Klaus Kinski just replaced the lead actor of the last movie you watched. How does it change?

Klaus Kinski just replaced the lead actor of the last movie you watched. How does it change?

In the unlikely event he was already the lead, he merely duplicates and it now has two leads played by him.

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>Premature Burial (1961) by Roger Corman
Also he's going to try to fuck Hazel Court on set, and I cannot blame him.

>pineapple express
god I wish it had been Kinski instead of Seth Rogan

Kinski plays Jesus in passion of the Christ. Might actually be incredible casting

Paris Texas

Klaus Kinski is Mr. Incredible

I watched Stand By Me last, so it's just Kinski hanging out with a bunch of kids lol.


>Nights of Cabiria
I'm definitely all for seeing Klaus playing a resilient, semi-confident Italian prostitute as she faces numerous episodes of disappointment and abuse.

>The East
Goes from dogshit to kino

There would be no discernable difference in weirdness.

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>he merely duplicates and it now has two leads played by him.
I think two Kinskis would definitely result in Herzog shooting at least one of them dead

>Paddington 2
>hangs out in an attic.
Not too different really.

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>The Wolf of Wall Street
It doesn't get made. Production is shut down because the havoc Kinski creates on set is somehow even worse than what they were trying to portray, eventually derailing the entire project. Ten years later all the footage and behind-the-scenes material is edited into a feature-length documentary.

>Something Wild (1986)

Entitled The Fiend of Wall Street

funny games

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Seven Psychopaths

This is literally the last movie I watched, so nothing much changes

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he was a genius

If in The Crimes of Grindelwald he plays Grindelwald, then that might actually be kino.

i'm sick of the character but he'd make an interesting and terrifying joker

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but who would play his batman?

dude, it was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows, we're in for a treat!

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Herzog obviously

It becomes significantly uglier

>Censor (2021)
Shit just got kinskian.

Who was the main character in Nashville?

>kinski replaces all of them
>and sings the songs

>Red Rocket
Absolute kino

>The Darjeeling Limited
Which one does he replace?

kek worth it to not have to listen to Sueleen Gay

Except there's now two Kinskis

>Kinski throws a screaming fit at Kinski
>Indians ask Kinski if he wants them to kill Kinski for him

>Apocalypse Now
Willard goes native, because the jungle is just that erotical


>One that kills, and one that loves

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It was The In-Laws with Peter Falk and Alan Arkin.

Not sure who he replaces.

Kinski always makes movies better. What I want to know are good movies that would turn to shit because of Kinski.

>No, Kinski needs Kinski to finish Kinski's movie

>Batman Forever
Well that's something

>Twin Peaks/Fire Walk With Me
Witnessing Kinski's final few days as a high school sweetheart bouncing between men and doing copious amounts of cocaine before meeting a violent end would be something else.

All three

I could take him as Laura Palmer but i think Kinski Cooper could be more kino

>gone girl

he absolutely kills her

Poor Bob wouldn't stand a chance

>Klaus Kinski as William Wallace in Braveheart
Unironically kino.

>Klaus Kinski just replaced the lead actor of the last movie you watched. How does it change?
Harry Potter rapes Ginny & beats Snape half to death in the movie. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

Looks like kino is back on the menu

>Klaus Kinski is Lou Gehrig

Fuck, I couldn't stop laughing.

well if we allow that pennywise is the lead of It (1990), then that would be an interesting substitution.

>mein freund, behold mine dead lights. ze souls, zey float. zey all float.

>Klaus Kinski is Ronald Miller in Can't Buy Me Love (1987)
Ronald Miller would be significantly less nebbish

>Klaus Kinski as Ray Croc in the Founder
wtf i like ray croc now?

imagine this guy as batman instead

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Dude, he would have killed her the first time she talked back to him. There would have been no opportunity for her to even come up with her retarded plan.

>many saints of newark
i just cant see kinski growing up to become tony soprano

He rapes Catwoman when they first meet. She was grinding up against him, so that made her fair game.

Doesn't visit Alfred in the hospital.

Probably decides that Riddler is right and co-ops his "movement".

I just watched The Human Centipede. Holy crap Kinski would make it so kino.

The last movie I watched was Aguirre the Wrath of God.
>it now has two leads played by him
You mean he plays one of the other roles? Regardless, If there were two Kinskis in this one film, they'd probably wind up dueling to the death on the raft at the end of the movie after everyone else had died.

>Crash 1996

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ATHF colon the movie