This would have made a billion, easily.
This would have made a billion, easily
a boobillion
only seen her in baywatch and she sucked
She should have been lois
good suck?
What are you talking about, it made perfect sense to cast a 6/10 twig for a warrior character that supposed to be top 3 in hotness in the world
I was going to say that she can't act but fucking hell, Gal can't act either, and Alex might actually be a better actor than Gal after all
Decent choice but she doesn't have that statuesque beauty WW is supposed to have.
Gadot doesn't either.
should’ve cast jamie lee curtis instead i agree
Daddario is gorgeous and the right build for WW but I think she would make a better villain.
this is the only casting choice that could have brought in a billion dollars
wtf does she have if not "statuesque beauty"
Works better for Zatanna who I always found hotter than WW anyway
She is the practically the same build as Lynda Carter was in the second season.
Can't be worse than jew jewdot
Wonder Woman should look like this. Yes, she is a mega-jew...
But the average Greek athletic female looks like this. Your choice.
Scouter breakingly beautiful.
OP is absolutely right tho, alexandra daddario is best wonder woman
If she were WW, it would be a darker WW than the Lynda Carter one.
she didn't need that makeup
a walking Goddess
So long as she doesn't smile, yeah.
Would have been too perfect, we aren't allowed to have anything good anymore
>average Greek athletic female
i want to be their pussy licking slave
Shes old and busted now. No.
Daddario is only 36 and looks much younger.
My exact thought.
Fucking. This. God, my disk would literally explode.
Give her blue eyes and I think it'd be spot on
since when do whores advertise their body count
This was Baywatch.
Her character was competing to join the team. They had numbers to Identify the contestants.
the bitch can't act
trips wasted on an insanely retarded take
a billion sperms erupt from my penis
the power of christ compels you
Would rather see her as Zatanna
She looks like the female Joe Lauzon, something about the eyes.
it's the only hope
Why are soys OK with ugly actresses who can't act but hate attractive actresses who can't act?
Gayest poster on Yea Forums
Sorry DC losers, this was peak Wonder Woman and you'll never match or surpass this level of kino casting.
>Verification not required.
what a fucking uggo. what's your problem? at least pick a good looking bug.
and gadot was good in....????
>cast a supermodel to play Wonder Woman
>picks one that looks nothing like Wonder Woman
Wtf was Snyder thinking?
you'll have to elaborate there young man
where can i watch related kino?
greece is white??? wtf
>32 is a high number
Go get pussy
She always looks angry.
That’s a man
I say 900000, bitch is as bad as gadot but with tits
Subhuman baboons belong in zoos
I guarantee you her body count is way higher than 32. Not even a chad but I have a young DiCaprio thing going on and even I can manage about a girl a week if I'm really going for it. Attractive women body counts are in the hundreds.
Her ass is mournful