This made americans wheeze and piss their pants in 2016

>This made americans wheeze and piss their pants in 2016

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And it's still making magatards seethe.

I'd say it was a huge success tbqhwy

It's Brandon now.

>liberals are supposed to be the intellectuals
>hurr name funny hurr

My almonds are activated.

I hate brits.

>dead naming people we don't like is le good!

>conservatives are supposed to be the tuff guys who don't get triggered by petty bullshit

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Looking at the state of shit, this wasn't so petty after all.

This started because Trump and his followers kept calling Oliver's mentor Jon Liebowitz instead of his preferred name of Jon Stewart, so Oliver slapped back by pointing out Trump's family changed their name as well to sound less foreign.

Yet another case of glass jaw conservatives: able to make meanspirited jokes, but utterly unable to handle banter themselves.
You also now remember when conservatives tried to cancel culture the Dixie Chicks for saying George Bush had gross looking chicken legs, and then spent the next decade attacking democratic opponents on their appearance while also whining about cancel culture

"Rules for thee but for for me" should be the slogan of the GOP

living rent free in your deluded mind.


The left is never petty. They actively aim to destroy. They come off as petty because they aren't good at it.

Right, right, nothing bad could ever happen with daddy Donny running the country. I mean, it's not like he's a malignant narcissist who behaves like a bratty 10yo and lies through his teeth on a daily basis.

> senile retard runs the country into the ground
> orange man bad
Both are Israel worshipping mutts

John Oliver has rotten teeth and Jon Stewart is a jew pretending to be white

just what is the deal with drumpf?
he small hands tiny penis bad hair he fat and orange!
*laugh track*

I don't even understand why it's funny to one side and offensive to the other. Wow, his family name used to be spelled a little different. Big deal or something.

>senile retard runs the country into the ground
Explain to me how Joe Biden is running the country into the ground.

And be specific. Don't just say "inflation" or some shit like that. Break down exactly how Joe Biden has caused the problems we're facing.

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As I said both are kike bootlickers. Americans are doomed eitherway

You cannot handle banter at all lmao
cry seethe cope mald whine bitch

Isn't that deadnaming?
Don't trannies freak out about that kinda shit?

>americans pay a smarmy C-list british """"comedian"""" $250k/year to lecture them on how much of a shithole their country is

Attached: JO_Headshot-square.jpg (1056x1056, 403.83K)

> mald
We have a vaushite here ladies and gentlemen

We don't. Out of touch shareholders do.
I do my part by not watching television.

>Now it's adopted by right wing to make fun of libtards and their obsession with Trump

Leftists always get fucked

Becuase mutts are retarded

You have utterly failed to explain yourself
Retard or Russian shill?
Or are you a Russian shill for free?

It's extremely funny that the right wing acts as a direct propaganda mouthpiece for their once-sworn enemy entirely voluntarily because they've been duped into thinking it somehow owns the libs to suck off Putin

The liberal seething over 2016 is much funnier now after two years of a pandemic and an actual war breaking out

they are raiding the board as we speak, check the other threads

It's funny because Drumpf sounds like the name of a clown. Also, since Trump is as thin-skinned as any SJW, you know it triggered the hell out of him.

Personally I didn't find it all that funny, but I support any joke that makes Trump and his cult seethe.


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> Russian bootlicker because you hate kikes
What Reddit and twitch does to your brain. Slavs are mongoloids and leftists are tranny loving faggots


Here's a few things.

hbo costs that much?

Twitter takeover is driving them fucking apeshiit. I love it.

>we're not seething, you're seething
Nigger, you guys will be kvetching about the election being rigged (which it wasn't) for the rest of your white trashy lives.

The projection with you guys is unbelievable.


That doesn't explain shit.

You just posted a few executive orders.


Well, I can see you're possibly stupid as fuck because if you look at what the orders did you'd understand you stupid ass bitch.

Russian bootlicker because you lick Russian boots
It'd be more believable without the canned
>both sides bad so isolate and do nothing, cyka
phrases you seem unable to avoid
I assume they don't let you make a post that doesn't include a talking point of the day, however hard you have to inelegantly shoehorn it in?
>h-haha I hate Jews too, fellow based 4channers, so make sure to remember all your politicians are terrible and foreign policy is for chumps! America first, my esteemed American friends!

> what breadtube does to a mf
Death to Israel and its pet America

The funny thing is, the economy really isn't that bad right now.

Inflation is a bitch, but the job market is pretty good, GDP has grown, and the stock market is still doing pretty well. But go ahead and explain to me how and why things have become so much worse since Trump left office.

>And it's still making magatards seethe.
>I'd say it was a huge success tbqhwy
*if you start bitching about jews instead I'll pull out the other one.

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I really don't think you understand, user. I'm not going to entertain you. If you can't understand the long-term implications of just that little bit I posted, it's pointless. I'm not even a Trump supporter, I judge all the presidents on what they do in office.

trump was literally worse than the pandemic and the war.

um ok libtard. have sex lol?

True he was an Israel worshipping kike

the left:
>hahahahahaha trump's grandfather changed the spelling of his last name in the 1800's! omg this is important and we must talk about it
also the left:
>his name is Elliot, bigot, and the credits for his entire filmography must reflect that or else you are literally hitler!!

I have never more utterly and unequivocally BTFO (blown the fuck out).

user, do you know a single thing about Joe Biden? I'm not even taking up for Trump, I'm just saying of all the things you could possibly hold against him...

>I'm not even a Trump supporter, I judge all the presidents on what they do in office
I see no good reason to believe you.

This is how it always goes with partisan drones...
>"tell me how President not-your-team has destroyed the country"
>"Look at the GDP. Look at these executive orders I disagree with. Look at the stock market."
Even if things are going badly, most people can't explain why it's the President's fault because they (you) have a superficial knowledge of economics and how the government operates.

This lol. John Oliver is going to live rent free in their heads until the end of time.

>of all the things you could possibly hold against him...
there's really not much, which is why the right makes up so much of it.

Americans deserve their fate.
what we the rest of the world should be focusing on is decoupling our economies from them as they collapse because they will try to drag us all down with them when they do.

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rightoids deserve their fate. the progressive left deserves their own country and a happy future like Star Trek

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based as fuck. chuds are absolutely clueless at what jokes they are and it's hilarious

Based Oliver n Colbert living in their heads rent free to this day

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says a lot that I would unironically side with the CCP to kill leftists and liberals when world war 3 breaks out

You're illiterate or ESL. However, if you're actually taking up for Joe Biden, you don't know anything about him. He's been an active, office-holding politician for over 40 years user, you can look up his voting record and everything.

You are a fucking moron, dude. I just said I'm not going to entertain, I'm not getting into it. "I see no good reason to believe you" ok well go fuck yourself, you're just even more of an idiot.

>I would unironically side with the CCP to kill leftists and liberals
you have fallen for the chud propaganda i see.

> you have fallen for the chud propaganda i see.

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i dont care anymore i just hate you all for ruining everything good and fun in the world
time for debates and politics is over

if hes so bad then why does the right need to make up so much fake news about him???

Anglogermcucks and Russians are desperate to convince the world that they are not Asian but actually Europeans. But this has been determined to be....a LIE.

This simple revelation is the cause for all of their destruction and malice. Like a child acting out when it loses a game.

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