Other than revenue and politics, why did they greenlight this show in the first place?

other than revenue and politics, why did they greenlight this show in the first place?

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=tulsa mass graves

What a stupid question. Because there was a good idea and script they wanted to make. It's the second best show ever made after LOST. Keep up chud.

Rorshach became associated with 'the alt right' so they wanted to destroy him.

Why did Regina Kings son kill himself?

if it was so good why didn't they make a second season?

Wasn't Snyder attached to it at some point?

ESG imaginary points. As far as ratings go it flopped and the black woman and her husband in the series are both horrible actors

Because the story ended. All the villains died and all the character arcs closed.

someday, I will achieve ultimate troll levels like this, someday...

Rorshach wasn't in the show.

It didn't flop. It was tremendously popular.

The show ends definitively with an ending that asks the viewer to come to their own conclusion, just like the comic

Thank god he wasn't because the show is better than anything Hack Snyder put together in his adaptation.

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Because ashkenazi jews are genetically predisposed to schizophrenia

Because racism exists.

HBO had been trying to develop a Watchmen show for years, Snyder was involved to EP during the early 10s but by the time Lindelof was on board Snyder was long gone

You've answered your own question, dickhead

>Rorshach wasn't in the show.
You're either incredibly fucking stupid or you're a really low effort troll. Which is it.

to crush and warp the childhood minds of men that never grew up

I liked it
You didn't watch it I assume?
Having some ambiguity with the ending doesn't mean that they were planning another season

Go back.

Yeah I wanna know also know why you post this in every thread

Rorshach died in the 1980s.

The show is extremely bad and also very gay but this isn't a great point to make since awesome stuff like Dark Crystal somehow didn't get renewed for instance. All you really need to do is say lines from the show like "i can smell white supremancy and it smells like bleach" and she says that like 2 or 3 times because they think its clever or something

All the title credits are kino in this show.

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It flopped. Do a little research before talking about things you know nothing about.

because I don’t know why

The Reznor/Ross soundtrack is kino worthy too

I'll go back. To fucking your whore of a mother, you dumb question asking son of a bitch.

I preferred it to the film desu

It objectively didn't flop. HBO was begging Damon Lindelof to write a second season but he wouldn't.

They released it before the anniversary of the razing if Tulsa's "Black Wall Street" as part of a way to reintroduce it as a sort of Holocaust of American Blacks.

For sure. It sets the mood and mystery so well. Especially at the start when you don't know where Dr. Manhattan is.

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That's the only reason though...

Yep and they used blogposts as "evidence" and changed Wikipedia like they always do around things like this to make it seem like what really happened.

They found the mass graves of the Tulsa Massacre victims, user.

Except it did flop.

Only in your head

Damn you chuds really are going hard on retardation these days

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I really liked, but the two last episodes dropped the ball a lot. Still a solid show.

Yes, victims, as in killed by whites in a race massacre and dumped in a mass grave.

You could ask the same about why they had to make comics based on watchmen like before watchmen
I doubt there's some conspiracy to torture Alan Moore, they just do it because they think they'll make money, never questioning whether they should actually do it or not

>If the City finds mass graves that can be directly associated with the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, the City of Tulsa with the help of the Public Oversight Committee, must determine next steps as it relates to storing remains, DNA testing and genealogical research, and commemorating the gravesites and honoring the remains.
>If the City finds mass graves

Afraid not.
>start fight
>lose fight

Last two episodes are amazing though. The whole revelation of where Dr Manhattan is and where Veidt is amazing.

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honestly every adaptation is worse than the other and the only notable watchman material is the original one by more.
even the znyder adaptation wasn't as good and it's a graphic novel ffs.

The photos of the mass graves are at the bottom of the page, user.

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Oh, for Veidt definitely, yes. The Manhattan twist is good too but doesn't make a lot of sense, even if the show spent a lot of time trying to justify it. And how it all ends with Dr Manhattan dying... Nah, I didn't like that part at all. The last scene is great, though.

In reality.
>averaged 750k
>never broke a million
>over 140 million households are subscribed to HBO
Those are terrible numbers.

>Dr Manhattan living out on Europa making clones of some random couple he knew for a day as a child

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Good revisionism.

The show is a great sequel to the original; way better than Hack Snyder's adaptation. Also I think the show manages to be just as important as the comic in the way it deals with its subject matter. The whole Hooded Justice storyline is a good way to reiterate the original Watchmen point about vigilantism while also underscoring a piece of the puzzle (e.g. systemic racism and corruption) that I think Alan Moore missed a lot of opportunities for in his comic. That's why I consider the HBO show on the same level as the original comics.

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Those are great numbers. You obviously don't know what you are talking about.
>TV Ratings: HBO’s ‘Watchmen’ Is a Word-of-Mouth Hit

No, you all are modern day nigger worshippers and you put your weird fetish focus on the past. For example, if a white man and a black man were whipped on the same day for the same crime you'd only bring up that a black man was whipped. I've seen the exact same sites you idiots use to "learn". They crop out historical photos that even have white criminals in next to the black. You guys have such little examples of things you have to literally make up white supremacy, like Smolett, and ignore the multitude of black racism like the recent shooter. Just go kill yourself.

>G.E.D. Detroit

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What's it like being a far right extremist? Does it hurt?

Proof that you can't even read the website you presented. Proof that you are a faggot that wastes time. Bye

You're retarded.
>After no evidence of human remains were found in the City’s first test excavation in the Sexton area at Oaklawn Cemetery in July 2020, at least 12 coffins were found in the Original 18 site in October 2020, which is located adjacent to two 1921 Race Massacre headstones in the historical African American section of the Potters Field.

>Since the discovery of those remains, the City has met extensively with the Public Oversight Committee to determine next steps. On June 1, 2021, the City and its partners at the University of Oklahoma will start the exhumation process, which could take several weeks to several months.

if anything the znyder one managed to be preachy and fun to watch. the tv show is just preachy minus the fun

>"i can smell white supremancy and it smells like bleach"
That's a retarded line, regardless of your opinion on race.
>I can smell BLM and it smells like shit
Still retarded, right? The writing of this show is trash.

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Ah the truth is far right extremist now? No wonder you guys have your my little pony panties twisted over the potential elon takeover

>it didn't do Game of Thrones numbers in its live viewings so it flopped

Succession does half those numbers and was basically HBO's flagship show until Euphoria exploded in popularity. And no way in hell are there 140 million households in the US subscribed to HBO lmao

You alternative facts were never true.

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good point.

Thats not a mass grave you lying faggot and thats not even the picture

Stop embarrassing yourself, dummy

Jesus Christ user do you think they made it up?
google.com/search?q=tulsa mass graves

Done taking a shit so get back to your normal botting

Damn you sound mad

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Maybe if you repeat the false claim enough a dumb boomer somewhere will believe you.

You guys are making me not want to watch Lost again anymore

>this horribly biased website is proof it was a success; your actual hard numbers mean nothing
I'm sorry, shills; your jewish propaganda show was a flop. If it was the raging success you claim it is then we'd be on at least season 4 by now.

You're both fucking retarded and the reason we can't have nice things.
What has hating an entire race of people ever got you? You're going to be dead in about 60 years--use your time more wisely.
You're a patsy for corporatism being played by vapid neolibtard snobs who don't actually give a fuck about you. Your beliefs aren't your own and you're weak and pathetic. You know that sense of moral superiority you feel? You got it from watching HBO, retard.
Both of you just need to shut the fuck up.

cope more chud. LOST is and always will be the greatest show ever made and Watchmen is second.

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i just like how dishonest both the shills and the people who hate the show are. waste of breath

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Nice bait I ain’t hungrie

The show was fucking terrible, Manhattan looked like shit and fell in love with an ugly bitch, Glass had a cool episode then disappears from the show, white = bad.. no thanks

lmao cope chud

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To wreck Alan Moore's legacy for being an old school commie and not the current day leftist.

>bro just get an HBO deal and millions of dollars in funding

didn't you get the memo? you are bad and you should feel bad about yourself for what your ancestors did to all PoCs
uhhh.. you can't criticize any work of art, don't like it? write your own show mkay?

Alan Moore got rekt by this show because it did as good of a job if not better in telling the same themes as the original Watchmen (which was already a big ripoff of Atlas Shrugged in many ways) but making it even more concise and astute. Alan Moore was afraid of touching the subject of racism. The HBO show attacks it head on.

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