Admit it, you found it kinda funny

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Immediately drops the ring
It was kinda fun

the part where the nazi guy gets the jewess to be his personal sex slave is the hottest thing put to film

t. brainlets who can't into cinema

If all you get out of this movie is "hottest thing put to film", you should stick to your capeshit and leave actual films to the grownups.

i made out with my girlfriend during it

now watch The Night Porter

i liked the part where the dolphin jumps out of the water and squirts the bad guy in the face haha

its a great fictional fantasy.

There was one, Bitter Harvest. It sucked dick.

Well yeah, that's what makes it hilarious haha.

nope, didn't happen

This was based on a true story tho

You don't think it's funny that they gave him a thank you gift and he immediately dropped it?

>jews magically made 30 billion ukrainians disappear over 3 months
lmao wut

No. I don't care if you think you're being edgy, if there's one thing that pisses me off, it's people watching masterpieces the wrong way. It's like when idiots say the rape scene in Pulp Fiction was funny.

Why are Jews so transphobic bros?

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And there it is! Based and upvoted!

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Wow so LGBT were the nazis all along? We must remove it from our schools!

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agreed. most nazis were trans btw

Because its directed like a comedy
The pace and acting is comedic
The narrative follows a comedic flow with anticlimaxes and punchlines
Theres even complete comedy scenes in it

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Someone clearly dropped his spaghetti in front of a girl he liked

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You don't like Tarantino's first attempt at showing a buck breaking?

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Was i supposed to take it seriously?
>*jew dies

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If you weren't desensitized by Liveleak footage and Yea Forums gore threads then yes.

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It was funny when you look up that the real secretary guy was a prick who sold spots on the list and that these Jews essentially bought their way out of death thus making them the Jewiest Jews to live

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based nazi tranny poster

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Nazis are demons on earth unleashed. Its frightening that day by day we are moving closer to this kind of regime

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>he does it for free

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We get it Moshe you’re upset people laughed at your sacred cow movie. No need to (you) the entire thread with your homosexual obsession.

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Based JDF bumping the thread to the top of the catalogue

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nazi tranny bot never bumps. learn your board culture faggot

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This is unironically my favorite comedy

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