season gave reasons why he was not saul (primarily chuck and kim)
the season finale showed he still cared about both chuck and kim
the last 30 seconds showed him instantly stop caring and becoming saul solely because they didnt know they were gonna get more seasons
the other guy was delusional but at least he was smart enough to understand the argument

>even in the season finale he's repeatedly sympathetic to chuck (painstakingly going through the routine details with howard making sure all chuck's favorite things get delivered and where to get them, constantly telling marco chuck's still his brother and family even after marco insists chuck doesn't care about him)
While it could be interpreted as being narratively unsatisfying, it’s perfectly reasonable that Jimmy was in a confused state at that point; indecisive regarding whether he’d continue on his current path, bring his resourceful scam artist customs into his profession, or even quit entirely. After all, he did just find out that his brother— whom he’d given a great deal of effort to help— didn’t reciprocate his affection. Emotions could’ve been simmering over the past week or so before reaching their boiling point at that moment. Jimmy’s uncertainty helped smooth the show’s uncertainty. I don’t think even the “failsafe” is as bad as you say, even if it does ring hollow.

This can't be right. Because each season of Saul just keeps getting better. Are you telling me women secretly knew how to write interesting and compelling shows this whole time? What the fuck were they doing before?


Way too many novels ITT

Cute attention span :)

No one cares, phoneposter.

>BCS power rankings
5 > 1 > 4 > 2 > 3
>BB power rankings
1 > 4 > 5 > 2 > 3

>worst season

Weirdo shit


The thing about Breaking Bad is, it kind of has 2 endings.

Season 4 ends in a way that could be considered the finale. They wrote it to be such because they weren't sure if they were coming back because AMC was on some bullshit at the time, cancelling a lot of their programming. Season 4's ending at the very least is a satisfying ending.

But I think the final season is the strongest season of the show and the final half especially picks up the pace in a way that's exciting and well earned after years of a slow and deliberate pace. Breaking Bad is honestly one of those shows that I think gets progressively better with each season.

Women worked on breaking bad and women love breaking bad. My 56 year old wine mum says her favourite show is breaking bad because it's "so cool".

See . You're either the schizo or a complete fag who fell for it. Either way, pathetic. Breaking Bad is Dexter tier. Here's 10 superior shows faggot
>The Big Lez Show
>American Dad
>Family Guy
>Mike-era MST3K
>Sealab 2021
>Star Trek TOS
>The Sneed
Also nice man, I told ya to fuck off to your containment threads and now you've adapted that insult good on ya, learning some bantz.

Does this mean that she actually isn’t missing the point

Is this why Kim is written better than Skyler? BCS puts its women group on Kim later growing the group while BB started with dudes writing Skyler then the later women additions having to be put elsewhere?


>nooo other shows can be critiqued just for their audience but not my heckin drug show

Women bad

Hmm, interesting point

nice try. all of those are are shit.
stop accusing me of what youre doing reddit tourist. most of youre insults and arguments against breaking bad are from me. thats right im the one posting on those anime threads and you copy almost every single one of my posts
fuck off back 2 reddit. its already proven that youre from reddit.

Now there is an actual woman to write, not just the Skylar bitch.

>and refuse to believe they had anything to do with the show
At that point you're just lying to yourself, BrBa and BCS both have female producers, writers etc.

It´s not about disliking it, it´s about seeing the writing on the wall (heh). For me, it wasn´t worth it to keep on watching.

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Ozymandias is a terrible episode I genuinely can't understand why people like it. Any random episode from season 1 has better writing

Fucking this