He does have a point

He does have a point...

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that theres a generational gap? no fucking shit

Dobson is okay at drawing

>1.6B box office
I don't think he does

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>Andrew Dobson
I think he needs to bring back the CattyN alias and draw more inflation porn

What's really impressive is he thought this was ever really an issue when the fan divide/controversy had more to do with Snyder's directorial style. It's not like boomers see this premise and are utterly baffled and confused by the possibility.

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No he doesn't. They are allies, why would they fight? It makes you wonder why they would fight. It creates intrigue and gets people interested.

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Probably Dobson's one good comic

It's Batman v Superman, not Batman vs. Superman
Why is Dobson such a drooling retard?

Yeah he's not a bad artist even tho he apes anime, yet claims to despise it but the problem is that he's a giant ass.

Rainbow haired pony?

Checked but it's simple really
>Batman and Superman in one movie???
And there's your 1.6 billion.

You know it only made half that, right? Under a competent director it would have made 1.6bil

Did Son of Dob ever get in trouble for tracing the star wars characters?

ok he's just making shit up
his kind are the ones who are into that stuff

So why can't black people identify with white characters? where's their cinematic empathy?

Whatever happened to this fuck?

Niggers lack empathy.
It's why they'll shoot a pregnant woman with their two children in the car just so they can taker her cell phone.

His brother lost out on a promotion because of his internet infamy and he felt so ashamed he quit the internet

>he quit the internet
Man, he was a pretty good lolcow

Nobody really knows what happened to him tbqh.

he saved the movies

>Son of Dob

I agree

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i want to cut the throat of everyone that does shitty unfunny webcomics with basedfaces and furries like this.
i don´t even mind going to hell and i want to piss in your mouth for posting this too , but you would probably enjoy it.

Dobsman is an insecure narcissist, who desperately seeks admiration adn attention. He's fallen for the scam that if white males attack other white males they will be seen as good allies.

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>Dobson thread
>on Yea Forums

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lmao though that I was on Yea Forums for a moment

>Omg what a noble gentlemen defending my womanhood I want to date him now

His parents forced him to get a real job because his cartoon career wasn't bringing in enough money.

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Literally every board hates Dobson. Not just that, every website hates him. He’s such a wretched human.


My biggest source of fictional inspiration as a kid was a story of a dog gang fighting bears, I don't understand the argument

>black person
Psyop language.

How is that even a problem?
Wouldnt the natural reaction of clueless person be
>"Batman vs Superman? I wonder what caused them to fight each other"

>there are tumblrs dedicated to shitting on dobson still posting today

I don't even get it, what is Dob trying to say with this one?

Lmfao I like how the villain in this comic is some Chad instead of someone that looks like Dobson, or an Indian guy or something.

Are you not aware that dudebros were mocked for several years before the chad meme started going unironic?

doesn't/didn't dobson live with a girlfriend and I do think he works proper jobs and isn't a NEET
I don't know too much about him though

Remember when that guy sprayed Dobson in the face with water at some comic convention.

Yeah, by millennial sissies who got bullied by them.


Chads weren't bullies you sissy zoomer faggot.

it only needs more labels...

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some of the girls he drew are honestly pretty cute, shame that most of his work are of his blue bear self insert

Yeah, they didn't stuff millennials in trashcans like the movies, but they sure as hell mentally bullied them (mogged them) by existing.

Did this faggot think this was insightful or something? Wtf does it even mean?

>I'm putting together a team ...

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>51 replies
>no one has posted that Power Girl image

>Superman and Batman appear together on the big screen for the first time ever
>It doesn't make a billion

This is ironic right? There are so many layers to this comic

Man this film was terrible. Cavill and Affleck didn't deserve this.

he used to live with his ex but pretty sure she dumped him because he was an insufferable asshole

Wait hol up I thought it was empowering to be a woman and present your self like this. I cant keep up anymore

btw the only people who seethe about shit like this are fat fuck pieces of shit like Dobson not the people who made their own decision to actually dress up that eay

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it's remarkable that everything in this image seems to be designed specifically to upset me

Doesn't work anymore after the recent incident. His chad lolcow status has been revoked.

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The most unbelievable thing is that someone would actually talk to Dobson.

KEK I just realized what was going on in the comic.
Someone was asking for HIS autograph? FUCKING LOL who even is this guy???? I only know him from Yea Forums bevause if how cringe he is, or it or xhe or whatever he calls himself.