So has Evan Rachel Wood produced her own movie yet?

So has Evan Rachel Wood produced her own movie yet?

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Maybe women shouldn't write movies.

Maybe the idea is trash
Its honestly hilarious how her pitch is ”im directing this, these two amazin women wrote it and these four amazing women will star it”
Sure key people are important especially for marketing but is the idea good?

Imagine how awful it must be.

Is this another
>literally who?

Why don't they ask money to blackrock? Unless it's not pozzed enough and she just wants some passive progressive dull drama to get back at marilyn manson

I bet it was another Charlie's Angels remake.


>white men
yeah all those freaking wasps that run hollywood

That movie? Pic related.

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Okay but what's the movie actually about?

>to be directed by me
>has directed 0 films
>wonder why no-one will greenlight her dumb idea

even Marilyn couldn't get his movie into production

Does anyone have that instagram screencap of some marilyn manson friend claiming this crazy slut was another edgy groupie whore and not a victim at all?

The movie is trash but is it better than trash like licorice pizza which got funded? Maybe


what happened to her career after The Ides of March? she should have been bigger

So why doesn't she produce it herself then or have all these amazingly amazing women help her produce it? Surely they're all millionaires.

I guess she really needs all that white male money on the line for her feminist dream project.

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Of all the things she could complain about....

Legend has it she still stinks of Marilyn Manson's semen and won't stop yapping about it

I have this weird suspicion it's maybe a shit film is why. Also jew =/= white

What is this ESL rambling about?

The first rule in making movies is, you don't spend your own money in them.

giving women rights may have been a mistake

I can think of about 2 good films directed by women in the entire history of cinema (The Triumph of the Will, American Psycho,..uhmm..)
>white men
*checks wikipedia*

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I have been pitching a mediocre life, starring me, for THIRTY EIGHT YEARS, to nothing but white woman after white woman and weirdly, no one has given me pussy. And we wonder why there is bias against white males?? Your move, ladies.

The whole point of asking for funding is proving the investor can trust your product to pay out
What you're saying is like an athlete asking for sponsorships by saying
>No I can't prove I can run faster than anyone else because I haven't run any races, but I can probably run faster than someone with a broken leg
So fucking what

How fucking narcissistic can you be? EVERYONE thinks their movie idea is the best thing ever. And then it gets made and if you're lucky, it's the Room. If you're unlucky it's Birds of Prey.

>No I can't prove I can run faster than anyone else because I haven't run any races, but you guys are fucking idiots who can't tell a good runner from a telephone pole so why do you care
Not that you'd be more likely to get funding this way though...

if this is her idea of how to get a buzz... why she didnt share the synopsis? she knows it may be off , or very niche...

>no one picked up my movie because of sexism


I will fund it if there is erotic lesbianism.

"white" men with names like goldberg

>room after room of (((white))) MEN

Stopped reading at the mention of women

>par le réalisateur de x-men dark phoenix
Wasn't this universally hated? Why would you advertise your movie using that?

Considering there is affirmative action out the ass in Hollywood, her movie must be a special kind of awful.

If Chloe Zhao CNA get funding to make a movie about Frances McDormand shitting in a bucket, how can a Hollywood "A list" actor struggle to get funding to make a movie? Either this movie is an overbudgeted piece of shit, or it's so bad nobody wants to touch it, or ERW is a known nightmare work with.

The trend of female lead movies is kinda over besides Disney pushing it in Marvel still because Marvel will sell no matter what

She missed the boat

Chole Zhao's Dad is a billionaire and the CCP has connections in Hollywood

>So has Evan Rachel Wood produced her own movie yet?
She'll need to fund it herself, or go to Dubai to raise money.

Who would've guessed moviemaking was a Jewish industry?

>Imagine how awful it must be.
It's Hollywood -- aka Planets Nepotism and IP Theft. Plenty of great ideas go nowhere because the people attached to them aren't related to someone, fucking someone or blackmailing someone.

Meanwhile, the relatives, prostitutes and blackmailers steal from the lesser connected.

so what is her take, they were all homosexuals?
is she calling the homosexuals biased against women?

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>Chole Zhao's Dad is a billionaire and the CCP has connections in Hollywood
Who's jewing who, in a battle between chinese vs jews?

it was the worst movie of the 21st century

so pitch it to fucking amy pascal or the anna purna bitch

Daisy can play AOC in the biopic.

netflix will literally greenlit anything....

>so pitch it to fucking amy pascal or the anna purna bitch
They have no dicks to suck.

this bitch constantly nags. as if she's been in anything good besides westworld s1.

no nigga, you have to be exceptional, I don't

so why is she going around begging from men?

the schizo makes sense for once.
blackrock is an investmant fund that has been bankrolling "woke" films.
it's probably just for easy profit, since the fund backs lots of weapons manufacturers and likely don't give a shit, but some argue it's for cultural jew q-user reasons.
anyway if you have a woke film that needs funding supposedly these are the guys for gibs but jews are still crafty and won't just back any piece of dogshit.

I hate women.

>won't just back any piece of dogshit
They really fooled me then

>sexism is when men don't fund my shitty sexist passion project
Get cancer you bitch. Seriously.

>you won't give me money to make a movie
>your move, guys :^)

it's terrible that men created literally everything around us and gave us rights just to not give me more money

MAybe she should say to these men what the movies is about and show a script instead of being a stupid whore WTIH MOVIE WITH DA 4 WOMAN AND WE GOTSTA GET WOMAN DIRECTÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ

fucking imbecile monkey

I can't keep up with who is whose rape victim.

>Imagine how awful it must be.
This, in an era where Hollywood will greenlight anything remotely feminist with anyone remotely famous attached to it, if you as a well-known actress with your own metoo story can't get funding, your project must be insanely bad.