In Hollywood the jews allow pedophilia, gore, sex, anal sex, brutal sex...

In Hollywood the jews allow pedophilia, gore, sex, anal sex, brutal sex, murder and even necrophilia but they don't allow jews asking to murder Jesus Christ

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Because if they deny the later, it allows them to do the former.

Imagine 2,000 years later and you can't admit that the Rabbi your forefathers murdered was, indeed, the Messiah.

I liked how you can tell they are jews right away.

Some of them realized it when they saw God's new age of love take root in Rome and the rest of the empire. They had a brief period where they realised that THAT was supposed to happen to jews, and they went apeshit because they weren't the chosen people anymore. But up then jews decided to pretend it never happened and keep larping as the chosen people because it felt better than admitting their treason and blasphemy.

Why are Jews so transphobic bros?

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This is what happens when you free Barabbas.

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Forgive them, they know not what they do.
- Jesus

You have enemies? Good. That means you stood for something sometime in your life.
--Winston Churchill

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I am antisemitic in the sense that I hate the Jewish religion and its customs.
The people don't look too pleasant, either.

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Why are Jews so butthurt about this?

ye they bullied me for being trans too, sister

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It's the noses and the eyes. And ears and fingers and hair.

based nazi tranny bot thread destroyer

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He's just on his daily seethe. He's like Seth Rogan.

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They don't think it be like it is but it do

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>someone seethes this much to make a bot to spam

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Blame the Jew go ahead. His deeds are known to all.
But what does the Jew seek most?
Who feeds his wicked heart?
You fill his greedy maw with your lust for perversion and happily hand him his due for making it. Indeed, why should he ever cease to make filth when it is the feed of choice among his cattle?! Christian film is made each and every day; but you do not seek it out. Not once did you turn your face from the ghastly pale light of the late night pornography they gave you. And now your world is engulfed in it. Still you can turn away and starve him completely. But here you sit, resentful and weak, grumbling as you accept your bowl of filth. Damn yourself first, oh victim of the Jews

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What the fuck, is the "paid shill" meme actually real?

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>the tranny nazi fag is back

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Ironically, the more they try to derail harmless threads like this the more they confirm everything being said about them is true.

He only shows up when people are dunking on jews lmao. And he seethes about Palestinians too out of nowhere.

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you can't seethe about what doesn't exist

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>"His blood be on our heads and on the heads of our children!"

What did Mel mean by this?

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It's probably some jew commie tranny

It means kikes are responsible for his death

>me and the boys

That sounds like a bad thing. Why did they do it if they knew it was wrong?

all I learned from this thread are nazis were fags

>why did they do it if they knew it was wrong
because they are chosen

They still are.

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Holy shit, with a single sentence OP sent JIDF into overdrive

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>being anti semetic
>on the television and film board

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