>evidence arises of blood clots forming in the extremities after vaccination
>suddenly people start getting mysterious blood clots
>evidence arises of heart damage occurring after vaccination
>suddenly people start mysteriously dying of heart attacks
>evidence arises of reverse transcription occurring in liver cells after vaccination
>suddenly people start getting mysterious liver damage
I am legit starting to wonder if anyone will ever be held accountable for this.
Evidence arises of blood clots forming in the extremities after vaccination
I never got the vaccine, got Covid, and still didn't die. So why would I ever get it
>I am legit starting to wonder if anyone will ever be held accountable for this.
In 50 years and as a documentary, yes.
>ready to die
>still avoided the shot
Now I feel like an idiot.
You know the idiom (or whatever, ESL here)
>too big to fail
This is too big to blame
We have a saying in my country
>ends up in pizza
I never got a single vaccine and I still haven't contracted Covid. I've been waiting for it too.
Nah, almost every politicians and media outlet enforced the narrative to a T, also big pharma; and it's the globohomo plan after all
This won't be another thalidomide (not that many people know about even that)
Why do antivaxxers not understand that all off the 'vaccine side effects' are the REAL effects of covid itself? 99% of these cases are just covid effects.
>t. retard
So, what was the point of the vaccine then?
What movie are you talking about?
hey look more fear mongering.
Yea Forums is the Fox News of the Yea Forums boards.
Because you're supposed to.
Then why it's only vaxxed getting the side effects?
Enjoy your clot, retard.
it’s a new one i’m making called SAGE
Pretty much. The last few left with any hand in it will barely be alive and admit to it and face a slap on the wrist.
>>ends up in pizza
>Nah, almost every politicians and media outlet enforced the narrative to a T, also big pharma; and it's the globohomo plan after all
People said the same about Agent Orange, and that still got out. Same with the syphilis infections of Black Americans. These things always get leaked.
Reminder that /pol/ literally predicted there would be apocalyptic-tier shit hitting the fan last September
where were the mass public freakouts? where were the vaxxers forgetting what they're doing while driving? where was the vax-induced dementia?
I hate when I see other BRniggers in Yea Forums.
At least keep your nationality a secret like the rest of us you faggot
What ARE the side-effects of COVID? Sometimes they say it'll make you sterile, other times it will make your head blow up. Strange, the side-effects always seem to correlate with the demographic getting pushed to vaccinate.
shut up chud
Real schizo hours.
If anyone was dying from the vaccine the news would tell us.
Imagine being fine with your immune system becoming a subscription-based service. Which Pharma Package did you take? Did you remember to update your subscription? Oh no! You forgot to get your card updated, no dinner for you!
>If anyone was dying from the vaccine the news would tell us.
Nigga they tried to sell us the Ghost of Kiev.
>These things always get leaked
None of those things involved almost every single nation on earth giving full immunity to pharma companies to test experimental drugs on their citizens while paying them a fortune to do it.
The very existence of almost every world government hangs on this shit not being made public since it's them ignoring every single thing they should have done to protect their citizens.
It will never get out even if they have to kill dozens of millions of people to keep it a secret
>no dinner
[chest freezers full of legally hunted, slaughtered, dressed and butchered venison]
I guess as long you can remember that one schizo on /pol/ predicting an obvious falsehood you can ignore everything else.
Must be nice
Yea Forums is literally "the unpopular opinion is the smart one just because it's unpopular" the site. Never change, retards.
>I am legit starting to wonder if anyone will ever be held accountable for this
they're going to get some award, like protector of zion.
That doesn't answer my question.
Because they’re fucking morons.
Unvaxxed here. Caught covid once in 2020 and then nothing since. This has been the case for every unvaxxed I know.
Meanwhile fucking everybody who has these shots is constantly getting sick and feeling like shit.
Inb4 >muh anecdotal
Fuck off nigger. The last two years has been a propaganda campaign to gaslight everyone and convince not to trust their own eyes.
you will eventually be forced to take the vax if you want to participate in society anyway
so I don't have to waste my time arguing with you
or you can die for all I care
>experts say that a study suggests that there is evidence that might correlate to "thing"
>ZOMG science says this are you anti-science?!
Utterly and autistically obsessed
>work at nursing home
>work in covid wing
>hope it kills me
>don't even catch it
>get vaccine
>hope it kills me
>two more shots
>symptoms very mild at best
>doesn't kill me
>no health complications at all
What the fuck am I supposed to do to die around here? Am I invincible? Give it to someone else.
user, I...
bro why do you care so much about other people? don't get the vax and shut up, let people die or whatever you think happens. go live your life, stop thinking about what others do.
just find a tall building lmao
I'm not convinced that I wouldn't just walk away from it.
>get vaccine for number of reasons
>all good in the hood for a year
>get covid last week
Well now I just feel foolish. At least I can start to taste again.
That still doesnt answer my question.
If you claim that these mysterious side effects are not from the vaccine but from the virus itself, what was the point of the vaccine?
>Meanwhile fucking everybody who has these shots is constantly getting sick and feeling like shit.
im in medic school ,everyone here got 4 shots, no one has a problem
honestly if i wasnt required to be fully vaccinated to attend my practices i wouldnt really care about the vaccine at the end of the day its just a bigger flu nothing much to care really
but i have seen a lot of people that got covid and endup with lasting damage to their lungs (this was in the hospital so that is anecdotic)
Better inoculate yourself with an Ivermectin and bleach cocktail.
It's just winter vagina
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Genelets all around btfo with covid
>get covid, die
>get vaccine, die
>do nothing, die
Meanwhile the vaccine made me stronger and I have been in close contact with a covid case and have not got it once since my vaccine efficacy weaned off
i have 3 vaccines and got covid the other month, it was literally just me coffing a lot, didnt even feel that bad, didnt get fever, got better in like 5 days
dunno if the vaccine helped at all or if covid is a joke
>or if covid is a joke
if you're under 70 and not a fat fuck it is a joke
>you will eventually be forced to take the vax if you want to participate in society anyway
Really? The mandates are already disappearing.
Same, I had a fever of 100.8 for a few hours but the main thing was sore throat and congestion like a normal cold.
>lalala im sticking my head in the sand only nazis disagree with me lalala
Fuck off.
I partcipate just fine withou the vax, lol.
>bro why do you care so much about other people?
Because those people want to turn me into a leper for not getting their vaccine.
Why are globalists so evil bros? Literal children are getting sick, this is terrible.
>covid goes throufh whole family
>me (novax) gets sick for two days
>vaxed family gets hit much harder
>many of them had flu-like symptoms from the vax already
I wonder if they ever felt stupid.
good luck ever leaving the country or getting a job at a real company
no vax, felt like a mild cold, better in a day. Vax does nothing.
if I knew their plan was killing zoomers I would have been a vaxxfag myself
for once I'm all in this globohomo plan
They should turn you into a leper, not because of your refusal to get the vaccine, but because you're a retarded asshole.
Warm regards,
but you clearly have brain damage now
Yeah and THIS time they'll be gone for good unlike summer 2020 and summer 2021 this summer they're gone for good I believe in our government.
>good luck ever leaving the country
In this economy? Hah!
>getting a job at a real company
Like the Federal Post Office?
you're a social reject either way, you're never going to find happiness. stop blaming the vaccines and stop obsessing over others.
cope sheep
Take it to /pol/.
see? you can only talk in buzzwords. brain damage from having covid unvaccinated.
still better than being mentally ill tranny like your self
the mandates are never going away
the vaccine pass is not even a conspiracy theory there are companies working with the UN so it gets implemented like real passports were during WW1
if you think you will be able to get ANYTHING done in the next few years without a vaccine you are a lunatic
>even when I empirically observe things to be true, they aren't unless I have a specific title
>if anyone will ever be held accountable for this.
They will place all blame on J&J
Had 2 shots and I'm fine some people are just physically weak
>only 2 shots
what a weakling, I've gotten 7 shots now and I feel like a super hero
>2 shots
Why do you hate science?
You need to boosted
I caught covid had it for a day mainly consisted of having a bad headache and a not so bad cough and this is meant to be this deadly disease that kills millions lol
why would you get the shots, dumb faggot? are you mentally weak?