The death of a violent criminal is a celebration, not a tragedy, and I am tired of pretended it isn't.
The death of a violent criminal is a celebration, not a tragedy, and I am tired of pretended it isn't
Yeah it's cool when government agents murder American citizens for the lulz. Conservatives love to talk about small government and individual liberty but when it comes down to the wire they'll lick the boot every time.
Fuck off fash scum back to pol. No room for hate here.
ghetto gangster thugs are not law abiding citizens.
You forfeit your humanity when you choose to commit a violent crime.
Imagine knowing about Saint Floyds criminal history, and still defending his right to life.
there was no murder
>tfw you're hanging with your drug dealer stealing bananas then he asks you to eat his stash when the popo rolls up then the 3x lethal dose of fentanyl hits
People like you are the only ones implying people hate george floyd for being black.
We hate him for being a violent criminal.
one less drug using gangbanging nigger on the streets, oh noooo!! what a loss is this the people you're worried about, people like this shouldn't even exist
>passing off a counterfeit $20 is a violent crime
No one's criminal history deserves execution unless decided upon in a court of law. A street is not a court of law.
>facts are bait
go back to sucking government/corporate cock
go back to loving niggers on reddit, niggerlover
Why do you care about rapist, drugdealing, gangbanging, ghetto thug criminals die?
Are you one?
This is why nobody takes you mongoloids seriously. You can't get past the fact that he was black to see this for the overreach and abuse of power that it was.
did I say he commited a violent crime on the day he died? That doesn't fucking matter.
If you commit a violent crime one a sunday, but not on a monday, you are still a violent criminal on mondays. kek
You can't get past the fact he was black.
Even if he was white, the death of a violent criminal is always a good thing.
>government agents murder American citizens
niggers should have never been citizens because they aren't people.
Its not a celebrating HOW he died.
Its a celebration that he is dead.
Yes I agree the cop shouldnt have done it the way he did.
But I am not going to pretend like his death is a tragedy.
It could have been a lighting strike, or a cop, or a fellow gangbanger.
A violent criminal is a violent criminal is a violent criminal. Regardless of the circumstances, the death of a violent criminal is ALWAYS a net benefit for society.
Something must be seriously wrong with you, if you can shed a tear over the death of a LITERAL VIOLENT CRIMINAL
>people should be murdered by cops for things they did in the past and/or being black
Good thing you retarded virgins don't write our laws.
I'm disturbed by the fact that non-criminal blacks that get wrongly killed by police don't get much coverage in the media and support from activists. It's always blacks with huge rap sheets and resisted arrest that get national attention.
This doesn’t even mention holding a pregnant woman at gunpoint
Niggers should always be murdered. All criminals are black
No no no no no
You are clearly misunderstanding their point.
YES what the cop did was wrong.
However, the death of criminal is a GOOD thing.
That doesn't mean its ok to just go out and kill criminals tho, since some mistakes could happen and innocent people could die. This is why we have courts, to prevent innocent people from being found guilty.
However, the death of a criminal is a good thing. Simple as.
Not Yea Forums
fuck off back to /pol/, retard
You know what's funny, google the Georrge Floyd Arrest Video, and watch him say "OOGA BOOGA I CANT BREATHE" ...., look it up.....10 minutes before anyone touches his super precious delicate fragile black pussy NECK......? What did he DIE of?
Even without the rap sheet, he was a big, scary-looking and obviously tweaked out dude. Being a limp-wristed and relaxed cop around that kinda dude is what'll get you shot or stabbed. Not saying he should've been kneeling on the dude's neck, but he wasn't the dude you wanna put kid gloves on for.
Even the trial against the officer didn't try to make the case that it was done intentionally. The police also didn't throw him on the ground and start kneeling all over him. The first 30 minutes of the encounter they were being as nice as could be and working with him more than they really ought to have instead of just throwing him in the squad car. When they finally got him into the squad car with enough gentle coaxing and pleading, that's when he kicked the other side of the car open and willingly put himself on the ground, saying out loud on camera "I'll stay on the ground!"
The reason you get a trial is so a cop on an ego trip can't kill you and claim you are anyone of those. If you don't think this can and would be used against you should you make a powerful enemy then you really are a boot licker.
The cop didn't murder him, faggot. Either way justice was served when St. Floyd took his last breath.
The reason we get trials is to prevent innocent people from going to jail/dying.
Its not to pander to criminals kek
Floyd's supporters don't actually see Floyd as a individual. They simply see Floyd's death as an attack on the black community and as a chess piece for their agenda. They never considered his criminal history. It fits with their overall worldview crime is simply a problem of society, not the individual, so the individual is free from blame for crime he/she commits.
go suck on niggercock and let ask the nigger to slit your throat while he ejaculates in your ass you fucking dumb motherfucker, kill yourself
Yeah keep telling yourself that
In a functioning society governed by the rule of law, criminals who are not committing violent acts should only be sentenced to death in a court of law and only for offenses that justify such a punishment. Floyd's death was a clear breach of that principle.
Doesn't justify kneeling on his neck, especially when he wasn't actively resisting.
It doesn't matter if it was intentional; Chauvin didn't follow procedure and an innocent man lost his life because of that.
You cant kill someone by kneeling on their neck. That's what's so crazy about the premeditated murder charge... the US Government says Chauvin tried to kill him but he used a commonplace technique that never killed anyone before... what a crazy ballsy reckless mad lad kind of intentional murder was that??
he died from ingesting massive amounts of fentanyl. he was a scumbag piece of shit who sold poison to his own people and held loaded firearms on pregnant black women while his homies robbed them. he was a blight upon his own race and was rightfully destroyed. maybe if he wasnt out selling drugs, committing crimes and resisting arrest for 20 minutes while he overdosed, he wouldnt have died. simple as.
people like him should NOT be walking the streets, fuck off niggerlover
Need a tissue?
Sick of cultural Marxism and the lying Jewish media?
Check out the radio show.
>Had corona
>Bad heart
>Out of his fucking mind on fentanyl
>The autopsies didn't so asphyxiation.
Get fucked nigger lover.
seems you're alone and you're the only one thinking that, cope and mald harder, pol is here to stay FAGGOT!
>innocent man
>Chauvin and his buddies convicted and sentenced to prison
Get fucked bootlicker.
>The reason you get a trial
He would have gotten a trial if he had accepted being arrested. Be honest, did you watch the body cam? Did you see the full encounter? Nobody was fucking with him. They asked him to get in the police car, he physically resisted and made every excuse for why he couldn't. "I'm claustraphobic!" They offered to roll the windows down for him. He finally gets lured into the car and then he bashes out the doors on the other side and jumps on the ground, at which point, half an hour into the encounter, he's physically detained as the police call for medical assistance to check him out, now assuming he's on drugs and behaving erratically.
The cops didn't walk up, throw him to the ground, and start choking him. Everything was by the book until Floyd complicated the situation himself. It's still tragic that he died, but the cops aren't villains in this case.
>Floyd's death was a clear breach of that principle.
However, given his rap sheet, and his character history.
Society is better off with him being dead. Therefore its a happy moment when he died, (it could have been a random act of nature, or a murder by a rival gang)
The death of a criminal scumbag is a net benefit, therefore a celebration.
That doesn't make it ok to just go out and kill every suspected criminal tho, since mistakes would happen and innocents would die in the process.
Cops didn't kill George Floyd but they 100% should have.
>another scum nigger returned eternally to the earth
seethe and cope niggerlover
george floyd died from fentanyl abuse
>and an innocent man lost his life because of that.
Innocent men are not affiliated with violent gangs
Innocent men don't rape women
Innocent men don't engage in violent home invasions
Innocent men don't sell drugs to teenagers
Innocent men don't use fake money
Floyd OD'd......
>Chauvin didn't follow procedure
As they showed in the trial, he did follow procedure. That technique was part of police training. When that came to light, they started saying "well he shouldn't have done it for so long" at which point came the argument that the crowd that had gathered, full of people threatening the officers, had changed the dynamics of the encounter and forced them to maintain their position
>It doesn't matter if it was intentional;
It does matter. Otherwise, there won't be a difference between manslaughter and murder and various degrees of them.
I hate him gor being a nigger and a criminal.
>one nigger dead
>one pig in jail
seems good to me, we're not the ones seething over Chauvin, we don't care, you whoever worship Floyd like a god, he wasn't a god, he was a drugged out nigger that got kneeled on and died from fentanyl abuse
Yeah, he was innocent. Everyone is until convicted in court. That's kind of a founding principle of our country. But I know you retards just want the government to kill anyone you don't like.
>It's still tragic that he died,
Stop it. Thats what they want.
it is irresponsible to pretend a scumbag like that dying, is not a celebration for society.
he overdosed, cope harder libtard
He was already convicted and found guild of many many other violent crimes. see OPs picrel
>is that a reason to kill him?
>is that a reason to be happy that he is dead?
100% yes.
Maybe so but that didn't stop your pet nigger from dying. Floyd's in hell and here you are simping for a fucking druggie online. The absolute state of seethe
>It doesn't matter if it was intentional
One is presented as a case of racist police brutality used to justify months of violent and destructive rioting and policy/funding reform that has led to a several-fold increase in homicides across the country, the other is a fucking accident caused by a combination of incompetence and miscommunication (Floyd was in fact on lethal drugs at the time and the first thing the cops asked him is if he was under the influence of any drugs, to which he said "no," delaying any medical help that could have saved him)
If a nigger is found guilty of home invasions 5 times (so it's likely many more) and points a "gat" at a pregnant "ho" to ask her "where da money at?!" then that ape is better off for society's purposes as a corpse of an ape.
Any questions?
If someone tries to assault me in the streets I'm going to pull my gun on them. If they persist, I'll drop them. Violent criminals deserve no mercy. Because they won't show you any. They reap what they sow.
keep up the seethe cuckboy
/pol/ really thought Chauvin was gonna win lmao