Why would you do that?

>Why would you do that?

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Spraying stuff in people's faces will always be a shitty thing to do. People even defended that fuckwit artist Dobson after some guy thought it would be funny to spray him with an unknown liquid at a convention.

how would tom cruise handle thanos?

>epicly "prank" someone
>two minutes later, you're the one crying

Absolute state of anglo*ds

>I can't believe you've done this

>You’re a jerk…
>YOU’RE A… You’re jerk!

Tom was right.

tom shouldve acted like it was acid and turned the tables on that fuckwit

Cruse was all about KSW. He put his ethics, used the technology, and shut down the SP.

Pic related

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Tom might be a scientologist psycho but he has based moments, this is one of them. Also this one too youtu.be/M-kIQe2LP7E

Because its fucking funny

Retaliate. Tit for tit

Attached: Oh n_.png (297x278, 113.3K)

Because we live in a society. There are no jobs, job interviews are stupid, time wasting, degrading experience, where HR wants to make it look like they have something to do. Managers are all jerks. Tom Cruise is just taking it as a vent for all the hatred that exists in this World as a result of Capitalism.

This is the most innocuous thing a psycho could do. Tom Cruise should be grateful he wasn’t shot down there.

This is why I came to Yea Forums tonight. Thanks user.

Literally because two people were "standing too close to each other". This isn't based

>OH N-

I think you mean that prankster is lucky there was a camera involved, otherwise Cruise would have gone full Patrick Bateman .

Can't believe people tried to act like Tom was the bad guy here, he was giving the dude an interview and he pulled that shit.

what was this person up to?

Attached: file.png (556x165, 98.46K)

About 5'1"


Tom Cruise is a nice guy so I have no idea why anyone would do this to him

He's got a strong personality but that is typical for cult leaders

Can't tell if autists or scientology shills. This is cringe. Tom's a weirdo. If the guy wasn't swarmed by his entourage he would've told him to stop crying.

The way Tom forced the prankster to confront his own bullshit was truly amazing. He had no malice when he did it either, it's impressive. Now he's able to do that because of scientology's psychotic training, you can Google it, basically they force you to do psychological straining activities to prepare you for fighting SPs.

scientology shill it is then

I can't tell if you're baiting or retarded. I literally called their practices psychotic. I'm just saying it explains why he behaves that way, positively (in this situation) and negatively (when he jumped on the couch and other insane shit he's done)

You just know Cruise hired black bull to rape sprayer's boipussi

>knows the lingo
>calls me retarded
>not a shill
There's nothing impressive about his disappointed dad act. Keep sucking that manlet's cock.

you are in fact retarded just for typing that out


>>knows the lingo
I know the lingo because I have an autistic obsession with scientology. I don't actually support scientology.

that guy is unironically an asshole, you didnt even refer to anything deeper than surface level knowledge of scientology

>the job of every single person who works for the production depends on people following safety protocols
>tom rips some chuckleheads who think they are too cool to follow rules to shreds
its based and youre a fucking loser

Yea Forums is a pro Tom board you silly little newfaggot, kill yourself.

tom handled this perfectly. guy learned a lesson.

desu even if I've heard of suppressive persons I would not refer to it as SPs

you are the textbook definition of SP. why do you behave this way?

>(when he jumped on the couch and other insane shit he's done)

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>jumped on the couch
are you telling me.. wait. no. youre saying tom cruise JUMPED ON A COUCH?! WHAT THE FUCK?!>!?!?!?!? WHAT A FUCKING FREAK LOCK HIM UP

Tom Cruise is a very high level pedophile and a massive supporter of globohomo, you hypocritical cunts. Wish someone would shoot him right in his stupid fucking pedo face.

>Tom Cruise is a very high level pedophile and a massive supporter of globohomo
you got a source for that chief?

Is he as powerful as Jimmy was, though?

Attached: fix it jimmy.jpg (1617x2048, 559.06K)

If that was true why did the mainstream media set him up in that one interview to make him look like a crazy loon.

>le proof
I'm not doing your very easy research for you, tourist
>dude the mainstream media making someone look bad means theyre not a pedo
It's called covering their asses. They did the same with Epstein, Saville, Jackson, Gibson etc.


Scientology isn't more powerful than the royal family pig

>He's got a strong personality
lol wat. he always acts like an alien mimicking human emotions. he is a perfect cult member though

>nooo my heckin favourite actor said based things he's also just the only A-lister still working who hasn't fucked kids noooo
Kys you hypocritical cunt. People like you are the reason they win.
>royal family
Ah yes the two most powerful organisations in the world, def not anyone more powerful who the media never reports on hmmmm. You're in denial, cunt.

keked but one time i was in NYC and some little shit of a kid sprayed me in the face with water. i was crossing the street and he was in the backseat of a car and sprayed me as they rolled by. drive by and bullseye. i did laugh at that though mostly because i was thankful it wasn't piss. context

you seethe uncontrollably about tom in every single thread he is mentioned in. why are you so obsessed? we all know who you are lol

tom has unironically obtained perfect tone 40 and confronting ability through hours upon hours of scientology training drills. he destroyed that sp

This is my first time posting. I'm sure there's a schizo posting in every thread there's certain recognisable posters but this is my first time expressing my hate for Tom. Honestly wouldnt hate him as much if he wasn't a pedo and you guys acted like he's 'one of the good ones'. Hint: after the vax, there are no good ones left. They died all last year.

Yea Forums is a pro cruise board please remember this as you continue to post thank you

oh by the way, I got aids from that water. still laughed though

>I'm sure there's a schizo posting in every thread
It's you, retard.
>everyone I don't like is a pedo and is gigavaxxed
Fuck off retard

uh source

nigger post proof or piss off

Nigga it ain't me, and not everyone I don't like, just everyone and I mean everyone in the entertainment industry
>asking for source instead of already having the FBI files Google drive
newfags, ngmi