>only Chinese in the book
>her name is Chang
What did Rowling mean by this?
>only Chinese in the book
>her name is Chang
What did Rowling mean by this?
Perfectly valid name if you ask me
To be fair a lot of the wizard info word has either rhyming names, silly names, or strange ones. Newt Scamander, all the founders names, and the weird sect of the dumb constellation names. Wizards are just dumb
I can't wait for Jap Harry Potter with Honda Suzuki.
If other people have weird names, then her name should be weird as well.
>be only asian character
>named ching chong chang
i think we can all admit jk rowling could have done better
A lot of minor characters had common names. Dean Thomas. Seamus Finnegan.
>only black character
it was a different time
I'm from a chinese school.
You wouldn't believe the amount of girls named Li Mei Mei. Nobody is really named "Chang" though, it's mostly Zhang.
community did the same thing now that I think about it.
>oh why because I'm korean?
>you're chinese
>oh like there's a difference?
>>oh like there's a difference?
There's not. It's like mixing up canadians and americans.
Does Chang even exists or is just the westernization of Zhang?
When I went to China Town, like 50 niggas named Chang were hanging out by the Local Meats and Pets store. Seems like a common enough name.
Chinese people actually have names like Chang. It’s actually unusual to be Asian and have a western name like Carl Williamson. Most of them do indeed have names that sound like silverware being tossed down a stairwell.
i see more and more customers from china of late and they all have stereotyped chinese names. one of them atm is called liu wei chong.
this whole
>jk rowling is using racist stereotypes
is beyond retarded. she's using stereotypes because they're so fucking accurate.
>tranny in the book
>pronouns go from she/her to was/were
What did Rowling mean by this?
They should have just named her Gook
kek, they are actually giving her shit for that?
Maybe at the time the author had a difficult time coming up with a chinese surname cut J.K. Rowling some slack okay i doubt anyone here could do any better anyways
Why did Harry ended their relationship again? She looks much better than Gina.
yeah heaps.
>cho chang is racist
>kingsley shackleton is racist
>jews owning the banks is racist
meanwhile no one cares she's putting the ginger irish in a run down shanty house with 40 children in it because they cant stop fucking and their name is Weasley. it's just a bunch of shite because they're angry at her for not being fully on board with troons.
>severe teacher who punishes students
>his name is Severus Snape
>teacher who is secretly a werewolf
>his name is Lupin
Bravo Rowling...
her last name is Chang, and that is a real last name. Its like a white guy with the last name Smith
>>only Chinese in the book
>>her name is Chang
>"Cho Chang" sounds like "ching chong"
>coincidentally, she's also sorted into Ravenclaw, a house known for valuing intelligence, and she happens to be of Chinese descent (Asian = living calculator by proxy)
>she's also Irish, and they're known for being extra hard bootlickers for Chinese manufactured products according to the British
Just what did Rowling mean by that?
kids books
>using common chinese name bad
It's something like the 100th most common Chinese surname. In a country with 1.4 billion people, that's going to be a shitload of people
>french student
>her name is literally flower in french
How do I get an asian gf with a scottish accent? Asking for a friend.
Seamus like you finnegan ur ass rekt m8
Dean ur mum tell u not Thomasturbate to her knickers m8
>character likely conceived in the late 90's in Britain MUST conform to diversity standards that barely exist today set by terminally online twitter freaks
Why not name her Ching Chong at that point?
Qiu and Chang are both common chinese names
Wait, but if wizards aren't even humans properly, and they live hidden from "muggles" in their own closed societies, why they must conform to human ethics and morals anyway? Isn't magic really inheritable, so what is the problem in being a wizard purist?
You move to Scotland.
Ive never read the books, is it true Rowling overuses the phrase "[Character]stretches their legs" a lot? Why?
Cool it with the anti-goblin remarks
I don’t remember that but it’s possible. JK is a fantastic writer for children/YA but she’s subpar otherwise. Her book under a pen name was shit (or so I’ve heard)
I wouldn’t recommend that any adult goes out of their way to read HP, but if you ever have kids it’s definitely worth reading to them. Kids love the books and the themes are remarkably positive compared to a lot of modern tripe published in this space.
Yea sure there were a lot of black gangbangers named Chang, but how many asians?
Rowling started this strategy of increasing word count of books in order to sell bigger books and make more money. So there is a lot of repetition and unnecessary additions.
He said... Calmly.
Doesn't it also have an Irish character that is alcoholic and is an expert in explosives, that's funnier imo
Rolling was originally gonna call her Ching Chong Chang Chink.
>wmaf with harry
yeah, im thinking rowling is based
Chang, Cho chang.
Fucking hell mate, Harry's kids was enough of a cunt in that play they did. Being a hapa on top of that would have caused a mass Avada Kadavaring
In my opinion Chang is the older transcription (Wade-Giles?) they still use on Taiwan, while Zhang would be the transcription they use in PRC (pinyin). Not an expert though and can't be bothered to check because it's about Harry Potter.
Her name is actually Mei Wei Foo
no wei, foo
>Chinese person
>Has chinese name
Huh how weird
My way, fuuuu
>American student
>literally named Wendy Baconator
What the FUCK is her problem?
why is the dullest poster appearing anymore?
Lots of people in China are called Chang. Why are you trying to make a problem where there is no problem?
isn't Cho a korean surname? it'd be like naming someone Goldberg Shekelstein
shut up chang
>token asian named ching chong
>token black who is so forgettable I don't even remember his name
>greedy goblins are basically jews
even before JKR started hating trannies, how the FUCK did liberals latch onto this shit in the first place?