Truman Show 2

Truman Show 2

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everything about this screams late stage peak degeneracy. certified kino AF.

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Couldn't happen to a worse person.

I feel like he may deserve this for his past actions

Hold on I think I missed something.. what is going on with Andy Dick?

remember when tom green got shitfaced on IG live and passed out and then harlan williams came and woke him up

basketball American broke his jaw. now he circles further towards the drain sounding even funnier than ever before.

i hope jon lovitz swings by to deliver the coup de grace

he joined some guy’s ip2 livestream.
the guy keeps getting him drunk, barely lets him eat, and keeps him on that small cot.
also a few hours ago the guy pulled out a gun for a bit and seems like a loon.

What a strange world

I legit have zero sympathy for Andy Dick.

If the guy ever actually legit tried to get clean odds are good he would have been the comedy equivalent of Downey Jr's career.

He has tossed away so much and ripped people off and despite all that has friends willing to help him out on the condition he get clean and still won't make the effort.

Fucking junkie loser.

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is this a rehab method?

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So why doesn't he just leave?


>implied kidnapping
>coercion with a firearm involved
>livestreaming a crime in-progress for over half a day
i call bullshit, otherwise the authorities would have already busted this up

I’ve got a big announcement anons:
Edward Norton has been officially cast to play Andy Dick in the upcoming biopic about his personal & professional implosion

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Because he's a drug addled moron desperate for any attention and validation

To be fair the PD in wherever this is has probably dealt with enough of Andy's bullshit that unless they can no longer deny knowing about the situation they probably don't care to investigate.

it would be like the Beatles Let it Be rooftop concert of our generation.

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Wtf everything is collapsing. Even millionaire celebs are becoming unhinged, Alex Baldwin, Chris Rock, look at the Whitehouse right now. Everything is coming apart at the seams.
Wtf is going on??????

A bunch of emotionally stunted egomaniacs are being told no.

Meant for


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>Everything is collapsing
Surf the Kali Yuga with Christ

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Is he in Las Vegas? I've seen that flyer in the back everywhere in town. DJ Quik would be cool to see.

I hate this dude he groped my high
school crush

What if Phil faked his death all along to get revenge?

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>abandon children just to torture some degenerate faggot 25 years later

he sounds like a real Dick

>Andy Dick

Dick deserves it.

Agreed, I’m loving the end. Great time to be alive fellas, we will be like the peons in Rome that the history books only mention as statistics

Probably vegas. They likely think it's performance art shit and don't care because it's Andy fucking Dick and he's better off starving to death in a drunken hole than being outside causing real trouble.

All this stuff happened before retard it just wasn't livestreamed cause that didn't exist

Andy Dick is based, this is sick.

In general, faggot. Also the fact that it’s live-streamed makes a difference. Reign of Quantity and Signs of the Times.

If my wife were murdered I'd do the same.

The froggy timeline we're in is too much to handle

>get revenge even though Phil married a crackwhore
It’s weird how much Andy Dick gets blamed for that shit.

Sounds like things have gone from Sinbad to Sinworse.

Not really. He’s suffered his whole life.

Still not enough.

>just gets drunk and watches cable TV all day
Both horrifying and kind of comfy.

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sexy redhead desu
george is getting horny

she was the ugliest woman on the show. dave foley in a dress and wig is more attractive.

Froggy's silence was deafening. How could he leave his longtime friend twisting in the wind?

george is getting upset

>Joe Garrelli (Joe Rogan) is the station's street-smart electrician and handyman. He is notorious for his seemingly nonchalant approach to his profession. Believing that consumer products are "rip-offs", he is known to personally craft his own supplies (such as homemade duct tape) and gadgets for others around the office (among many a stun gun, a white noise machine and a two-way radio). He also espouses various conspiracy theories, particularly with regard to the government's suppression of information about extraterrestrial life.

yeah, if you check the dudes soundcloud he's base din las vegas

Dude had the Pres over and pulled a gun on him. Ax time incoming

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>yfw Andy gets axe murdered live on stream.

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Thats great, hope he suffers more

There's no way in hell a person alive could have predicted of that entire cast, Rogan would become a massive success.

>andy dick
>becoming unhinged
top kek

this paul simon music is comfy


Go nuts dude

Is "just send me 120 and maybe I can get outta here" the new "just venmo me a dollar"?

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He needs to meet groper next

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Someone should bring Andy Dick DVDs of Newsradio so we can all watch along. Bootlegs of The Assistant at the very least

george holds grudges!



so what's the end goal? be the streamer who facilitated andy dick's death?

>If Andy was a female someone would have called the cops by now

If it was anyone other than Andy Dick I think that would have happened.


>be the streamer who facilitated andy dick's death?

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Oh fuck yes.

Use Andy for donations. He put Andy’s PayPal on the stream but people are only donating to TTS and troll so all the money goes to him

aint that america

little pink houses for you and me

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